VILLAGE OF BARNEVELD: Birch Lake Diagnostic Study-Pt. 1
The Village of Barneveld proposes to complete a diagnostic study on Birch Lake, Iowa County, to assess current water quality conditions and use impairments. The project activities include: 1. estimating nutrient and sediment inputs, 2. assessing in-lake conditions and 3. assessing current condition of the outlet structure, and potential impacts to both impoundment and trout stream below the dam. Deliverables for this grant include a water resources appraisal report as part of the overall lake management plan, and all applicable ranking question deliverables. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an editable electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by local newspaper and public meetings.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
Year Started
- Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
Final Report and Products