Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts

BALSAM LAKE P & R DISTRICT: RES-Waterfront Runoff Program

Balsam Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District is initiating a lakewide shoreline restoration and waterfront runoff control program. Technical assistance, including landscaper and volunteer training and compliance/certification visits; shoreline restoration, rain garden, and infiltration pit/trench demonstration sites; promotion and education; and incentive payments are included in the program. All enrolled shoreline restoration parcels require a Department approved restrictive covenant that permanently establishes the vegetative buffer on the parcel. Restorations will follow standards set forth in NR 191.24(3) unless mutually agreed to in writing with the regional lake coordinator before implementation occurs. The program also includes runoff BMPs such as rain gardens and infiltration trenches. Maintenance, operation, and protection will be specified in a ten-year contract for each BMP site. The Department may perform site inspection and/or monitoring. Project deliverables include: final shoreline restoration plans/maps for sites where implementation is funded by the grant; pre/post photos of funded restorations; list of property owners and parcels committed to restrictive covenants or copies of signed covenants; project accomplishment/challenges summary; educational materials developed; and survey/evaluation results.

Project Type LAKE_GRANT - Lake Protection Grant
Project ID LPT-332-09
Year Started 2008


  • Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
  • Train Volunteers
  • Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
  • Retention Basin - Create or Improve
  • Restore Riparian Habitat

Final Report and Products

People/Organizations Involved

  • Balsam Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District