CITY OF NEW LISBON: New Lisbon Lake Culvert Install. Feasibility Study
Perform a feasibility study to determine the impact of installing five 60 inch culverts on New Lisbon Lake as part of the interstate reconstruction. 1. Conduct an hydrology evaluation to predict flow patterns before and after installation of culverts. 2. Perform a water quality analysis. 3. Predict impact of water characteristics in the lake section to be reconnected as it flushes into the main body of the lake. 4. Study will be conducted on a mass balance basis and consider the effects on algal populations, sedimentation , and recreational uses. 5. Prepare a final report on the results of the above tasks. 6. Disseminate information on the project results to the public by fact sheet, public meeting, and newspaper article.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
Year Started
- Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
- Issue News/Media Release
- Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
- Informational Meetings