Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts


Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Project final deliverables include: 1) Shoreland data; photos, and maps; 2) Meetings with lake associations and site visits for individual property owners; 3) Final report.

Specific project activities include: 1) Collect baseline shoreland and shallows data on 4-6 lakes using the DNR protocol; 2) Analyze the shoreland survey data, create maps, and identify potential sites for Healthy Lakes practices; 3) Promote Healthy Lakes (HL) Grant projects by meeting with lake associations and lakeshore residents; 4) Perform site visits for individual landowners; 5) Provide assistance with Healthy Lakes Grant applications as needed; 6) Develop final report.

Special Conditions: Draft of final report needs Dept review and approval. WDNR Lake Biologist will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of final report, shoreland data, photos, all maps and other products from the project, and all GIS data.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Project Type LAKE_GRANT - Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID LPL181622
Year Started 2022