ISLAND CHAIN OF LAKES MGNT DIST: Island Chain O Lakes Water Quality Monitoring & Analysis
1) Conduct water quality monitoring as specified in the application. 2) Collect and analyze 5 inflow samples as described in the application.3) Conduct a synoptic bacterial survey as specified in the application. 4) Summarize water quality information and evaluate lake's trophic status. 5) Develop technical report analyzing water quality and trophic status, and develop non-technical report summarizing information for the public. 6) Disseminate information to the public through newsletter mailings, public meetings, and summary and entire report mailings.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
LPL-061 (6004-1)
Year Started
- Informational Meetings
- Data analysis, report production
- Develop/Distribute Newsletter
- Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Final Report and Products
People/Organizations Involved
Island Chain Of Lakes Management District