Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Aquatic Invasive Species Contacts

Rusty Crayfish - Hemlock Lake

Voucher Specimen At
UWSP Freckmann Herbarium
Verified and Vouchered
Date First Found
Location First Found
all over lake
Original Extent
Widespread, covering most shallow areas of lake

About Rusty Crayfish

Rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) are native to streams in the Ohio River Basin states of Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, and Tennessee. They were likely introduced to Wisconsin waters primarily by anglers who used them as live bait. They are still sold as bait and by biological supply companies. It is illegal to possess both live crayfish and angling equipment simultaneously on any inland Wisconsin water (except the Mississippi River). It is also illegal to release crayfish into a water of the state without a permit.