TOWN OF PRESQUE ISLE: Aquatic Plant Survey & Analysis of Plant Community Change Annabelle, Lt. Crab, N. Crab, Wildcat Lake
The Town of Presque Isle Lakes Committee is sponsoring a large scale lake planning grant to study Annabelle, Little Crab, North Crab, and Wildcat Lake, in Vilas County. The Annabelle Lake Property Owners Association is a project partner. The project will focus on updating Lake Management Plans (LMP) for Annabelle, Little Crab, North Crab, and Wildcat Lake.
Project activities include: 1) Gather and assess existing Annabelle, Little Crab, North Crab, and Wildcat Lake information; 2) PI aquatic plant survey, community and substrate mapping and analysis; 3) CLMN water quality sampling; 4) Educational program \2013 meetings, newsletter articles, and press releases; 5) Watercraft inspections and AIS monitoring.
Project deliverables include: 1) LMP; 2) PI and water quality data; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 4) Entered inspection data into SWIMS; 5) Aquatic plant vouchers; 6) Education materials.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Department review and approval.
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of LMP, PI and water quality data, a set of aquatic plant vouchers, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Project Type
Large Scale Lake Planning
Project ID
Year Started
- Information and Education
- Monitor Invasive Species
- Issue News/Media Release
- Monitor or Assess Watershed Condition
- Map Invasive Species
- Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
- Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
- Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
- Develop/Distribute Newsletter
- Lakes Planning Grant
- Informational Meetings
- Lake Management Plan Development
- Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Final Report and Products