Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts

LK WAPPO/BEAR TRAP SANITARY DIST.: Lake Wapogasset & Bear Trap Lake Phased Comprehensive Management Plan, Phase 1

Lake Wapogasset & Bear Trap Sanitary District is sponsoring a two-phase project to develop a comprehensive lake management plan. Previous studies and plans did not include water quality goals or an implementation strategy. This grant is for Phase 1 of the two-phased project.

Phase 1 includes: in-lake and tributary water quality data collection; tributary and internal loading assessment; lake phosphorous response modeling (e.g. WiLMS) and nutrient budget; and development/distribution of lake resident and user survey.

Project Type LAKE_GRANT - Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID LPL-1236-09
Year Started 2008


  • Social Survey of Residents or Users
  • Comprehensive Planning Studies
  • Lake Management Plan Development

Final Report and Products

People/Organizations Involved

  • Wapogasset/Bear Impr Assn