Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON: Whole Lake Mixing to Remove Invasive Rainbow Smelt in Crystal Lk: final phase

UW-Madison Center for Limnology is sponsoring the final ACEI Research and Demonstration grant to study Crystal Lake, in Vilas County. The project will focus on mixing Crystal Lake to remove smelt and restore the ecosystem that existed prior to smelt invasion. If successful, this project will be used as a model to apply to other smelt removal projects.

Project activities include: 1) Build Gradual Entrainment Lake Inverters (GELI\2019s) and mixing system; 2) Hire undergraduates each summer; 3) Mix Crystal Lake for three summers (2012-2015); 4) Monitor physical and chemical limnology weekly and every ten minutes (with automated sensor networks); 5) Monitor fish community every 2 weeks, benthos every month, and zooplankton every week; 6) Public education and outreach \2013 build an exhibit for Crystal Lake Nature Center, lead 2 interpretive Naturalist sessions, news releases, website updates, workshops, WI Lakes Convention presentation, and K-12 educational events; 7) Annual summaries and a final report.

Project deliverables include: 1) Mixing system; 2) Hired students; 3) Limnological, fish, benthos, and zooplankton monitoring data; 4) potential extirpation of rainbow smelt; 5) Public education and outreach \2013 informational materials, presentations, media outreach, web-based materials, K-12 education, and undergraduate education; 6) Annual summaries and final report.

Specific conditions for this project: Annual summaries and final report needs Dept review and approval.

WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of annual summaries, final report, all education and outreach materials, and all data and maps from project.

Project Type AIS_GRANT - Aquatic Invasives Research Grant
Project ID ACEI-141-13
Year Started 2013


  • Project Deliverable
  • Project Deliverable
  • Monitor Fish Community
  • Control Invasive Species
  • Aquatic Invasives Research
  • Information and Education
  • Hold Workshops
  • Issue News/Media Release
  • Monitoring Ecosystem

Final Report and Products