Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts

WASHBURN COUNTY: ACQ-Hallstrom Woods Property Acquisition

Washburn County is proposing to purchase a parcel of land called "Hallstrom Woods". The parcel completely encompasses the frontage and access of a 44.5 acre wild lake and several wetlands in addition to a majority of the upland watershed for the lake. The property is approximately 596 acres in size and is presently owned by the Izaak Walton League. The property will be entered into the County Forest Law program and managed in accordance with guideline established in the Ten-Year Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Washburn County Forests.

Washburn County must comply with the conditions of the "Ten-Year Comprehensive Land Use Plan" for this property as listed in the project description as attached to the Project Application (Form 8700-240) for this Lake Protection Grant. A deed restriction including the following language must be inserted in the deed:

By acceptance of this deed, the sponsor, for itself and its successors and assigns, hereby covenants and agrees not to sell, lease, assign or mortgage the premises herein described without the prior written approval of the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources, his designee, or any successor and the rights herein conveyed are subject to the interests of the State under the lake management grant program, s. 281.69 & 281.71, Statues., and NR 191 Wis. Admin. Code.

Property Legal Description:

All of section 15, lying west of County Trunk Highway "F" and south of State Trunk Highway 77, excepting the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Lot 1 of Washburn County Certified Survey Map Number 2570, and that parcel described in Volume 74, Page 323 of the Washburn County Register of Deeds Office, all located in Section 15, Township 41 North, Range 13 West, Washburn County, Wisconsin.

Project Type LAKE_GRANT - Lake Protection Grant
Project ID LPT-186-02
Year Started 2001


  • Land Acquisition
  • Land Acquisition