Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Watercraft Inspection Results - Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)

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IDInspector Name(s)Start DateEnd DatePaid HoursVolunteer HoursHours SpentLandingStation IDCountyEnteringLeavingContacted YesContacted NoWilling YesWilling NoUsed Past 5 Days - YesUsed Past 5 Days - NoPeople ContactedConfident Strongly AgreeConfident AgreeConfident DisagreeConfident Strongly DisagreeData EnteredComments2012-2013: Contacted 0 Times2012-2013: Contacted 1-2 Times2012-2013: Contacted 3-4 Times2012-2013: Contacted 5 Times2012-2013: Waterbodies 1-22012-2013: Waterbodies 3-42012-2013: Waterbodies 52010-2013: Inspect and Remove Plants - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - N/A2012-2013: Drain Water from Boat - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - N/A2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - Yes2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - N/A2012-2013: Took no steps2012-2013: Didn't Ask About Prevention Steps2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Yes2012-2013: Aware of Laws - No2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Unsure
358764773Larry Chamberlain9/23/2024 8:30 AM9/23/2024 11:00 AM2.502.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020204000009/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358764785Janelle Ewen9/13/2024 8:00 AM9/13/2024 10:00 AM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358764756Janelle Ewen9/12/2024 8:00 AM9/12/2024 10:00 AM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100100012000009/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358764697Janelle Ewen9/10/2024 8:00 AM9/10/2024 10:00 AM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020113000009/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740281Jim Godfrey9/6/2024 8:00 AM9/6/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358740298Jim Godfrey9/5/2024 8:00 AM9/5/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020025000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358740309Jeff Schroeder9/2/2024 8:00 AM9/2/2024 11:00 AM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2525612511000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358740267Jim Godfrey8/30/2024 7:30 AM8/30/2024 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020022000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358740260Jim Godfrey8/29/2024 7:20 AM8/29/2024 11:59 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358566440Rick Steinke8/26/2024 8:00 AM8/26/2024 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas235050147000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358565912Ed Kindlarski8/24/2024 10:00 AM8/24/2024 11:59 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740231Jim Godfrey8/23/2024 8:00 AM8/23/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358653993Larry Chamberlain8/23/2024 1:00 AM8/23/2024 4:59 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030126000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358566222Rick Steinke8/22/2024 1:00 PM8/22/2024 5:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020024000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740247Jim Godfrey8/22/2024 8:00 AM8/22/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5160601514000009/21/2024Small fishing group or club was observed at end 00000000000000000000
358654019Fred and Sue Suchy8/21/2024 7:45 AM8/21/2024 11:59 PM8.508.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030128000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358532732Ed Kindlarski8/20/2024 10:00 AM8/20/2024 12:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020023000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358532701Judy Camodeca8/19/2024 10:00 AM8/19/2024 12:59 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358510104Tom Brown8/16/2024 10:00 AM8/16/2024 12:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas010110013000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358740156Jim Godfrey8/16/2024 8:00 AM8/16/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212020208000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358510183Mary Doug Brown8/16/2024 6:00 AM8/16/2024 8:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5032505012000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358740145Jim Godfrey8/15/2024 8:00 AM8/15/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010104000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358652268Greg and Roxanne Platz8/14/2024 8:00 AM8/14/2024 11:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020023000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358654025Paul Bohnen8/13/2024 8:00 AM8/13/2024 4:00 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4150503214000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358473941Brad Stott8/11/2024 7:00 AM8/11/2024 11:00 AM448Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5160601515000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358653939Jim Dubore , Sue Dubore8/10/2024 7:00 AM8/10/2024 11:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7162805322000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358566121Rick Steinke8/9/2024 1:00 PM8/9/2024 5:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5142602418000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740220Jim Godfrey8/9/2024 8:00 AM8/9/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358653979Bob Ausloose8/8/2024 11:30 AM8/8/2024 4:30 PM505Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010103000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358740210Jim Godfrey8/8/2024 8:00 AM8/8/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010013000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358510277Don Osterberg8/6/2024 7:30 AM8/6/2024 12:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas322240229000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358565467Rick Steinke8/5/2024 12:30 PM8/5/2024 4:30 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110012000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358653931Paul Bohnen8/5/2024 8:15 AM8/5/2024 12:15 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas325050147000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358654022Paul Bohnen8/4/2024 8:00 AM8/4/2024 4:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030127000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358565752Patty Krarup8/3/2024 11:00 AM8/3/2024 3:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2240402210000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358566849Diane Brooks8/3/2024 8:45 AM8/3/2024 11:15 AM2.502.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas043140229000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358566846Diane Brooks8/3/2024 8:30 AM8/3/2024 11:00 AM000Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740193Jim Godfrey8/2/2024 8:00 AM8/2/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358510451Paul Bohnen8/1/2024 10:00 AM8/1/2024 2:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030123000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358740174Jim Godfrey8/1/2024 8:00 AM8/1/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030128000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358567087Fred and Sue Suchy7/31/2024 7:45 AM7/31/2024 12:00 PM4.2504.25Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110011000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358566728Don Osterberg7/30/2024 7:30 AM7/30/2024 11:30 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas223140227000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358566695Greg and Roxanne Platz7/29/2024 9:00 AM7/29/2024 1:00 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101001012000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358510486Diane Dieter7/27/2024 6:00 PM7/27/2024 7:45 PM1.7501.75Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358740442Barbara Zitt7/27/2024 7:30 AM7/27/2024 12:30 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7180804413000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358473591Jim Godfrey7/26/2024 8:00 AM7/26/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111010011000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358532857Peggy Ausloose7/25/2024 10:00 AM7/25/2024 2:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2341501410000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358473635Jim Godfrey7/25/2024 8:00 AM7/25/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020025000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358740435Barbara Zitt7/23/2024 8:00 AM7/23/2024 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358473927Patty Krarup7/21/2024 11:00 AM7/21/2024 3:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4260601510000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473826Brad Stott7/21/2024 7:00 AM7/21/2024 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112120124000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473915Gary Schwager7/20/2024 11:00 AM7/20/2024 3:30 PM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030124000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358740422Barbara Zitt7/20/2024 7:32 AM7/20/2024 11:00 AM03.53.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas233100235000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358473769Tom Brown7/19/2024 10:00 AM7/19/2024 12:30 PM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2415603310000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473675Jim Godfrey7/19/2024 8:00 AM7/19/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030033000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473883Mary Doug Brown7/19/2024 6:00 AM7/19/2024 8:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110011000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358567106Janelle Ewen7/18/2024 10:00 AM7/18/2024 12:00 PM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101001011000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358473582Jim Godfrey7/18/2024 8:00 AM7/18/2024 10:59 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010010000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358532994Bob Ausloose7/17/2024 11:00 AM7/17/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358566662Roger Klein7/17/2024 7:00 AM7/17/2024 11:00 AM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020116000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740400Barbara Zitt7/16/2024 8:00 AM7/16/2024 1:00 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040314000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358566555Jim Dubore , Sue Dubore7/15/2024 11:00 AM7/15/2024 3:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030124000008/26/2024landing clean up duty00000000000000000000
358567195Janelle Ewen7/15/2024 9:00 AM7/15/2024 11:00 AM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120102000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740335Barbara Zitt7/13/2024 8:00 AM7/13/2024 12:45 PM04.754.75Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040136000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358567007Janelle Ewen7/12/2024 10:00 AM7/12/2024 12:00 PM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010102000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358473546Jim Godfrey7/12/2024 7:30 AM7/12/2024 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030125000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358567177Peggy Ausloose7/11/2024 10:00 AM7/11/2024 2:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3360600611000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358473555Jim Godfrey7/11/2024 7:30 AM7/11/2024 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358532913Bob Ausloose7/10/2024 11:00 AM7/10/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020023000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358534051Larry Chamberlain7/10/2024 8:00 AM7/10/2024 11:00 AM303Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358566580Roger Klein7/9/2024 12:45 PM7/9/2024 11:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas010110101000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358473508Jim Godfrey7/5/2024 7:30 AM7/5/2024 9:59 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473505Jim Godfrey7/4/2024 7:30 AM7/4/2024 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030124000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473719Jay Rud7/1/2024 11:00 AM7/1/2024 3:30 PM4.54.59Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030129000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358330843Jim Godfrey6/28/2024 7:30 AM6/28/2024 9:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358330776Jim Godfrey6/27/2024 7:30 AM6/27/2024 9:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358474003Greg and Roxanne Platz6/26/2024 11:00 AM6/26/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110102000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358474026Don Osterberg6/26/2024 7:00 AM6/26/2024 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020023000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358474006Diane Dieter6/23/2024 11:00 AM6/23/2024 11:59 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2561704316000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358474000Kyle Szott6/23/2024 6:05 AM6/23/2024 9:05 AM303Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358330742Jim Godfrey6/21/2024 7:15 AM6/21/2024 9:15 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010100000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358533222Larry Chamberlain6/20/2024 10:30 AM6/20/2024 11:30 AM101Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010013000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358330739Jim Godfrey6/20/2024 7:30 AM6/20/2024 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358534038Jim Dubore , Sue Dubore6/19/2024 6:00 AM6/19/2024 10:00 AM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358474040Diane Dieter6/14/2024 11:00 AM6/14/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2781905418000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358330726Jim Godfrey6/14/2024 7:15 AM6/14/2024 9:15 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas505050408000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358330692Jim Godfrey6/13/2024 7:30 AM6/13/2024 11:59 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020020000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358533937Fred and Sue Suchy6/12/2024 6:30 AM6/12/2024 11:00 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358533909Bob Johnson , Dawn Johnson6/11/2024 11:00 AM6/11/2024 11:59 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130034000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358330679Jim Godfrey6/7/2024 8:00 AM6/7/2024 10:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358330585Jim Godfrey6/6/2024 8:00 AM6/6/2024 11:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358533973Bob Johnson , Dawn Johnson6/5/2024 11:00 AM6/5/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3342602411000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358567257Roger Klein6/5/2024 7:00 AM6/5/2024 11:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/26/2024Roger and Carla Klein - clean and trim landing00000000000000000000
358474260Diane Dieter5/23/2024 11:00 AM5/23/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3351601517000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358330782Bob Schell5/22/2024 7:00 AM5/22/2024 11:01 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110103000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358330779Bob Schell5/7/2024 7:00 AM5/7/2024 11:01 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas310440407000007/29/2024Opening Day of Fishing season00000000000000000000
351507017Bob Schell9/5/2023 7:00 AM9/5/2023 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130126000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351886230Barbara Zitt9/3/2023 7:00 AM9/3/2023 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4334702514000010/06/2023 00000000000000000000
351506923Jim Godfrey9/1/2023 8:00 AM9/1/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020023000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351506874Jim Godfrey8/31/2023 8:00 AM8/31/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351507389Christy Stott8/25/2023 10:00 AM8/25/2023 2:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351506864Jim Godfrey8/25/2023 8:00 AM8/25/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351506855Jim Godfrey8/24/2023 8:00 AM8/24/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351886183Barbara Zitt8/23/2023 11:00 AM8/23/2023 3:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000010/06/2023 00000000000000000000
351221920Gaby Kim8/20/2023 7:30 AM8/20/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000008/24/2023 00000000000000000000
351506694Jim Godfrey8/17/2023 8:00 AM8/17/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010001000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351195333Bob Schell8/16/2023 12:00 PM8/16/2023 4:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3250502313000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351196016Gaby Kim8/16/2023 7:30 AM8/16/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas502350418000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351195964Gaby Kim8/14/2023 10:00 AM8/14/2023 5:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120112000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351195938Gaby Kim8/13/2023 7:00 AM8/13/2023 2:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas413250146000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351110814Alexander Lawrence8/12/2023 7:30 AM8/12/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas12012012011127000008/20/2023 00000000000000000000
351064284Mackenzie Lucht8/10/2023 12:00 PM8/10/2023 7:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas134040137000008/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351195788Gaby Kim8/9/2023 7:30 AM8/9/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130035000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351195269Jim Godfrey8/4/2023 8:00 AM8/4/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas122020037000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351507367Christy Stott8/3/2023 10:00 AM8/3/2023 2:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010103000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351195259Jim Godfrey8/3/2023 8:00 AM8/3/2023 10:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351195064Barbara Zitt8/1/2023 7:00 AM8/1/2023 11:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030125000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
350990682Gaby Kim7/31/2023 7:30 AM7/31/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas311340041000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
351063976Mackenzie Lucht7/30/2023 12:00 PM7/30/2023 7:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120023000008/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351110638Alexander Lawrence7/29/2023 7:30 AM7/29/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5151600613000008/20/2023 00000000000000000000
350990576Gaby Kim7/28/2023 8:00 AM7/28/2023 3:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas412350055000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
351195225Jim Godfrey7/27/2023 8:00 AM7/27/2023 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030303000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
350990602Gaby Kim7/26/2023 7:30 AM7/26/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1010100110000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
351195003Barbara Zitt7/25/2023 7:00 AM7/25/2023 11:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020112000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
350979443Bob Ausloose7/24/2023 10:00 AM7/24/2023 2:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas235050050000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
351507199Brad Stott7/24/2023 7:00 AM7/24/2023 11:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020113000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
351194935Gary Schwager7/22/2023 11:00 AM7/22/2023 3:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010101000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351194961Gary Schwager7/21/2023 11:00 AM7/21/2023 3:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas110220112000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351195214Jim Godfrey7/21/2023 8:00 AM7/21/2023 10:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030035000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351195189Jim Godfrey7/20/2023 8:00 AM7/20/2023 10:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120115000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
350990566Gaby Kim7/19/2023 12:00 PM7/19/2023 7:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas010110010000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350979390Jeff and Diane Brooks7/18/2023 11:00 AM7/18/2023 3:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110010000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350979370Bob Schell7/17/2023 11:00 AM7/17/2023 3:30 PM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010010000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
351507299Brad and Christy Stott7/17/2023 7:00 AM7/17/2023 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110013000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
350979373Dick Kloepfer7/16/2023 10:45 AM7/16/2023 11:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112002204000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350817671Gaby Kim7/15/2023 7:30 AM7/15/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas421560061000007/15/2023 00000000000000000000
350979217Bob Ausloose7/14/2023 10:00 AM7/14/2023 2:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5353804415000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
351195172Jim Godfrey7/14/2023 8:00 AM7/14/2023 10:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351195120Jim Godfrey7/13/2023 8:00 AM7/13/2023 10:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010010000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351507309Brad Stott7/13/2023 7:00 AM7/13/2023 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
350979413Bob Kaarup7/11/2023 11:00 AM7/11/2023 3:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030030000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350838036Mackenzie Lucht7/9/2023 7:30 AM7/9/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5243702512000007/19/2023 00000000000000000000
351195117Jim Godfrey7/7/2023 8:00 AM7/7/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302121034000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
351195111Jim Godfrey7/6/2023 8:00 AM7/6/2023 10:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011000008/22/2023 00000000000000000000
350772273Gaby Kim7/1/2023 7:30 AM7/1/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas613470076000007/07/2023 00000000000000000000
350979004Jim Godfrey6/29/2023 8:00 AM6/30/2023 12:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020020000008/01/2023Combided data with 6\/30 shift. For some reason - couldn't enter 6\/30 data in SWIMS00000000000000000000
350729413Gaby Kim6/28/2023 7:30 AM6/28/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2112300225000006/28/2023 00000000000000000000
350731703Jonah Friedmann6/27/2023 8:00 AM6/27/2023 3:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5142600613000006/28/2023 00000000000000000000
350767554Mackenzie Lucht6/25/2023 7:30 AM6/25/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010103000007/06/2023 00000000000000000000
350979001Jim Godfrey6/23/2023 8:00 AM6/23/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030038000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350961583Rick Steinke6/22/2023 9:00 AM6/22/2023 1:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas120030135000007/29/2023 00000000000000000000
350978998Jim Godfrey6/22/2023 7:00 AM6/22/2023 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350961616Rick Steinke6/21/2023 8:00 AM6/21/2023 12:01 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas210330217000007/29/2023 00000000000000000000
350131555Jonah Friedmann6/18/2023 7:00 AM6/18/2023 2:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas613470347000006/21/2023 00000000000000000000
350978960Jim Godfrey6/16/2023 8:00 AM6/16/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020113000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350978979Jim Godfrey6/15/2023 7:00 AM6/15/2023 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350138328Gaby Kim6/14/2023 7:30 AM6/14/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas210330010000006/21/2023 00000000000000000000
351507222Brad Stott6/14/2023 7:00 AM6/14/2023 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030125000009/14/2023 00000000000000000000
350961655Bob Schell6/13/2023 7:00 AM6/13/2023 11:59 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000007/29/2023 00000000000000000000
351109325Alexander Lawrence6/10/2023 7:30 AM6/10/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4114500517000008/19/2023 00000000000000000000
350978942Jim Godfrey6/9/2023 8:00 AM6/9/2023 10:01 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas414150149000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350978931Jim Godfrey6/8/2023 8:00 AM6/8/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020114000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
349486696Mackenzie Lucht6/4/2023 12:00 PM6/4/2023 7:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5317802616000006/08/2023 00000000000000000000
348923748Alexander Lawrence6/3/2023 7:30 AM6/3/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas91218321081341000006/06/2023 00000000000000000000
350978894Jim Godfrey6/2/2023 8:00 AM6/2/2023 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2240401311000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
350978891Jim Godfrey6/1/2023 8:00 AM6/1/2023 11:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020204000008/01/2023 00000000000000000000
348904882Allison Coldwate5/25/2023 7:30 AM5/25/2023 2:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas401340227000006/03/2023 00000000000000000000
321578311Bob Schell9/3/2022 8:00 AM9/3/2022 9:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4150502311000009/07/2022 00000000000000000000
320948035Jim Godfrey8/26/2022 7:30 AM8/26/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020113000008/28/2022 00000000000000000000
320948027Jim Godfrey8/25/2022 7:30 AM8/25/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/28/2022 00000000000000000000
320905639Bob Schell8/24/2022 6:00 AM8/24/2022 7:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030127000008/25/2022 00000000000000000000
320905613Judy Camodeca8/23/2022 11:00 AM8/23/2022 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030305000008/25/2022 00000000000000000000
320344000Chase Brekke8/21/2022 9:30 AM8/21/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas661111206625000008/22/2022 00000000000000000000
320319113Chase Brekke8/20/2022 6:00 AM8/20/2022 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas571201208429000008/20/2022 00000000000000000000
320941615Jim Godfrey8/19/2022 7:30 AM8/19/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020024000008/28/2022 00000000000000000000
320295511Grace Van Pay8/17/2022 9:30 AM8/17/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130216000008/18/2022 00000000000000000000
320327937Patty Krarup8/14/2022 11:00 AM8/14/2022 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1560600611000008/21/2022 00000000000000000000
320948083Jim Godfrey8/12/2022 7:30 AM8/12/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010011000008/28/2022 00000000000000000000
320948075Jim Godfrey8/11/2022 7:30 AM8/11/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/28/2022 00000000000000000000
320905596Judy Camodeca8/9/2022 11:00 AM8/9/2022 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas110220204000008/25/2022 00000000000000000000
320295464Grace Van Pay8/8/2022 9:30 AM8/8/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas313240229000008/18/2022 00000000000000000000
319751972Katie Peters8/7/2022 6:00 AM8/7/2022 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/16/2022 00000000000000000000
320948064Jim Godfrey8/5/2022 7:30 AM8/5/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020023000008/28/2022 00000000000000000000
320948051Jim Godfrey8/4/2022 7:30 AM8/4/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020023000008/28/2022 00000000000000000000
319121324Jacob Krupp8/3/2022 9:30 AM8/3/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130215000008/08/2022 00000000000000000000
318396642Rick Steinke8/2/2022 7:00 AM8/2/2022 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3250504112000008/02/2022 00000000000000000000
318396658Rick Steinke8/1/2022 7:30 AM8/1/2022 7:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/02/2022 00000000000000000000
319123807Grace Van Pay7/30/2022 9:30 AM7/30/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5362803420000008/08/2022 00000000000000000000
320295606Grace Van Pay7/29/2022 9:30 AM7/29/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6280801712000008/18/2022 00000000000000000000
319124325Jim Godfrey7/29/2022 7:30 AM7/29/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/08/2022 00000000000000000000
319124317Jim Godfrey7/28/2022 7:30 AM7/28/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/08/2022 00000000000000000000
318398565Mary Doug Brown7/27/2022 7:00 AM7/27/2022 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020103000008/02/2022 00000000000000000000
317798331Jacob Krupp7/26/2022 1:00 PM7/26/2022 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120022000007/27/2022 00000000000000000000
318352651Brad Stott7/25/2022 7:00 AM7/25/2022 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020020000007/28/2022 00000000000000000000
318398599Patty Krarup7/24/2022 11:00 AM7/24/2022 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2350501012000008/02/2022 00000000000000000000
318357153Katie Peters7/23/2022 6:00 AM7/23/2022 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6134702414000007/29/2022 00000000000000000000
318357176Katie Peters7/22/2022 9:30 AM7/22/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6051600611000007/29/2022 00000000000000000000
319124305Jim Godfrey7/22/2022 7:30 AM7/22/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2240400410000008/08/2022 00000000000000000000
319124294Jim Godfrey7/21/2022 7:30 AM7/21/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/08/2022 00000000000000000000
318352687Bob Schell7/19/2022 12:00 PM7/19/2022 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030127000007/28/2022 00000000000000000000
318352644Brad Stott7/19/2022 7:00 AM7/19/2022 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/28/2022 00000000000000000000
318352671Bob Schell7/15/2022 5:00 PM7/15/2022 5:00 PM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030128000007/28/2022 00000000000000000000
319124286Jim Godfrey7/15/2022 7:30 AM7/15/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/08/2022 00000000000000000000
318956276Jim Godfrey7/14/2022 7:30 AM7/14/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020114000008/05/2022 00000000000000000000
318396468Rick Steinke7/13/2022 7:00 AM7/13/2022 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/02/2022 00000000000000000000
317131893Jacob Krupp7/12/2022 9:30 AM7/12/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020113000007/15/2022 00000000000000000000
318352661Brad Stott7/11/2022 7:00 AM7/11/2022 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000007/28/2022 00000000000000000000
318398579Patty Krarup7/10/2022 11:00 AM7/11/2022 12:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1560602011000008/02/2022 00000000000000000000
316572826Katie Peters7/9/2022 9:30 AM7/9/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3214501412000007/12/2022 00000000000000000000
318956305Jim Godfrey7/7/2022 7:30 AM7/14/2022 12:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/05/2022 00000000000000000000
317193084Kaitlyn Davis7/4/2022 6:00 AM7/4/2022 9:30 AM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/20/2022 00000000000000000000
316571422Chase Brekke7/2/2022 9:30 AM7/2/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7290902711000007/12/2022 00000000000000000000
315976425Jacob Krupp7/1/2022 9:30 AM7/1/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas18212820061439000007/06/2022 00000000000000000000
318956289Jim Godfrey7/1/2022 7:30 AM7/11/2022 12:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011000008/05/2022 00000000000000000000
321577745Jim Godfrey6/30/2022 7:30 AM6/30/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/07/2022 00000000000000000000
316556871Grace Van Pay6/30/2022 6:00 AM6/30/2022 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5023502310000007/11/2022Rainy in the morning 00000000000000000000
318352626Rick Steinke6/29/2022 7:30 AM6/29/2022 11:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas336060247000007/28/2022 00000000000000000000
318352606Rick Steinke6/27/2022 8:00 AM6/27/2022 9:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3130403110000007/28/2022 00000000000000000000
315353339Grace Van Pay6/26/2022 9:30 AM6/26/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas110220028000006/27/2022Very windy.00000000000000000000
315342382Grace Van Pay6/25/2022 7:00 AM6/25/2022 2:30 PM7.507.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4114602314000006/26/2022Cloudy day.rained on and off. Cloudy day.rained on and off. 00000000000000000000
319750627Alexander Ellifson6/23/2022 9:42 AM6/23/2022 4:42 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3223503213000008/16/2022 00000000000000000000
321577582Jim Godfrey6/23/2022 7:30 AM6/23/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010011000009/07/2022 00000000000000000000
314762400Jacob Krupp6/18/2022 6:00 AM6/18/2022 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas8172903617000006/21/2022 00000000000000000000
314762356Jacob Krupp6/17/2022 9:30 AM6/17/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas11612517031431000006/21/2022 00000000000000000000
321577641Jim Godfrey6/16/2022 8:00 AM6/16/2022 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030216000009/07/2022 00000000000000000000
314112052Jacob Krupp6/10/2022 9:30 AM6/10/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas9036900915000006/13/2022 00000000000000000000
321577579Jim Godfrey6/10/2022 7:30 AM6/10/2022 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000009/07/2022 00000000000000000000
321577754Jim Godfrey6/9/2022 8:00 AM6/10/2022 12:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5234700712000009/07/2022 00000000000000000000
313472526Jacob Krupp6/4/2022 6:00 AM6/4/2022 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4370702514000006/06/2022 00000000000000000000
313472479Jacob Krupp6/3/2022 6:00 AM6/3/2022 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130034000006/06/2022windy and cold00000000000000000000
319132356Jim Godfrey6/2/2022 8:00 AM6/2/2022 12:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030216000008/08/2022 00000000000000000000
313498158Hannah Mark5/31/2022 9:30 AM5/31/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas301230035000006/08/2022 00000000000000000000
312891852Romeo Lee5/30/2022 9:30 AM5/30/2022 1:00 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7016700713000005/31/2022 00000000000000000000
314101116Ethan Albrecht5/29/2022 9:30 AM5/29/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas91911001919000006/12/2022 00000000000000000000
312890539Jacob Krupp5/28/2022 6:00 AM5/28/2022 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5115602410000005/31/2022 00000000000000000000
319132339Jim Godfrey5/27/2022 8:00 AM5/27/2022 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020204000008/08/2022 00000000000000000000
314123923Alexander Ellifson5/26/2022 9:30 AM5/26/2022 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110012000006/14/2022 00000000000000000000
282798891Jim Godfrey8/27/2021 8:00 AM8/27/2021 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/30/2021 00000000000000000000
282799007Jim Godfrey8/26/2021 8:00 AM8/26/2021 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020022000008/30/2021 00000000000000000000
282798989Jim Godfrey8/25/2021 8:00 AM8/25/2021 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/30/2021 00000000000000000000
282187421Jake Mikna8/21/2021 1:15 PM8/21/2021 4:45 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4471803519000008/22/2021 00000000000000000000
282196017Jackie Behrens8/21/2021 6:00 AM8/21/2021 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas9063902717000008/23/2021 00000000000000000000
282187178Carissa Scholze8/20/2021 1:00 PM8/20/2021 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111841204825000008/22/2021 00000000000000000000
282198498Jake Mikna8/20/2021 6:00 AM8/20/2021 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3342602411000008/23/2021 00000000000000000000
282184751Alexis Sonnemann8/19/2021 1:00 PM8/19/2021 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120026000008/22/2021 00000000000000000000
282798971Jim Godfrey8/19/2021 8:00 AM8/19/2021 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000008/30/2021 00000000000000000000
282798964Jim Godfrey8/18/2021 8:00 AM8/18/2021 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/30/2021 00000000000000000000
281616601Jackie Behrens8/15/2021 6:00 AM8/15/2021 9:30 AM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110013000008/17/2021 00000000000000000000
282155249Kyle Ayers8/14/2021 1:00 PM8/14/2021 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas651011102931000008/19/2021 00000000000000000000
281607529Abigail Stank8/13/2021 6:00 AM8/13/2021 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4541512316000008/16/2021 00000000000000000000
281630797Alexis Sonnemann8/12/2021 9:30 AM8/12/2021 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1551512311000008/18/2021 00000000000000000000
282792732Judy Camodeca8/10/2021 8:00 AM8/10/2021 9:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/29/2021 00000000000000000000
282757249Brad Stott8/8/2021 7:00 AM8/8/2021 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040137000008/26/2021 00000000000000000000
281605320Rebekah Thoman8/6/2021 9:30 AM8/6/2021 1:00 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020116000008/16/2021 00000000000000000000
282798919Jim Godfrey8/6/2021 8:00 AM8/6/2021 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040225000008/30/2021 00000000000000000000
282798879Jim Godfrey8/5/2021 8:00 AM8/5/2021 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/30/2021 00000000000000000000
281569558Jake Mikna8/4/2021 1:00 PM8/4/2021 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas413250329000008/12/2021 00000000000000000000
282750292Brad Stott8/1/2021 9:30 AM8/1/2021 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010013000008/26/2021 00000000000000000000
280427919Rebekah Thoman7/31/2021 6:00 AM7/31/2021 9:30 AM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030215000008/02/2021 00000000000000000000
280991692Alexis Sonnemann7/30/2021 9:15 AM7/30/2021 4:15 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040047000008/06/2021 00000000000000000000
282750273Jim Godfrey7/30/2021 8:00 AM7/30/2021 8:00 AM01.51.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000008/26/2021 00000000000000000000
280278063Brad Stott7/29/2021 10:00 AM7/29/2021 2:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040139000007/29/2021 00000000000000000000
282750266Jim Godfrey7/29/2021 7:00 AM7/29/2021 8:00 AM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/26/2021 00000000000000000000
280278047Patty Krarup7/28/2021 11:00 AM7/28/2021 3:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3140401310000007/29/2021 00000000000000000000
280991676Alexis Sonnemann7/27/2021 12:45 PM7/27/2021 7:45 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020024000008/06/2021 00000000000000000000
279726185Bob Schell7/26/2021 7:00 AM7/26/2021 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3140403111000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
280264665Arden Hvam7/25/2021 11:00 AM7/25/2021 3:30 PM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5151601513000007/28/2021 00000000000000000000
280267716Carissa Scholze7/25/2021 9:30 AM7/25/2021 1:00 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110013000007/29/2021 00000000000000000000
279730789Cathy Moore7/25/2021 7:00 AM7/25/2021 9:45 AM02.752.75Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas223140137000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279730780Cathy Moore7/24/2021 7:00 AM7/24/2021 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120103000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279711306Jackie Behrens7/23/2021 1:00 PM7/23/2021 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2552702519000007/26/2021 00000000000000000000
282750254Jim Godfrey7/23/2021 8:00 AM7/23/2021 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020023000008/26/2021 00000000000000000000
281001806Leah Hujik7/22/2021 9:30 AM7/22/2021 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130127000008/07/2021 00000000000000000000
282750247Jim Godfrey7/22/2021 7:30 AM7/22/2021 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/26/2021 00000000000000000000
279724716Brad Stott7/21/2021 10:00 AM7/21/2021 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030126000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279724970Tom Pierce7/20/2021 11:00 AM7/20/2021 6:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas211230127000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279724504Rick Steinke7/20/2021 7:00 AM7/20/2021 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030306000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279724914Patty Krarup7/18/2021 11:00 AM1/1/0001 12:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120104000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279725151Jeff Schroeder7/17/2021 11:00 AM7/17/2021 6:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5371803016000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
286426367Ed Kindlarski7/16/2021 10:00 AM7/16/2021 11:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3241501414000009/30/2021 00000000000000000000
282750217Jim Godfrey7/15/2021 1:00 PM7/15/2021 1:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/26/2021 00000000000000000000
282750202Jim Godfrey7/14/2021 1:00 PM7/14/2021 1:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas235050149000008/26/2021 00000000000000000000
279724319Brad Stott7/14/2021 7:00 AM7/28/2021 12:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030126000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279725226Bob Ausloose7/14/2021 7:00 AM7/14/2021 8:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010101000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279730840Tom Brown7/13/2021 7:00 AM7/13/2021 11:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110102000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279730806Tom Brown7/12/2021 7:00 AM7/12/2021 8:11 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279725763Jim Godfrey7/11/2021 8:00 AM7/11/2021 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020103000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279725330Larry Heck7/11/2021 7:00 AM7/11/2021 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas313140137000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279726131Jim Godfrey7/9/2021 7:30 AM7/9/2021 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
278404256Abigail Stank7/8/2021 9:30 AM7/8/2021 1:00 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas121120024000007/09/2021 00000000000000000000
279726118Jim Godfrey7/8/2021 8:00 AM7/8/2021 9:30 AM01.51.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
286426206Ed Kindlarski7/7/2021 1:00 PM7/7/2021 1:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130306000009/30/2021 00000000000000000000
278413188Leah Hujik7/4/2021 1:00 PM7/4/2021 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4123501413000007/10/2021 00000000000000000000
277714325Beranek Joshua7/3/2021 4:30 PM7/3/2021 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5151602413000007/03/2021 00000000000000000000
279726083Jim Godfrey7/3/2021 8:00 AM7/3/2021 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas415050147000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
277713952Alexis Sonnemann7/2/2021 9:30 AM7/2/2021 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7043521414000007/03/2021 00000000000000000000
279726067Jim Godfrey7/2/2021 7:00 AM7/2/2021 9:30 AM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas426060159000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
277713919Alexis Sonnemann7/1/2021 1:00 PM7/1/2021 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/03/2021 00000000000000000000
279726017Jim Godfrey7/1/2021 8:00 AM7/1/2021 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
277038466Jake Mikna6/27/2021 9:30 AM6/27/2021 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5352711620000006/29/2021 00000000000000000000
277036177Jackie Behrens6/26/2021 6:00 AM6/26/2021 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6161702418000006/29/2021 00000000000000000000
279725577Jim Godfrey6/25/2021 8:00 AM6/25/2021 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas414150239000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279725973Jim Godfrey6/24/2021 8:00 AM6/24/2021 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020022000007/27/2021Rain all morining00000000000000000000
276468570Rebekah Thoman6/20/2021 4:30 PM6/20/2021 8:00 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000006/23/2021 00000000000000000000
276318758Alexis Sonnemann6/19/2021 12:45 PM6/19/2021 4:15 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas121230124000006/20/2021 00000000000000000000
276468180Carissa Scholze6/18/2021 6:00 AM6/18/2021 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6363905415000006/23/2021 00000000000000000000
279725957Jim Godfrey6/17/2021 8:00 AM6/17/2021 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas122130126000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279725957Jim Godfrey6/17/2021 8:00 AM6/17/2021 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas122130126000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279725942Jim Godfrey6/16/2021 8:00 AM6/16/2021 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020116000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
277866070Bob Schell6/16/2021 7:00 AM6/16/2021 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030219000007/07/2021 00000000000000000000
277866054Bob Schell6/15/2021 7:00 AM6/15/2021 8:00 AM066Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4150502312000007/07/2021 00000000000000000000
276310890Abigail Stank6/13/2021 1:00 PM6/13/2021 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas021120115000006/19/2021 00000000000000000000
276311146Rebekah Thoman6/12/2021 6:00 AM6/12/2021 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4141505013000006/19/2021 00000000000000000000
275713615Jackie Behrens6/10/2021 1:00 PM6/10/2021 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120114000006/10/2021 00000000000000000000
275736324Alexis Sonnemann6/10/2021 9:30 AM6/10/2021 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4756923515000006/13/2021 00000000000000000000
279725611Jim Godfrey6/10/2021 8:00 AM6/10/2021 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
275754954Jake Mikna6/9/2021 1:00 PM6/9/2021 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas210330125000006/15/2021 00000000000000000000
275175331Rick Steinke6/8/2021 7:00 AM6/8/2021 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas404040316000006/08/2021 00000000000000000000
275175308Rick Steinke6/7/2021 7:00 AM6/7/2021 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040229000006/08/2021 00000000000000000000
275160268Carissa Scholze6/6/2021 9:30 AM6/6/2021 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas110220024000006/07/2021 00000000000000000000
279725604Jim Godfrey6/4/2021 8:00 AM6/4/2021 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
279725560Jim Godfrey6/3/2021 8:00 AM6/3/2021 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas301230106000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
275126844Leah Hujik5/31/2021 5:45 AM5/31/2021 9:15 AM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas132240047000006/03/2021 00000000000000000000
275185797Connor Mick5/29/2021 12:45 PM5/29/2021 7:45 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas17561622081439000006/09/2021 00000000000000000000
274464172Jake Mikna5/28/2021 5:45 AM5/28/2021 9:15 AM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020023000005/31/2021 00000000000000000000
274457873Ethan Albrecht5/27/2021 1:00 PM5/27/2021 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas010110012000005/30/2021 00000000000000000000
279725386Jim Godfrey5/27/2021 8:00 AM5/27/2021 11:00 AM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000007/27/2021 00000000000000000000
273811443Jake Mikna5/23/2021 9:30 AM5/23/2021 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4417802618000005/24/2021 00000000000000000000
247101777Rick Steinke9/4/2020 8:00 AM9/4/2020 11:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas032130127000009/04/2020 00000000000000000000
247101743Rick Steinke9/2/2020 10:00 AM9/2/2020 12:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000009/04/2020 00000000000000000000
247101738Rick Steinke9/1/2020 9:00 AM9/1/2020 12:00 PM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/04/2020no boats today all rain00000000000000000000
246431676Ed Kindlarski8/25/2020 3:00 PM8/25/2020 5:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020205000008/26/2020 00000000000000000000
246410340Larry Heck8/23/2020 2:00 PM8/23/2020 6:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3580801016000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
246395544Emily Blank8/22/2020 9:30 AM8/22/2020 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130215000008/23/2020 00000000000000000000
246410314Larry Heck8/22/2020 7:00 AM8/22/2020 9:30 AM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
246410244Larry Heck8/21/2020 12:00 PM8/21/2020 4:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3654902018000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
246384282Marilyn Bestul8/21/2020 5:30 AM8/21/2020 9:00 AM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020025000008/22/2020 00000000000000000000
245781610Emily Blank8/16/2020 1:00 PM8/16/2020 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas020220025000008/18/2020 00000000000000000000
246410177Jim Godfrey8/14/2020 8:00 AM8/14/2020 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020113000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
245793249Marilyn Bestul8/13/2020 12:30 PM8/13/2020 7:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3241502311000008/19/2020 00000000000000000000
246410145Jim Godfrey8/13/2020 8:00 AM8/13/2020 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020203000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
246381658Alex Wallace8/11/2020 6:00 AM8/11/2020 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130125000008/22/2020 00000000000000000000
245775118Lauren Anderson8/9/2020 6:00 AM8/9/2020 5:30 PM11.5011.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7043701616000008/18/2020 00000000000000000000
244666090Bob Schell8/8/2020 7:00 AM8/8/2020 11:00 AM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas313140139000008/09/2020 00000000000000000000
244670038Emily Blank8/7/2020 1:10 PM8/7/2020 8:10 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2341501410000008/09/2020 00000000000000000000
244666045Nancy Partin8/7/2020 10:00 AM8/7/2020 11:00 AM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas132240229000008/09/2020 00000000000000000000
244678958Danika Steggal8/5/2020 6:00 AM8/5/2020 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas032021025000008/10/2020Cool morning, 40-60 degrees till about 11 am, cool breeze off lake.00000000000000000000
245774908Lauren Anderson8/4/2020 1:00 PM8/4/2020 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas021120024000008/18/2020 00000000000000000000
244666038Nancy Partin8/4/2020 11:00 AM8/4/2020 1:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/09/2020 00000000000000000000
244067651Bob Schell8/4/2020 7:00 AM8/4/2020 11:00 AM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130037000008/06/2020 00000000000000000000
244067640Ed Kindlarski8/1/2020 10:00 AM8/1/2020 2:00 PM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas010110012000008/06/2020 00000000000000000000
245762770Lauren Anderson7/31/2020 1:00 PM7/31/2020 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212030127000008/17/2020 00000000000000000000
246410131Jim Godfrey7/31/2020 8:00 AM7/31/2020 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
244067590Larry Heck7/30/2020 1:00 PM7/30/2020 5:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3461707013000008/06/2020 00000000000000000000
244067622Patty Krarup7/30/2020 10:00 AM7/30/2020 1:00 PM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030123000008/06/2020 00000000000000000000
246410054Jim Godfrey7/30/2020 8:00 AM7/30/2020 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020022000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
243847814Marilyn Bestul7/29/2020 12:30 PM7/29/2020 7:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas851121308529000008/05/2020 00000000000000000000
244067508Tom Pierce7/29/2020 7:00 AM7/29/2020 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4206602413000008/06/2020 00000000000000000000
244067558Rick Steinke7/28/2020 10:00 AM7/28/2020 1:00 PM03.53.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120204000008/06/2020 00000000000000000000
246410006Jim Godfrey7/27/2020 7:00 AM7/27/2020 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020114000008/24/2020JIM DID MAKE UP HOURS00000000000000000000
245762539Lauren Anderson7/25/2020 6:00 AM7/25/2020 9:30 AM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130306000008/17/2020 00000000000000000000
246409938Jim Godfrey7/24/2020 8:00 AM7/24/2020 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020113000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
243117872Kyle Schussman7/23/2020 1:05 PM7/23/2020 4:35 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030214000007/31/2020 00000000000000000000
246409919Jim Godfrey7/23/2020 8:00 AM7/23/2020 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020112000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
242427347Alex Wallace7/21/2020 6:00 AM7/21/2020 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1001100110000007/22/2020 00000000000000000000
242371822Jake Mikna7/17/2020 9:15 AM7/17/2020 12:45 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4343701515000007/19/2020 00000000000000000000
246409898Jim Godfrey7/17/2020 7:30 AM7/17/2020 7:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030216000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
242371411Jake Mikna7/16/2020 9:30 AM7/16/2020 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3434701512000007/19/2020 00000000000000000000
246409867Jim Godfrey7/16/2020 7:30 AM7/16/2020 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
242426596Danika Steggal7/15/2020 12:30 PM7/15/2020 7:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5343712516000007/22/2020 00000000000000000000
242358088Ed Kindlarski7/15/2020 6:00 AM7/15/2020 7:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011000007/17/2020 00000000000000000000
241754012Emily Blank7/13/2020 6:00 AM7/13/2020 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas323250058000007/14/2020 00000000000000000000
241757439Lauren Anderson7/12/2020 6:00 AM7/12/2020 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120024000007/14/2020 00000000000000000000
242366517Marilyn Bestul7/11/2020 9:10 AM7/11/2020 4:10 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas641001004620000007/19/2020 00000000000000000000
246409856Jim Godfrey7/10/2020 8:00 AM7/10/2020 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020023000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
246409845Jim Godfrey7/9/2020 10:00 AM7/9/2020 12:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030307000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
241765535Mary Doug Brown7/9/2020 6:00 AM7/9/2020 7:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/15/2020Heavy Rain all morning00000000000000000000
241716648Danika Steggal7/8/2020 1:10 PM7/8/2020 4:40 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120025000007/11/2020 00000000000000000000
241765515Mary Doug Brown7/8/2020 6:00 AM7/8/2020 7:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000007/15/2020 00000000000000000000
242370445Jake Mikna7/7/2020 9:35 AM7/7/2020 4:35 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas68861405929000007/19/2020 00000000000000000000
241131936Ed Sturzl7/6/2020 8:00 AM7/6/2020 9:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4417711721000007/08/2020 00000000000000000000
241110766Marilyn Bestul7/5/2020 5:30 AM7/5/2020 9:00 AM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas404040228000007/07/2020 00000000000000000000
241112168Gabriella Trimble7/4/2020 1:30 PM7/4/2020 5:00 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas611670167000007/07/2020mid 90's sunny, a couple of tiny sprinkles00000000000000000000
246409802Jim Godfrey7/3/2020 9:30 AM7/3/2020 11:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010003000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
241776548Maddy Mauthe7/3/2020 6:00 AM7/3/2020 9:30 AM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4013401310000007/16/2020 00000000000000000000
246409740Jim Godfrey7/2/2020 9:30 AM7/2/2020 11:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2240402210000008/24/2020 00000000000000000000
241131906John Nowicki6/30/2020 6:00 AM6/30/2020 7:00 AM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120205000007/08/2020 00000000000000000000
241131890John Nowicki6/29/2020 7:00 AM6/29/2020 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000007/08/2020 00000000000000000000
240331928Emily Blank6/28/2020 1:05 PM6/28/2020 4:35 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3140402210000006/28/2020 00000000000000000000
240356229Danika Steggal6/27/2020 12:50 PM6/27/2020 4:20 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4215604215000006/30/2020 00000000000000000000
241131917Bob Schell6/27/2020 7:00 AM6/27/2020 8:00 AM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6134702521000007/08/2020 00000000000000000000
241132023Jim Godfrey6/26/2020 8:00 AM6/26/2020 9:00 AM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1560606013000007/08/2020 00000000000000000000
240366741Patty Krarup6/25/2020 12:00 PM6/25/2020 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7180800820000006/30/2020 00000000000000000000
241132004Jim Godfrey6/25/2020 8:00 AM6/25/2020 9:00 AM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas413250239000007/08/2020 00000000000000000000
240517614Gabriella Trimble6/24/2020 12:30 PM6/24/2020 7:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas313140406000007/03/2020Partly cloudy, on and off sprinkles. Relatively warm. 00000000000000000000
240517597Gabriella Trimble6/23/2020 12:20 PM6/23/2020 7:20 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/03/2020Rainy and chilly the whole day00000000000000000000
240517538Gabriella Trimble6/20/2020 9:30 AM6/20/2020 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas310440316000007/03/2020Rainy the whole time. 00000000000000000000
241131993Jim Godfrey6/19/2020 8:00 AM6/19/2020 9:00 AM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas120330035000007/08/2020 00000000000000000000
241131954Jim Godfrey6/18/2020 8:00 AM6/18/2020 9:00 AM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6006603314000007/08/2020 00000000000000000000
239099485Matt Van Sambeek6/15/2020 1:15 PM6/15/2020 4:45 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020207000006/18/2020 00000000000000000000
239694747Lauren Anderson6/13/2020 6:00 AM6/13/2020 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7016701617000006/22/2020 00000000000000000000
239107532Eli Faber6/10/2020 1:10 PM6/10/2020 8:10 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000006/19/2020 00000000000000000000
238427510Emily Blank6/7/2020 6:00 AM6/7/2020 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020113000006/08/2020 00000000000000000000
238438207Lauren Anderson6/6/2020 9:30 AM6/6/2020 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas91191003019000006/09/2020 00000000000000000000
204251628John Nowicki8/31/2019 7:00 AM8/31/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas235050207000009/03/2019 00000000000000000000
206128478Bob Schell8/30/2019 1:00 PM8/30/2019 1:00 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5252702016000009/16/2019Labor day weekend Fishing00000000000000000000
203393909Jason Darling8/23/2019 1:00 PM8/23/2019 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas222240128000008/25/2019 00000000000000000000
203518690Diane Brooks8/22/2019 3:00 PM8/22/2019 3:00 PM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1432501412000008/29/2019 00000000000000000000
202820768Mackenzie O'Keefe8/22/2019 9:00 AM8/22/2019 1:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000008/23/2019 00000000000000000000
202806854Jacob Thompson8/21/2019 11:00 AM8/21/2019 4:00 PM505Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020203000008/22/2019 00000000000000000000
206129090Jim Godfrey8/21/2019 7:00 AM8/21/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030303000009/16/2019 00000000000000000000
202787810Chris and Kim Droes8/18/2019 7:00 AM8/18/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2350502310000008/21/2019 00000000000000000000
206277136David Miller8/17/2019 10:00 AM8/17/2019 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas861401404931000009/18/2019Fishing tournament weekend00000000000000000000
202820588Mackenzie O'Keefe8/17/2019 6:00 AM8/17/2019 9:00 AM303Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6161703415000008/23/2019 00000000000000000000
202756197Matt Van Sambeek8/16/2019 6:00 AM8/16/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7511112011125000008/19/2019 00000000000000000000
206276575David Miller8/15/2019 1:00 PM8/15/2019 1:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5021421513000009/18/2019Fishing Tournament weekend00000000000000000000
202820502Mackenzie O'Keefe8/15/2019 6:00 AM8/15/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5041503210000008/23/2019 00000000000000000000
206128524Jim Godfrey8/14/2019 7:00 AM8/14/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030123000009/16/2019 00000000000000000000
202124544Skylar Pulera8/12/2019 8:30 AM8/12/2019 12:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010013000008/13/2019 00000000000000000000
202103912Mary Doug Brown8/12/2019 6:30 AM8/12/2019 6:30 AM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020113000008/12/2019 00000000000000000000
202098840Mackenzie O'Keefe8/11/2019 1:00 PM8/11/2019 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas121230037000008/12/2019 00000000000000000000
202103894Mary Doug Brown8/9/2019 6:30 AM8/9/2019 6:30 AM03.53.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111111113000008/12/2019 00000000000000000000
202104051Jim Godfrey8/7/2019 7:00 AM8/7/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120115000008/12/2019 00000000000000000000
202787765Patty Krarup8/3/2019 11:00 AM8/3/2019 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2570701613000008/21/2019 00000000000000000000
201509213Jeff Schroeder8/3/2019 7:00 AM8/3/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas005481360000008/08/2019 00000000000000000000
200870203Rick Steinke7/31/2019 11:00 AM7/31/2019 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020024000008/01/2019 00000000000000000000
202104039Jim Godfrey7/31/2019 7:00 AM7/31/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/12/2019 00000000000000000000
200837272Kim Droes7/28/2019 7:00 AM7/28/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas010110010000007/29/2019 00000000000000000000
201509422Jason Darling7/27/2019 9:30 AM7/27/2019 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas92741108320000008/08/2019 00000000000000000000
200264058Jacob Thompson7/25/2019 12:45 PM7/25/2019 4:15 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas211230215000007/25/2019 00000000000000000000
202104027Jim Godfrey7/24/2019 7:00 AM7/24/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/12/2019 00000000000000000000
200836605Ken Dahnke, Ellyn Dahnke7/23/2019 11:00 AM7/23/2019 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2451601511000007/29/2019 00000000000000000000
200246926Emily Blank7/23/2019 6:30 AM7/23/2019 9:30 AM303Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110102000007/23/2019 00000000000000000000
200870057Ken Pinski7/22/2019 11:00 AM7/22/2019 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010102000008/01/2019 00000000000000000000
200870021Sue Pinski7/21/2019 11:00 AM7/21/2019 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3461702516000008/01/2019 00000000000000000000
200836467Bob Ausloose7/19/2019 11:00 AM7/19/2019 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130217000007/29/2019 00000000000000000000
200836547Ed Kindlarski7/19/2019 7:00 AM7/19/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas021120204000007/29/2019 00000000000000000000
202784905Emily Blank7/18/2019 9:30 AM7/18/2019 4:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4141501411000008/21/2019 00000000000000000000
200239356Emily Blank7/17/2019 1:30 PM7/17/2019 5:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030127000007/22/2019 00000000000000000000
200836493Ed Kindlarski7/17/2019 11:00 AM7/17/2019 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000007/29/2019 00000000000000000000
202103950Jim Godfrey7/17/2019 7:00 AM1/1/0001 12:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas122130217000008/12/2019 00000000000000000000
200852512Mackenzie O'Keefe7/16/2019 6:00 AM7/16/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas413140229000007/30/2019 00000000000000000000
199657726Ken Dahnke7/15/2019 1:00 PM7/15/2019 1:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5481907216000007/17/2019 00000000000000000000
202734787Grayson Brush7/15/2019 6:00 AM7/15/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6051601514000008/18/2019 00000000000000000000
199635677Emily Blank7/13/2019 6:00 AM7/13/2019 4:30 PM10.5010.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5490810918000007/16/2019 00000000000000000000
199605839Donna Rollmann7/12/2019 8:00 AM7/12/2019 9:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5573910920000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
199558186Grayson Brush7/11/2019 1:00 PM7/11/2019 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010013000007/11/2019 00000000000000000000
199580078Emily Blank7/11/2019 6:00 AM7/11/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas102010012000007/13/2019 00000000000000000000
202103943Jim Godfrey7/10/2019 7:00 AM7/10/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/12/2019 00000000000000000000
200264307Rick Steinke7/8/2019 7:00 AM7/8/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas102020112000007/25/2019 00000000000000000000
199558196Grayson Brush7/7/2019 6:00 AM7/7/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas415050149000007/11/2019 00000000000000000000
199602951Larry Heck7/7/2019 1:00 AM7/7/2019 2:00 AM04.254.25Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2552701618000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
199558228Grayson Brush7/6/2019 12:30 PM7/6/2019 7:30 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas92831103827000007/11/2019 00000000000000000000
202103927Jim Godfrey7/3/2019 7:00 AM7/3/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5142001511000008/12/2019 00000000000000000000
200861111Diane Brooks7/2/2019 6:45 PM7/2/2019 6:45 PM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3241411412000007/31/2019 00000000000000000000
199394718Dustin Schurrer7/2/2019 6:00 AM7/2/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas313140044000007/07/2019 00000000000000000000
199605787Donna Rollmann6/30/2019 8:00 AM6/30/2019 9:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2451601513000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
199553491Kipton Kroner6/29/2019 1:00 PM6/29/2019 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3240400412000007/11/2019 00000000000000000000
199553370Kipton Kroner6/28/2019 1:00 PM6/28/2019 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas313140049000007/11/2019 00000000000000000000
199603666Ed Kindlarski6/28/2019 7:00 AM6/28/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas312240315000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
199553241Kipton Kroner6/27/2019 1:00 PM6/27/2019 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020025000007/11/2019Heavy rain 2nd half of shift00000000000000000000
199603356Ed Kindlarski6/27/2019 7:00 AM6/27/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020202000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
199603251Jim Godfrey6/26/2019 7:00 AM6/26/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010101000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
199348307Grayson Brush6/25/2019 1:00 PM6/25/2019 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas403140139000007/01/2019 00000000000000000000
199553141Kipton Kroner6/22/2019 1:00 PM6/22/2019 4:30 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4361702515000007/11/2019 00000000000000000000
199277073Skylar Pulera6/22/2019 9:30 AM6/22/2019 1:00 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6134702516000006/22/2019 00000000000000000000
199603218Jim Godfrey6/19/2019 7:00 AM6/19/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
199605890Bob Schell6/17/2019 7:00 AM6/17/2019 8:00 AM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3250502310000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
198840400Emily Blank6/16/2019 2:15 PM6/16/2019 5:15 PM303Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020023000006/18/2019 00000000000000000000
198411072Skylar Pulera6/15/2019 6:00 AM6/15/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas82371003718000006/15/2019 00000000000000000000
199603158Jim Godfrey6/12/2019 7:00 AM6/12/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110011000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
197240200Mackenzie O'Keefe6/9/2019 1:00 PM6/9/2019 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas300330126000006/10/2019 00000000000000000000
196685328Kyle Alt6/6/2019 6:00 AM6/6/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2121301210000006/06/2019 00000000000000000000
199603057Jim Godfrey6/5/2019 7:00 AM6/5/2019 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130306000007/15/2019 00000000000000000000
196680046Grayson Brush6/2/2019 10:15 AM6/2/2019 1:45 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130215000006/05/2019 00000000000000000000
196683027Jesus Charre6/1/2019 6:10 AM6/1/2019 1:10 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5023322110000006/05/2019 00000000000000000000
196092629Mackenzie O'Keefe5/31/2019 6:00 AM5/31/2019 9:30 AM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110013000005/31/2019 00000000000000000000
196679700Kipton Kroner5/30/2019 4:30 PM5/30/2019 8:00 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020027000006/05/2019 00000000000000000000
196683110Mackenzie O'Keefe5/30/2019 6:00 AM5/30/2019 1:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7208802615000006/05/2019 00000000000000000000
199603034Jim Godfrey5/29/2019 7:00 AM5/29/2019 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/15/2019No boats today 00000000000000000000
196088090Matthew Arndt5/25/2019 9:10 AM5/25/2019 12:40 PM3.503.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1171111203925000005/30/2019 00000000000000000000
196092588Noah Lentz5/24/2019 1:00 PM5/24/2019 8:00 PM707Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4206511511000005/31/2019Weather was poor, cold and raining.00000000000000000000
168907831Greg Kleinseinz10/6/2018 6:30 AM10/6/2018 3:00 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5380711719000010/09/2018 00000000000000000000
168905849Jon Strom10/6/2018 6:00 AM10/6/2018 7:00 AM011Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5032501410000010/09/2018 00000000000000000000
168907809Greg Kleinseinz10/5/2018 3:30 PM10/5/2018 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030126000010/09/2018 00000000000000000000
165568478Emily Harrington8/26/2018 12:00 AM8/26/2018 12:00 AM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1533601519000008/27/2018 00000000000000000000
165568099Brady O'Mara8/25/2018 11:00 AM8/25/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030125000008/27/2018 00000000000000000000
168039370Bob Schell8/25/2018 7:00 AM8/25/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6280802617000009/15/2018 00000000000000000000
165568082Brady O'Mara8/25/2018 6:00 AM8/25/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas223140139000008/27/2018 00000000000000000000
165666873Aaron Tomasoski8/24/2018 4:00 PM8/24/2018 8:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010013000008/28/2018 00000000000000000000
165562773Adam White8/22/2018 6:00 AM8/22/2018 3:30 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas325050415000008/26/2018 00000000000000000000
165566192Santiago Nunuz8/21/2018 4:00 PM8/21/2018 8:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/26/2018No trucks on arrival. Cloudy.00000000000000000000
165441279Samuel Rocha8/21/2018 11:00 AM8/21/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020024000008/24/2018 00000000000000000000
165388928Michaela Hartig8/21/2018 6:00 AM8/21/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020022000008/22/2018 00000000000000000000
165389433Peter Hendersen8/19/2018 6:00 AM8/19/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas401340047000008/22/2018 00000000000000000000
165377987William Mallon8/18/2018 11:00 AM8/18/2018 3:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1041401408529000008/20/2018Worked two shifts . Intern did not show up .Tournament weekend00000000000000000000
165683264Alexis Duarte8/18/2018 11:00 AM8/18/2018 12:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4370702511000008/31/2018 00000000000000000000
165377968William Mallon8/18/2018 5:45 AM8/18/2018 9:45 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas10192802820000008/20/2018Early for tournament00000000000000000000
165566045Santiago Nunuz8/17/2018 11:00 AM8/17/2018 8:30 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4563904519000008/26/201811 trucks on arrival. Sunny.00000000000000000000
165377941Ed Kindlarski8/17/2018 6:00 AM8/17/2018 7:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101831106522000008/20/2018Started early because of Muskie tournament weekend. 00000000000000000000
165240801Peter Hendersen8/12/2018 6:00 AM8/12/2018 3:30 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4132501414000008/16/2018 00000000000000000000
165369102Matt Van Sambeek8/11/2018 11:00 AM8/11/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4233601516000008/18/2018 00000000000000000000
165377922Tom Pierce8/11/2018 7:00 AM8/11/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5362711517000008/20/2018 00000000000000000000
168039353Diane Dieter8/9/2018 11:00 AM8/9/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas677613011226000009/15/2018 00000000000000000000
165377908Mary Doug Brown8/9/2018 7:00 AM8/9/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000008/20/2018 00000000000000000000
168039350Diane Dieter8/9/2018 3:00 AM8/9/2018 3:00 AM000Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/15/2018 00000000000000000000
165368960Matt Van Sambeek8/4/2018 11:00 AM8/4/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7410111001133000008/18/2018 00000000000000000000
164929927Brad Stott8/2/2018 7:00 AM8/2/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2240404010000008/03/2018 00000000000000000000
165064070Donna Rollmann7/29/2018 11:00 AM7/29/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040400000008/06/2018 00000000000000000000
165812126Peter Hendersen7/29/2018 6:00 AM7/29/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020024000009/03/2018 00000000000000000000
164923672Arden Hvam7/28/2018 7:00 AM7/28/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6352803020000008/01/2018 00000000000000000000
164923692Patty Krarup7/27/2018 11:00 AM7/27/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030036000008/01/2018 00000000000000000000
165064116David Miller7/26/2018 7:00 AM7/26/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000008/06/2018 00000000000000000000
165380105Emily Harrington7/26/2018 12:00 AM1/1/0001 12:00 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/21/2018 00000000000000000000
165812177Peter Hendersen7/25/2018 6:00 AM7/25/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/03/2018 00000000000000000000
164923663Mary Doug Brown7/23/2018 7:00 AM7/23/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110010000008/01/2018 00000000000000000000
164923647Ed Kindlarski7/22/2018 11:00 AM7/22/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas134040137000008/01/2018 00000000000000000000
165812083Peter Hendersen7/22/2018 6:00 AM7/22/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111841203925000009/03/2018 00000000000000000000
164642040Matt Van Sambeek7/21/2018 11:00 AM7/21/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130128000007/27/2018 00000000000000000000
164923631Bob & Peggy Ausloose7/21/2018 7:00 AM7/21/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020206000008/01/2018 00000000000000000000
164923614Kim Droes7/20/2018 11:00 AM7/20/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020114000008/01/2018 00000000000000000000
164923596David Miller7/20/2018 7:00 AM7/20/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120114000008/01/2018 00000000000000000000
164923572Tom Pierce7/19/2018 11:00 AM7/19/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3690903629000008/01/2018 00000000000000000000
164639453David Miller7/18/2018 7:00 AM7/18/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas402230218000007/26/2018 00000000000000000000
165063802Emily Harrington7/15/2018 11:30 AM7/15/2018 4:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4114500513000008/06/2018 00000000000000000000
165063785Emily Harrington7/15/2018 6:30 AM7/15/2018 11:00 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas301230036000008/06/2018 00000000000000000000
164186223Aaron Tomasoski7/14/2018 4:00 PM7/14/2018 8:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2350501411000007/23/2018 00000000000000000000
164641676Dustin Schurrer7/14/2018 6:00 AM7/14/2018 3:30 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas91641000100000007/26/2018 00000000000000000000
163439908Chris and Kim Droes7/13/2018 11:00 AM7/13/2018 12:00 PM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4150501411000007/13/2018 00000000000000000000
164640581Santiago Nunuz7/13/2018 6:00 AM7/13/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010011000007/26/2018No trucks on arrival. Raining.00000000000000000000
163440352Brad Stott7/13/2018 3:31 AM7/13/2018 3:31 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3232505016000007/14/2018 00000000000000000000
163439888Seth Gobard7/12/2018 7:00 AM7/12/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas010110012000007/13/2018 00000000000000000000
163221806Patty Krarup7/6/2018 11:00 AM7/6/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7916016041239000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
165922747Dustin Schurrer7/6/2018 12:00 AM1/1/0001 12:00 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas636390180000009/05/2018 00000000000000000000
163245787Ken Dahnke7/5/2018 11:00 AM7/5/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5353802612000007/11/2018 00000000000000000000
163245768Ken Dahnke7/4/2018 11:00 AM7/4/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4161061607947000007/11/2018 00000000000000000000
163221705William Mallon7/4/2018 6:45 AM7/4/2018 6:45 AM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas91731007030000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
