TOWN OF CAREY: Gile Flowage Watershed Comprehensive Plan, Phase II
The Town of Cary will sponsor Phase II of the Gile Flowage Watershed Comprehensive Plan project. The goal of phase II is to collect and analyze biological, physical, and chemical information about the Gile Flowage for incorporation into a watershed scale lake management plan to be integrated into the Towns of Carey and Pence' comprehensive land use plans. This phase will continue collaborations between the Towns of Carey and Pence (incorporation of watershed plan into land use plans), Friends of the Gile Flowage Association (assistance in public outreach regarding phase II plan and help with monitoring), Ashland Bayfield Douglas Iron County Land and Water Conservation Dept. (public shoreland restoration workshop), and UW-Extension (help in publication of Flowage Assn. newsletters). Activities include; collection and analysis of water quality data, collection and analysis of biological information, collection and analysis of applicable mercury data including sediment sampling and low level water column samples or fish tissue samples, train FOG Flowage Association volunteers in water quality monitoring, develop maps locating areas of interest within the Flowage (including water quality monitoring sites, biological and terrestrial sampling sites, high-risk erosion sites, cultural and historical sites, and locations of exotic species) for incorporation into Town planning maps, conduct a shoreland restoration public education workshop, implement a public outreach plan, incorporate recommendations from phases I and II into a Comprehensive Gile Flowage Watershed Plan to be incorporated into smart growth planning by the Towns of Carey and Pence. A final report (electronic and hard copy) including maps, educational materials and Comprehensive Plan, will be prepared and given to the DNR, the Friends of Gile Flowage Assn., and other interested agencies and governing bodies. The report will also be released through local media.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
Year Started
- Comprehensive Planning Studies
- Dam Safety or Removal
- Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
- Issue News/Media Release
- Develop/Distribute Newsletter
- Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
- Engage Volunteers in Monitoring/Restoration
- Lakes Planning Grant
- Monitor Fish Tissue
- Informational Meetings
- Project Deliverable
- Train Volunteers
- Information and Education
Final Report and Products