Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts

TOWN OF SPIDER LAKE: AIS Inspection on Spider Lake

The Town of Spider Lake is sponsoring a continuing AIS prevention education project which includes a boat inspection program at the public boat landing; educating boaters about AIS prevention; creating a localized AIS brochure; distribution of AIS educational materials to boaters & lake visitors; construction of a shelter for boat landing inspectors. The Spider Lake Association will hire staff to provide training, scheduling, and overseeing of paid and volunteer workers.

Project Type AIS_GRANT - Aquatic Invasives Education
Project ID AEPP-067-07
Year Started 2007


  • Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
  • Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters