Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts

LONG AND BASS LAKE ASSOCIATION: Long and Bass Lake Planning Grant

1. Continue to develop and execute a quarterly association newsletter to promote association membership, leadership, education, and lake planning activities. 2. Develop flyers to promote lake association events and activities and develop reports to communicate lake management activities. 3. Send three delegates to the annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention during 1996-1999. 4. Prepare a final report including the results of the above tasks. 5. Disseminate project results to the public by newsletter mailing and summary report mailings.

Project Type LAKE_GRANT - Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID LPL-315
Year Started 1995


  • Develop/Distribute Newsletter

Final Report and Products

People/Organizations Involved

  • Long & Bass Lake Association