UPPER TURTLE LAKE ASSOCIATION: Upper Turtle Lake Management Plan Project
The Upper Turtle Lake Association will conduct a comprehensive study of Upper Turtle Lake and its' watershed in Barron County. Activities involved in this study include; a watershed soil analysis and runoff sampling, a shoreline septic leachate survey, a shoreline habitat survey, a wildlife survey, lake water quality monitoring, a macrophyte survey, lake resident survey, watershed land use analysis and nutrient budget modeling, development of an information and education program, and the preparation of a comprehensive Lake Management Plan for Upper Turtle Lake. Specific deliverables for this project include copies of the final comprehensive plan and project report including survey results, and the non-technical summary report in newsletter format. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
Year Started
- Lakes Planning Grant
- Informational Meetings
- Comprehensive Planning Studies
- Issue News/Media Release
- Water Quality Modeling
- Develop/Distribute Newsletter
- Information and Education
- Watershed Mapping or Assessment
- Runoff Evaluation
- Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
- Lake Management Plan Development
- Conduct Survey of Residents
- Nutrient Budget Development
Final Report and Products
People/Organizations Involved
Upper Turtle Lake Association