163221671Jeff and Diane Brooks7/3/2018 7:00 AM7/3/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7272902619000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
163221657Donna Rollmann7/2/2018 11:00 AM7/2/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4242602412000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
165683285Alexis Duarte6/30/2018 11:00 AM6/30/2018 12:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3250500412000008/31/2018 00000000000000000000
163221622David Miller6/30/2018 7:00 AM6/30/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030126000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
165812047Peter Hendersen6/28/2018 6:00 AM6/28/2018 3:30 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7061613415000009/03/2018 00000000000000000000
162938134Peter Hendersen6/24/2018 6:00 AM6/24/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3324602410000006/28/2018 00000000000000000000
162914126Matt Van Sambeek6/23/2018 11:00 AM6/23/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1036713011229000006/27/2018 00000000000000000000
163439878Alan Breck6/23/2018 7:00 AM6/23/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas404040407000007/13/2018 00000000000000000000
163221600Ed Kindlarski6/22/2018 11:00 AM6/22/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3571802517000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
163221576Larry Heck6/22/2018 7:00 AM6/22/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas324150149000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
163221553Larry Heck6/21/2018 11:00 AM6/21/2018 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
165812021Peter Hendersen6/17/2018 6:00 AM6/17/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2240401311000009/03/2018 00000000000000000000
162684590Matt Van Sambeek6/16/2018 11:00 AM6/16/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6134700714000006/19/2018 00000000000000000000
162395695Peter Hendersen6/10/2018 6:00 AM6/10/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120112000006/12/2018 00000000000000000000
162887217Alexis Duarte6/9/2018 11:00 AM6/9/2018 12:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6161702515000006/23/2018 00000000000000000000
162140131Peter Hendersen6/3/2018 6:00 AM6/3/2018 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130125000006/04/2018 00000000000000000000
162150764Brady O'Mara6/2/2018 11:00 AM6/2/2018 3:30 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas312110126000006/05/201850's 70% chance of rain 00000000000000000000
162150706Brady O'Mara5/31/2018 11:00 AM5/31/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4453802617000006/05/2018 00000000000000000000
162138933Alexis Duarte5/28/2018 11:00 AM5/28/2018 12:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas55701004623000006/04/2018 00000000000000000000
163221520Jon Strom5/28/2018 7:00 AM5/28/2018 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2525702515000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
163221487Jeff Kapke5/27/2018 10:35 AM5/27/2018 10:35 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas200211115000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
161784713Peter Hendersen5/27/2018 6:00 AM5/27/2018 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas82641008224000005/29/2018 00000000000000000000
161784716Peter Hendersen5/26/2018 6:00 AM5/26/2018 3:30 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas16161116161143000005/29/2018 00000000000000000000
163221468Jeff Kapke5/25/2018 10:30 AM5/25/2018 10:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas67671032934000007/08/2018 00000000000000000000
149851096Jon Strom10/8/2017 7:00 AM10/8/2017 8:00 AM03.53.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030126300010/20/2017End of fishing tournament weekend, mostly local fishermen00000000000000000000
149851112Chuck Thier10/7/2017 6:45 AM10/7/2017 6:45 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030128300010/20/2017pouring rain 00000000000000000000
149851082David Miller10/6/2017 1:00 PM10/6/2017 1:00 PM03.53.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas223140006400010/20/2017Fishing tournament weekend00000000000000000000
148112131Jon Strom9/3/2017 7:00 AM9/3/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040028400009/19/2017 00000000000000000000
148112116Dick Kloepfer9/1/2017 7:00 AM9/1/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010013100009/19/2017 00000000000000000000
148111888Donna Rollmann8/26/2017 7:00 AM8/26/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1322401011310009/19/2017Rain all day00000000000000000000
147484331Robert Hall8/21/2017 3:30 PM8/21/2017 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040406400008/22/2017Picked up from Mariah's 8/20 shift.00000000000000000000
147484331Robert Hall8/21/2017 3:30 PM8/21/2017 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040406400008/22/2017Picked up from Mariah's 8/20 shift.00000000000000000000
147504713Angela Keen8/20/2017 6:00 AM8/20/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020024200008/25/2017 00000000000000000000
147504713Angela Keen8/20/2017 6:00 AM8/20/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020024200008/25/2017 00000000000000000000
147423698Sarah Landwehr8/19/2017 6:00 AM8/19/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas210201192145332100008/19/2017Complaints about not enough parking00000000000000000000
147423698Sarah Landwehr8/19/2017 6:00 AM8/19/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas210201192145332100008/19/2017Complaints about not enough parking00000000000000000000
147667914Matt Van Sambeek8/18/2017 6:00 AM8/18/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas118118190712371900008/30/2017 00000000000000000000
147667914Matt Van Sambeek8/18/2017 6:00 AM8/18/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas118118190712371900008/30/2017 00000000000000000000
147667893Matt Van Sambeek8/17/2017 3:30 PM8/17/2017 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120025200008/30/2017 00000000000000000000
147667893Matt Van Sambeek8/17/2017 3:30 PM8/17/2017 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120025200008/30/2017 00000000000000000000
148111874William Mallon8/17/2017 11:30 AM8/17/2017 11:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas404040049220009/19/2017 00000000000000000000
147424038Ashlyn Christel8/14/2017 10:45 AM8/14/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/19/2017Cloudy, cool, rainy, and partly sunny.00000000000000000000
147424038Ashlyn Christel8/14/2017 10:45 AM8/14/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/19/2017Cloudy, cool, rainy, and partly sunny.00000000000000000000
147292509Aaron Tomasoski8/13/2017 6:00 AM8/13/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030216300008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292509Aaron Tomasoski8/13/2017 6:00 AM8/13/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030216300008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292488Aaron Tomasoski8/12/2017 10:45 AM8/12/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020024200008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292488Aaron Tomasoski8/12/2017 10:45 AM8/12/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020024200008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292464Aaron Tomasoski8/12/2017 6:00 AM8/12/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5160601512600008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292464Aaron Tomasoski8/12/2017 6:00 AM8/12/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5160601512600008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292440Aaron Tomasoski8/11/2017 10:45 AM8/11/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040127400008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292440Aaron Tomasoski8/11/2017 10:45 AM8/11/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040127400008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147263183Tom Pierce8/11/2017 7:00 AM8/11/2017 8:00 AM03.753.75Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/12/2017Cold wet morning , slow monday00000000000000000000
147625181Zoe Brown8/10/2017 6:00 AM8/10/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/28/2017Did not encounter any boaters. It was stormy this day.00000000000000000000
147625181Zoe Brown8/10/2017 6:00 AM8/10/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/28/2017Did not encounter any boaters. It was stormy this day.00000000000000000000
147263169Ed Kindlarski8/7/2017 7:00 AM8/7/2017 8:00 AM04.254.25Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030034300008/12/2017 00000000000000000000
147292294Aaron Tomasoski8/5/2017 10:45 AM8/5/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040138310008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292294Aaron Tomasoski8/5/2017 10:45 AM8/5/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040138310008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292270Aaron Tomasoski8/5/2017 6:00 AM8/5/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010102100008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147292270Aaron Tomasoski8/5/2017 6:00 AM8/5/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010102100008/16/2017 00000000000000000000
147427327Ashlyn Christel8/4/2017 10:45 AM8/4/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas043140136400008/20/2017Cloudy, sunny, windy, lots of vegetation visible, and low clarity.00000000000000000000
147427327Ashlyn Christel8/4/2017 10:45 AM8/4/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas043140136400008/20/2017Cloudy, sunny, windy, lots of vegetation visible, and low clarity.00000000000000000000
148332571Emily Harrington8/3/2017 12:00 AM8/3/2017 11:55 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6271712612800009/26/2017 00000000000000000000
148332571Emily Harrington8/3/2017 12:00 AM8/3/2017 11:55 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6271712612800009/26/2017 00000000000000000000
146994477Angela Keen7/30/2017 6:00 AM7/30/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130033300008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
146994477Angela Keen7/30/2017 6:00 AM7/30/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130033300008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
147263155Donna Rollmann7/29/2017 11:00 AM7/29/2017 12:00 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3470707011160008/12/2017 00000000000000000000
147263105Brian Holt7/29/2017 10:45 AM7/29/2017 10:45 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120205200008/12/2017 00000000000000000000
147263135Jon Strom7/29/2017 7:00 AM7/29/2017 8:00 AM03.53.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6143702517700008/12/2017 00000000000000000000
146974643Jacob Wanserski7/28/2017 10:45 AM7/28/2017 8:00 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas151299180416322660008/01/2017Went and fished shoreline lily pads near end of shift; 17 bluegills caught, 9 kept00000000000000000000
146974643Jacob Wanserski7/28/2017 10:45 AM7/28/2017 8:00 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas151299180416322660008/01/2017Went and fished shoreline lily pads near end of shift; 17 bluegills caught, 9 kept00000000000000000000
147263118Bob Schell7/28/2017 6:30 AM7/28/2017 6:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4031401311400008/12/2017 00000000000000000000
146977783Matt Van Sambeek7/27/2017 6:00 AM7/27/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020204200008/01/2017 00000000000000000000
146977783Matt Van Sambeek7/27/2017 6:00 AM7/27/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020204200008/01/2017 00000000000000000000
146826666Ellyn Dahnke7/23/2017 10:46 AM7/23/2017 10:46 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120115200007/26/2017 00000000000000000000
146994297Angela Keen7/23/2017 6:10 AM7/23/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020022200008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
146994297Angela Keen7/23/2017 6:10 AM7/23/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020022200008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
146827254Ashlyn Christel7/22/2017 6:00 AM7/22/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6262804410710007/26/2017Sunny, warm, partly cloudy, breezy, and low water clarity (amber color). Could see lots of vegetation from the dock, spotted some ducks, and snails.00000000000000000000
146827254Ashlyn Christel7/22/2017 6:00 AM7/22/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6262804410710007/26/2017Sunny, warm, partly cloudy, breezy, and low water clarity (amber color). Could see lots of vegetation from the dock, spotted some ducks, and snails.00000000000000000000
146826599David Miller7/21/2017 7:00 AM7/21/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4233306012500007/26/2017 00000000000000000000
146807782Mary Doug Brown7/19/2017 7:00 AM7/19/2017 8:00 AM03.53.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/23/2017 00000000000000000000
146994115Angela Keen7/17/2017 10:45 AM7/17/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020112200008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
146994115Angela Keen7/17/2017 10:45 AM7/17/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020112200008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
146826613Bill Schmidt7/17/2017 7:00 AM7/17/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/26/2017Bad weather no boats00000000000000000000
146809713Shelby McIlheran7/16/2017 6:00 AM7/16/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/24/2017 00000000000000000000
146809713Shelby McIlheran7/16/2017 6:00 AM7/16/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/24/2017 00000000000000000000
146657770Matt Van Sambeek7/15/2017 6:00 AM7/15/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas8154905415900007/17/2017 00000000000000000000
146657770Matt Van Sambeek7/15/2017 6:00 AM7/15/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas8154905415900007/17/2017 00000000000000000000
146807764Jim Godfrey7/14/2017 7:00 AM7/14/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120113200007/23/2017 00000000000000000000
146658016Matt Van Sambeek7/13/2017 6:00 AM7/13/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010012100007/17/2017 00000000000000000000
146658016Matt Van Sambeek7/13/2017 6:00 AM7/13/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010012100007/17/2017 00000000000000000000
146490677Mary Ann Coopmans7/10/2017 7:00 AM7/10/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130128300007/12/2017 00000000000000000000
146490664Mary Ann Coopmans7/9/2017 11:00 AM7/9/2017 2:00 PM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020022200007/12/2017Intern at ramp not notified of change. 00000000000000000000
146502247Ashlyn Christel7/9/2017 6:00 AM7/9/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas434150415500007/13/2017Cloudy sky, light traffic on the lake, and I noticed some vegetation visible from the water's edge.00000000000000000000
146502247Ashlyn Christel7/9/2017 6:00 AM7/9/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas434150415500007/13/2017Cloudy sky, light traffic on the lake, and I noticed some vegetation visible from the water's edge.00000000000000000000
146488012Matt Van Sambeek7/8/2017 10:45 AM7/8/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3443700711700007/11/2017 00000000000000000000
146488012Matt Van Sambeek7/8/2017 10:45 AM7/8/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3443700711700007/11/2017 00000000000000000000
146490625Ed Sturzl7/8/2017 6:30 AM7/8/2017 6:30 AM04.254.25Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3241501012201007/12/2017 00000000000000000000
146490595Chris and Kim Droes7/7/2017 11:00 AM7/7/2017 12:00 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas538080449800007/12/2017 00000000000000000000
146478882Jacob Wanserski7/6/2017 6:00 AM7/6/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120022100107/10/2017 00000000000000000000
146478882Jacob Wanserski7/6/2017 6:00 AM7/6/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120022100107/10/2017 00000000000000000000
