COURTE OREILLES LAKE ASSOC.: Lac Courte Oreilles Partnership: Working Lands, Working Waters Roadmap to 2020 ph IV
Courte Oreilles Lake Association (COLA) ultimate goal is to develop a lake management Plan for Big Courte Oreilles Lake. The plan will address the following problems: 1) Eutrophication; 2) Control and prevention of invasive species; 3) Future treatment and protection options for changing economies and conditions; 4) Adapting to climate change.
This project, phase IV, will utilize data collected from two other planning grants (phase I and II) completed earlier.
The project includes the following goals (Phase IV): 1) Management and Adaption-Define a range of potential future land use and changing climate impact scenarios and potential adaptations including future management practices and critical conservation areas; 2) Integrate Information to Develop Short and Long Term Goals-For the flow network, define numeric goals for protection and rehabilitation, developing short term and long term management and implementation plans for lake protection and rehabilitation, and identify timeline and responsible parties for completion of work elements.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
Year Started
- Lake Management Plan Development
Final Report and Products
People/Organizations Involved
Lac Courte Oreilles Lakes Association Inc (Cola)