Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts

SPIDER CHAIN OF LAKES IMPROVEMENT ASSN: Two Year Aquatic Plant Management Planning & Education Project

Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP) was discovered in the Spider Lake Chain in 2010. Approximately 10 acres was treated in spring 2010 (Rapid Response Grant) and 2011.The Spider Chain of Lakes Association will conduct a baseline point-intercept plant survey, complete an APM Plan and conduct AIS education and monitoring activities..

Project goals include: 1) Develop an APM plan to guide management efforts of both native and invasive plants; 2) Complete a plant survey to provide a baseline of the existing plant community including CLP bed mapping; 3) Develop an invasive species prevention strategy including education and monitoring; 4) Maintain a healthy aquatic plant community.

Project Type AIS_GRANT - Aquatic Invasives Education
Project ID AEPP-354-12
Year Started 2012


  • Aquatic Plant Management Plan
  • Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
  • Map Invasive Species
  • Information and Education

Final Report and Products

People/Organizations Involved

  • Spider Chain Of Lakes Association (Sawyer County)