COURTE OREILLES LAKE ASSOC.: Lac Courte Oreilles Partnership: Working Lands, Working Waters Roadmap to 2020 ph. 3
Courte Oreilles Lake Association (COLA) ultimate goal is to develop a lake management Plan for Big Courte Oreilles Lake. The plan will address the following problems: 1) Eutrophication; 2) Control and prevention of invasive species; 3) Future treatment and protection options for changing economies and conditions; 4) Adapting to climate change.
This project, phase III, will utilize data collected from two other planning grants (phase I and II) completed earlier.
The project includes the following goals (phase III): 1) Watershed Overview-Assemble and summarize available lake and watershed information to define the COLA flow network, flows and total phosphorus loads for each lake and major bays; 2) Identify Information Gaps-Identify flow and lake, and aquatic plant management data gaps and prioritize efforts for lake association efforts and funding; 3) Collect Social Information-Collect and summarize watershed economic, demographic and governance information including 2020 and or 2030 projections available.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
Year Started
- Lake Management Plan Development
Final Report and Products
People/Organizations Involved
Lac Courte Oreilles Lakes Association Inc (Cola)