BEAR LAKE PROTECTION & REHABILITATION DIST: Bear Lake Sedimentation, Fishery, & Septic Surveys
Conduct a fish survey in the spring after ice-out and conduct a summer shoreline seining survey. Both surveys will be conducted according to methods described in the Project Description attached to the application. Produce an underwater video that showslake conditions in spring, summer, fall and winter; shows presence or absence of walleyes on spawning beds in April; and documents water clarity and macrophytes. Conduct a septic leachate survey as described in the Project Description attached to the application. Produce a map of potential groundwater inflow areas. Conduct a sedimentation survey as described in the Project Description. Produce a final report that includes a summary and analysis of data on the fisheries, septic leachate and sedimentation surveys. Alternatives for future projects, ways to implement them, and their costs will also be in the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletters, video programs, local newspaper articles and public meetings. Project results will be reposited at Town of Hazelhurst Town Hall and District Secretary Lake Resident.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
LPL-081 (8011-02)
Year Started
- Informational Meetings
- Issue News/Media Release
- Develop/Distribute Newsletter
- Monitor Fish Community
Final Report and Products
People/Organizations Involved
Bear Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District