LAKE ALTOONA P & R DISTRICT: Lake Altoona/Eau Claire River Sedimentation Study-Phase 1
1) Develop HEC-2 model of the Eau Claire River upstream and downstream of the proposed sediment trap. 2) Develop a conceptual plan for boat channel and sediment trap. 3) Evaluate dredge spoil sites for suitability. 4) Conduct Eau Claire River sediment coring and analyses. 5) Disseminate information to the public by newsletter, local newpaper, public meetings, and radio or tv spots.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
LPL-160 (3011-01)
Year Started
- Informational Meetings
- Develop/Distribute Newsletter
- Dredging
- Issue News/Media Release
- Water Quality Modeling
People/Organizations Involved
Lake Altoona Rehabilitation & Protection District