146479543Shelby McIlheran7/4/2017 6:00 AM7/4/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas422350235050007/10/2017 00000000000000000000
146479543Shelby McIlheran7/4/2017 6:00 AM7/4/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas422350235050007/10/2017 00000000000000000000
146479443Shelby McIlheran7/3/2017 10:45 AM7/3/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas785611056130110007/10/2017 00000000000000000000
146479443Shelby McIlheran7/3/2017 10:45 AM7/3/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas785611056130110007/10/2017 00000000000000000000
146992847Angela Keen7/2/2017 6:00 AM7/2/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas424260247510008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
146992847Angela Keen7/2/2017 6:00 AM7/2/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas424260247510008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
146479237Shelby McIlheran7/1/2017 10:45 AM7/1/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas944610119100100007/10/2017 00000000000000000000
146479237Shelby McIlheran7/1/2017 10:45 AM7/1/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas944610119100100007/10/2017 00000000000000000000
146490563Ed Kindlarski6/30/2017 7:00 AM6/30/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas301230218300007/12/2017 00000000000000000000
146490444Bob Schell6/29/2017 11:01 AM6/29/2017 11:01 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas122130128300007/12/2017 00000000000000000000
146490529Ed Kindlarski6/29/2017 7:00 AM6/29/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020204200007/12/2017 00000000000000000000
146992615Angela Keen6/26/2017 6:00 AM6/26/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas323250146410008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
146992615Angela Keen6/26/2017 6:00 AM6/26/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas323250146410008/03/2017 00000000000000000000
146490512Patty Krarup6/25/2017 10:46 AM6/25/2017 10:46 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120113200007/12/2017 00000000000000000000
146501983Ashlyn Christel6/24/2017 6:00 AM6/24/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5553802611800007/13/2017Cool and cloudy. Poor water clarity, some vegetation visible from the landing.(I thought it looked like CLP, water lilies, and some sort of aquatic grass-like plant) 00000000000000000000
146501983Ashlyn Christel6/24/2017 6:00 AM6/24/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5553802611800007/13/2017Cool and cloudy. Poor water clarity, some vegetation visible from the landing.(I thought it looked like CLP, water lilies, and some sort of aquatic grass-like plant) 00000000000000000000
146153414Shelby McIlheran6/23/2017 10:45 AM6/23/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas522460158060006/27/2017 00000000000000000000
146153414Shelby McIlheran6/23/2017 10:45 AM6/23/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas522460158060006/27/2017 00000000000000000000
146202630Dick Kloepfer6/23/2017 7:00 AM6/23/2017 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas200220022200006/28/2017Intern not there at 10:4500000000000000000000
146212312Jacob Wanserski6/22/2017 6:00 AM6/22/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas313030216240006/29/2017cloudy, fly fished off dock00000000000000000000
146212312Jacob Wanserski6/22/2017 6:00 AM6/22/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas313030216240006/29/2017cloudy, fly fished off dock00000000000000000000
146202615Mary Doug Brown6/19/2017 7:00 AM6/19/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102100006/28/2017 00000000000000000000
146001882Zoe Brown6/17/2017 10:45 AM6/17/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7043702515610006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
146001882Zoe Brown6/17/2017 10:45 AM6/17/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7043702515610006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
146202601Larry Heck6/17/2017 6:45 AM6/17/2017 6:45 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130034300006/28/2017 00000000000000000000
146003132Robert Hall6/15/2017 10:45 AM6/15/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020208200006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
146003132Robert Hall6/15/2017 10:45 AM6/15/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020208200006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
145976551William Mallon6/15/2017 6:30 AM6/15/2017 6:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas301230039210006/18/2017 00000000000000000000
145976537William Mallon6/14/2017 6:30 AM6/14/2017 6:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas300330036030006/18/2017 00000000000000000000
146003102Robert Hall6/12/2017 10:45 AM6/12/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
146003102Robert Hall6/12/2017 10:45 AM6/12/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
145976529William Mallon6/12/2017 6:30 AM6/12/2017 6:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000006/18/2017 00000000000000000000
146001980Zoe Brown6/11/2017 10:45 AM6/11/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas404040049400006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
146001980Zoe Brown6/11/2017 10:45 AM6/11/2017 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas404040049400006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
145976514William Mallon6/11/2017 7:00 AM6/11/2017 8:00 AM03.753.75Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6345800915090006/18/2017 00000000000000000000
146001324Angela Keen6/10/2017 6:00 AM6/10/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas73461002813910006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
146001324Angela Keen6/10/2017 6:00 AM6/10/2017 3:15 PM909Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas73461002813910006/22/2017 00000000000000000000
145976501Patty Krarup6/9/2017 6:30 AM6/9/2017 6:30 AM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120027200006/18/2017 00000000000000000000
145586929Matt Van Sambeek6/3/2017 7:00 AM6/3/2017 3:15 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6134702515700006/06/2017Late one hour after Lost Lake-Found Lake mix up00000000000000000000
145586929Matt Van Sambeek6/3/2017 7:00 AM6/3/2017 3:15 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6134702515700006/06/2017Late one hour after Lost Lake-Found Lake mix up00000000000000000000
145594596Robert Hall6/2/2017 3:30 PM6/2/2017 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4545904520900006/07/2017 00000000000000000000
145594596Robert Hall6/2/2017 3:30 PM6/2/2017 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4545904520900006/07/2017 00000000000000000000
145976484Dick Kloepfer5/28/2017 10:00 AM5/28/2017 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas8080801726800006/18/2017 00000000000000000000
145418609Jacob Wanserski5/27/2017 6:00 AM5/27/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7216702514842006/01/2017Memorial Day Weekend; good weather00000000000000000000
145418609Jacob Wanserski5/27/2017 6:00 AM5/27/2017 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7216702514842006/01/2017Memorial Day Weekend; good weather00000000000000000000
146202695Brad Stott5/26/2017 7:00 AM5/26/2017 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas122130128300006/28/2017 00000000000000000000
145976453Bob Schell5/6/2017 12:16 PM5/6/2017 12:16 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas144150038310006/18/2017 00000000000000000000
145976395Ellyn Dahnke5/6/2017 7:45 AM5/6/2017 7:45 AM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas823710028261000006/18/2017 00000000000000000000
135064890Jon Strom10/1/2016 6:00 AM10/1/2016 7:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030036300010/25/2016Musky Tournament00000000000000000000
134769688Bob Schell9/3/2016 7:00 AM9/3/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4040400411400010/16/2016 00000000000000000000
134769670Bob Schell9/2/2016 3:00 PM9/2/2016 3:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4141501411500010/16/2016 00000000000000000000
134769667Bob Schell9/2/2016 3:00 AM9/2/2016 4:00 AM000Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000010/16/2016 00000000000000000000
133497244Taylor Hewitt8/24/2016 3:30 PM8/24/2016 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011000009/20/2016 00000000000000000000
132161686Matthew Gall8/21/2016 3:30 PM8/21/2016 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas649110028171000008/22/2016 00000000000000000000
133097661Kevin DeHaan8/21/2016 10:45 AM8/21/2016 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030035500009/12/2016 00000000000000000000
132162254Samantha Diederich8/21/2016 6:00 AM8/21/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas403140318400008/22/2016 00000000000000000000
132153438Marissa Richter8/20/2016 3:30 PM8/20/2016 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1771803515800008/21/2016 00000000000000000000
132165159Jasmine Castillejo8/20/2016 10:45 AM8/20/2016 10:45 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/23/2016 00000000000000000000
132674947Dennis Dieter8/20/2016 6:00 AM8/20/2016 7:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040409400008/30/2016 00000000000000000000
132158928Matt Van Sambeek8/19/2016 10:45 AM8/19/2016 3:15 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2617804416800008/22/2016 00000000000000000000
132156097Taylor Jansen8/19/2016 6:00 AM8/19/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas61527034141400008/21/2016 00000000000000000000
132154417Christian Koller8/18/2016 3:30 PM8/18/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020112200008/21/2016 00000000000000000000
132674877Donna Rollmann8/18/2016 11:30 AM8/18/2016 11:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5243702513250008/30/2016 00000000000000000000
131431646Ed Kindlarski8/14/2016 10:30 AM8/14/2016 10:30 AM04.254.25Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas567411038271100008/17/2016 00000000000000000000
132159998Eric Williams8/14/2016 6:00 AM8/14/2016 10:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas404040138310008/22/2016 00000000000000000000
132161089Benjamin Slusser8/13/2016 3:30 PM8/13/2016 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130128300008/22/2016 00000000000000000000
132158539Chris and Kim Droes8/13/2016 7:00 AM8/13/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202011013100008/22/2016 00000000000000000000
132048255Maxwell Honzik8/12/2016 3:30 PM8/12/2016 7:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas144150237500008/19/2016 00000000000000000000
131299609Tom Pierce8/12/2016 7:00 AM8/12/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1450410510500008/12/2016 00000000000000000000
132159598Eric Williams8/7/2016 6:00 AM8/7/2016 10:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030035300008/22/2016 00000000000000000000
131285191Maxwell Honzik8/6/2016 3:30 PM8/6/2016 7:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas021120024200008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
132161020Benjamin Slusser8/5/2016 3:30 PM8/5/2016 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120025200008/22/2016 00000000000000000000
131283377Larry Heck8/5/2016 11:30 AM8/5/2016 11:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030125300008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
131106669Eric Williams7/31/2016 6:00 AM7/31/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011100008/01/2016 00000000000000000000
132160362Benjamin Slusser7/30/2016 3:30 PM7/30/2016 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/22/2016 00000000000000000000
131107097Maxwell Honzik7/29/2016 3:30 PM7/29/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130124210008/01/2016 00000000000000000000
131284673Donna Rollmann7/29/2016 11:00 AM7/29/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4260602011150008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
131284711Paul Bartnik7/28/2016 1:00 PM7/28/2016 1:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3351601514600008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
132154608Benjamin Slusser7/28/2016 6:00 AM7/28/2016 7:00 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030125300008/21/2016 00000000000000000000
130986824Eric Williams7/24/2016 6:00 AM7/24/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5041502310500007/27/2016Heavy storm from 6 till 7.00000000000000000000
130978626Ethan Phelps7/23/2016 3:30 PM7/23/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas144150055320007/27/2016Started off hot with overcast skies. Sprinkles came soon after. Kids swam near the landing and 3 ducks paddled around the weeds.00000000000000000000
131283269Mary Ann Coopmans7/23/2016 10:30 AM7/23/2016 10:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7144801710800008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
131283352David Miller7/23/2016 7:00 AM7/23/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012100008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
130986500Benjamin Slusser7/22/2016 3:30 PM7/22/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2231400411400007/27/2016 00000000000000000000
131431594Ed Kindlarski7/22/2016 7:00 AM7/22/2016 3:30 PM088Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas122130037300008/17/2016Ed did a double shift o the 22nd00000000000000000000
131283315Jeff Brooks7/21/2016 1:00 PM7/21/2016 1:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas223140048400008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
131109402Aaron Tomasoski7/21/2016 6:00 AM7/21/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012100008/01/2016 00000000000000000000
130964594Jasmine Castillejo7/17/2016 6:00 AM7/17/2016 7:00 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas505050415500007/26/2016 00000000000000000000
130832371Eric Williams7/16/2016 3:30 PM7/16/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4443712514700007/18/2016 00000000000000000000
131283221Dick Kloepfer7/16/2016 11:00 AM7/16/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5160602415600008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
130845558Maxwell Honzik7/15/2016 3:30 PM7/15/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3443701611610007/20/2016 00000000000000000000
131283177Dick Kloepfer7/15/2016 11:00 AM7/15/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas211120114400008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
131283246Bob & Peggy Ausloose7/15/2016 7:00 AM7/15/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas223140048400008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
130832158Eric Williams7/14/2016 6:00 AM7/14/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/18/2016Weather was dark, windy, but no rain. No boats launched or returned.00000000000000000000
131283086Mary Ann Coopmans7/10/2016 9:30 AM7/10/2016 9:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas110220024200008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
130830883Benjamin Slusser7/10/2016 6:00 AM7/10/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010102100007/18/2016 00000000000000000000
130698834Ethan Phelps7/9/2016 3:30 PM7/9/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas38651102911380007/12/2016Partially cloudy with a fair amount of sunshine coming through. A slight breeze, but a nice warm shift. There were 3 ducks floating around the landing00000000000000000000
131283127Ed Sturzl7/9/2016 7:00 AM7/9/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4141500511230008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
130694001Maxwell Honzik7/8/2016 3:30 PM7/8/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4233601511600007/11/2016 00000000000000000000
130704606Aaron Tomasoski7/7/2016 6:00 AM7/7/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020023200007/13/2016 00000000000000000000
130551799Eric Williams7/4/2016 6:00 AM7/4/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011100007/05/2016Happy Fourth!00000000000000000000
131283067Chuck Thier7/3/2016 11:00 AM7/3/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6684120111231110008/10/2016 00000000000000000000
130551654Eric Williams7/3/2016 6:00 AM7/3/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7171805314800007/05/20162 conservation wardens stopped by just before 10:3000000000000000000000
130550695Ethan Phelps7/2/2016 3:30 PM7/2/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas8888160511163130007/05/2016Sunny skies with barely any wind. The wildlife around the landing was plentiful with one dog, ten ducklings, two loons, and an eagle flying overhead.00000000000000000000
131114021William Mallon7/2/2016 11:00 AM7/2/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas9610315040360150008/02/2016 00000000000000000000
131114082David Miller7/2/2016 7:00 AM7/2/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7152701025800008/02/2016 00000000000000000000
130565585Maxwell Honzik7/1/2016 3:30 PM7/1/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas425160248600007/06/2016 00000000000000000000
131113982William Mallon7/1/2016 7:00 AM7/1/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4123503010410008/02/2016 00000000000000000000
130553217Aaron Tomasoski6/30/2016 6:00 AM6/30/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040218400007/05/2016 00000000000000000000
131113780Patty Krarup6/26/2016 11:00 AM6/26/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6060602013000008/02/2016 00000000000000000000
130167175Eric Williams6/26/2016 6:00 AM6/26/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130126210006/27/2016 00000000000000000000
131113880Bob Schell6/25/2016 7:00 AM6/25/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3130401011400008/02/2016 00000000000000000000
130168138Maxwell Honzik6/24/2016 3:30 PM6/24/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010012010006/27/2016 00000000000000000000
130167790Benjamin Slusser6/23/2016 6:00 AM6/23/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212121115210006/27/2016Rainy, Cloudy, cool, Loons with their babies 00000000000000000000
131113729Ken Dahnke, Ellyn Dahnke6/19/2016 12:00 PM6/19/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2552704013700008/02/2016 00000000000000000000
130027861Eric Williams6/19/2016 6:00 AM6/19/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6042601511420006/20/2016 00000000000000000000
130028275Ethan Phelps6/18/2016 3:30 PM6/18/2016 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas726390369540006/20/2016An absolutely beautiful day. I say up to a dozen loons as the newborns were taking to the water with the parents looking after them. It was amazing to see, I had never seen so many loons at one time.00000000000000000000
131113682Chuck Thier6/18/2016 11:00 AM6/18/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas324150327500008/02/2016 00000000000000000000
130042147Maxwell Honzik6/17/2016 3:30 PM6/17/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7153806211710006/22/2016 00000000000000000000
130027334Benjamin Slusser6/16/2016 6:00 AM6/16/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120116200006/20/2016 00000000000000000000
129891271Matthew Gall6/12/2016 6:00 AM6/12/2016 7:00 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6042602411500006/13/2016 00000000000000000000
131404742Maxwell Honzik6/11/2016 3:30 PM6/11/2016 3:30 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4343704310610008/15/2016 00000000000000000000
131428747Samantha Diederich6/10/2016 3:30 PM6/10/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4040400412400008/17/2016 00000000000000000000
129571154Samantha Diederich6/5/2016 3:30 PM6/5/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000006/06/2016Thunderstorm conditions. Sun came out at 5. Lots of chipmunks. People fishing off dock.00000000000000000000
131113657Mary Doug Brown6/4/2016 6:30 AM6/4/2016 6:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020204200008/02/2016 00000000000000000000
131404660Benjamin Slusser6/4/2016 6:00 AM6/4/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010103010008/15/2016 00000000000000000000
129570594Eric Williams6/3/2016 3:30 PM6/3/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000006/06/2016It started raining as soon as I got here, and whoever was here already left, and no one came throughout my whole shift.00000000000000000000
129782176Maxwell Honzik6/2/2016 6:00 AM6/2/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130035300006/10/2016 00000000000000000000
130987943William Mallon5/30/2016 12:00 PM5/30/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4554904528060007/27/2016 00000000000000000000
129425446Eric Williams5/30/2016 6:00 AM5/30/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6309811613710006/01/2016Weather was sunny and windy, very few clouds early on. When talking to anglers, found that very few fish were caught, and none of any great worth. Met a CBCW volunteer as he was entering water, he seemed very pleased that I was working this lake. Also, two separate boaters power loaded onto their trailers. I didn't know the laws surrounding power loading at this lake so I didn't say anything.00000000000000000000
129424806Samantha Diederich5/29/2016 3:30 PM5/29/2016 8:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3553800817800006/01/2016Raining on and off. Sunny when it wasn't raining.00000000000000000000
130987906Patty Krarup5/29/2016 6:00 AM5/29/2016 7:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7272363022520007/27/2016 00000000000000000000
130987887Patty Krarup5/28/2016 10:00 AM5/28/2016 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5041502013500007/27/2016 00000000000000000000
129424653Matthew Gall5/28/2016 6:00 AM5/28/2016 10:30 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas8017804416710006/01/2016 00000000000000000000
130987871Bob & Peggy Ausloose5/27/2016 11:00 AM5/27/2016 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas12057120012272720007/27/2016 00000000000000000000
131113632David Miller5/27/2016 7:00 AM5/27/2016 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/02/2016 00000000000000000000
120920133Chuck Thier10/3/2015 6:30 AM10/3/2015 6:30 AM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012200010/03/2015 00000000000000000000
120456180Tom Pierce9/5/2015 12:00 PM9/5/2015 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5160602410510009/15/2015 00000000000000000000
120456259Bob Kaarup9/5/2015 7:00 AM9/5/2015 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas404040227400009/15/2015 00000000000000000000
120161201William Mallon8/22/2015 2:05 PM8/22/2015 5:36 PM03.53.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas51418019050450190009/02/2015Musky tournament weekend - high traffic of boats00000000000000000000
120161087Chuck Thier8/22/2015 10:02 AM8/22/2015 2:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas9411213076241120009/02/2015Musky tournament weekend - high traffic of boats00000000000000000000
120752119David Miller8/22/2015 6:00 AM8/22/2015 10:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7270503018610009/28/2015Musky Tournament00000000000000000000
120160979Dennis and Diane Dieter8/21/2015 10:01 AM8/21/2015 3:01 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas83921003523660009/02/2015Musky tournament weekend - high traffic of boats00000000000000000000
120752022David Miller8/21/2015 6:00 AM8/21/2015 10:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7580803016800009/28/2015Musky Tournament00000000000000000000
120160305Bob Ausloose8/21/2015 6:00 AM8/21/2015 10:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6271702617800009/02/2015Musky tournament weekend - high traffic of boats00000000000000000000
121118292Aaron Tomasoski8/15/2015 12:00 PM8/15/2015 4:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6271802616530010/08/2015 00000000000000000000
119803358Mary Doug Brown8/15/2015 7:00 AM8/15/2015 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas323250336500008/15/2015 00000000000000000000
121118177Aaron Tomasoski8/14/2015 12:00 PM8/14/2015 4:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas502350058320010/08/2015 00000000000000000000
119857159Shantel Brundidge8/13/2015 7:00 AM8/13/2015 8:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/21/2015 00000000000000000000
121118110Aaron Tomasoski8/9/2015 7:00 AM8/9/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030125210010/08/2015 00000000000000000000
121117777Aaron Tomasoski8/8/2015 12:00 PM8/8/2015 4:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas311340047220010/08/2015 00000000000000000000
120161315William Mallon8/8/2015 7:00 AM8/8/2015 11:00 AM000Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/02/2015 00000000000000000000
120161331Bob Schell8/8/2015 6:55 AM8/8/2015 10:55 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3140402212310009/02/2015 00000000000000000000
121117696Aaron Tomasoski8/7/2015 12:00 PM8/7/2015 4:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2323411313140010/08/2015 00000000000000000000
121117653Aaron Tomasoski8/6/2015 7:00 AM8/6/2015 11:00 AM101Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012010010/08/2015 00000000000000000000
119527424Aaron Tomasoski8/2/2015 6:30 AM8/2/2015 10:30 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102010008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119527329Aaron Tomasoski8/1/2015 11:30 AM8/1/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas94211130013311120008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119521987Dick Kloepfer8/1/2015 7:00 AM8/1/2015 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030035300008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119527283Aaron Tomasoski7/31/2015 11:30 AM7/31/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119521630Brad Stott7/31/2015 7:00 AM7/31/2015 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030035300008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119527109Aaron Tomasoski7/30/2015 7:00 AM7/30/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030216030008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119521376William Mallon7/30/2015 7:00 AM7/30/2015 8:00 AM04.254.25Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030305030008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119376209Aaron Tomasoski7/26/2015 6:30 AM7/26/2015 10:30 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas122130306030007/29/2015 00000000000000000000
119376122Aaron Tomasoski7/25/2015 11:30 AM7/25/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas501450239140007/29/2015 00000000000000000000
119375832Aaron Tomasoski7/24/2015 11:30 AM7/24/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1331401313130007/29/2015 00000000000000000000
119521062Mike Bradbury7/24/2015 7:00 AM7/24/2015 8:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas133131047400008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119375735Aaron Tomasoski7/23/2015 7:00 AM7/23/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas200220115020007/29/2015 00000000000000000000
119375591Aaron Tomasoski7/19/2015 6:30 AM7/19/2015 10:30 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5427902723360007/29/2015 00000000000000000000
119375363Aaron Tomasoski7/18/2015 11:30 AM7/18/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3351603314150007/29/2015 00000000000000000000
119520834Dick Kloepfer7/18/2015 7:30 AM7/18/2015 7:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4233600616420008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119375241Aaron Tomasoski7/17/2015 11:30 AM7/17/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas1432410411041007/29/2015 00000000000000000000
119375133Aaron Tomasoski7/16/2015 7:00 AM7/16/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010013100007/29/2015 00000000000000000000
119520552Bill Schmidt7/14/2015 7:00 AM7/14/2015 11:00 AM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010103100008/05/2015New inspector had dual coverage. Training by Dave Miller00000000000000000000
119520276Dick Kloepfer7/12/2015 11:30 AM7/12/2015 3:30 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040216300008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119069963Alexandra Oines7/12/2015 7:00 AM7/12/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120023110007/12/2015 00000000000000000000
119069911Alexandra Oines7/11/2015 12:00 PM7/11/2015 4:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas233250059320007/12/2015 00000000000000000000
119520037Mary Doug Brown7/11/2015 7:00 AM7/11/2015 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas322350147500008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119091304Aaron Tomasoski7/10/2015 11:30 AM7/10/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas222231036130007/15/2015 00000000000000000000
119091244Aaron Tomasoski7/9/2015 7:00 AM7/9/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas121230127030007/15/2015 00000000000000000000
118957489Aaron Tomasoski7/5/2015 6:30 AM7/5/2015 10:30 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas132240137130007/08/2015 00000000000000000000
118957329Aaron Tomasoski7/4/2015 11:30 AM7/4/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4343700620160007/08/2015 00000000000000000000
119519706Diane Dieter7/4/2015 7:00 AM7/4/2015 11:30 AM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas746511029291100008/05/2015Busy 4th of July -nice day00000000000000000000
118957222Aaron Tomasoski7/3/2015 11:30 AM7/3/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7126801727170007/08/2015 00000000000000000000
119519582Diane Dieter7/3/2015 9:30 AM7/3/2015 9:30 AM01.51.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020023200008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119519506Chuck Thier7/3/2015 5:30 AM7/3/2015 9:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030030000008/05/2015 00000000000000000000
119391320Bob Ausloose7/2/2015 1:00 PM7/2/2015 5:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas234140049320007/31/2015 00000000000000000000
118957035Aaron Tomasoski7/2/2015 7:00 AM7/2/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5261702520610007/08/2015 00000000000000000000
118812541Aaron Tomasoski6/28/2015 6:30 AM6/28/2015 10:30 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120118110006/30/2015 00000000000000000000
118812494Aaron Tomasoski6/27/2015 11:30 AM6/27/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas411450049540006/30/2015 00000000000000000000
119391269William Mallon6/27/2015 7:00 AM6/27/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3213301410230007/31/2015 00000000000000000000
118812449Aaron Tomasoski6/26/2015 11:30 AM6/26/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3214500512050006/30/2015 00000000000000000000
119391220David Miller6/25/2015 12:00 PM6/25/2015 4:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas0440402211400007/31/2015 00000000000000000000
118812222Aaron Tomasoski6/25/2015 7:00 AM6/25/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120116020006/30/2015 00000000000000000000
118812155Aaron Tomasoski6/21/2015 6:30 AM6/21/2015 10:30 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas301230127030006/30/2015 00000000000000000000
118811835Aaron Tomasoski6/20/2015 11:30 AM6/20/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas302130037210006/30/2015 00000000000000000000
118811662Aaron Tomasoski6/19/2015 11:30 AM6/19/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas82731006423460006/30/2015 00000000000000000000
119391171David Miller6/18/2015 12:00 PM6/18/2015 4:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas311330139220007/31/2015 00000000000000000000
118811589Aaron Tomasoski6/18/2015 7:00 AM6/18/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas300330306120006/30/2015 00000000000000000000
118574479Aaron Tomasoski6/14/2015 7:00 AM6/14/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5050503210140006/19/2015 00000000000000000000
118573518Aaron Tomasoski6/13/2015 11:30 AM6/13/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2415603312150006/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119391125Chuck Thier6/13/2015 6:45 AM6/13/2015 10:00 AM03.253.25Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2130301210300007/31/2015 00000000000000000000
118573470Aaron Tomasoski6/12/2015 11:30 AM6/12/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3113401313040006/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119242477Bob Ausloose6/12/2015 7:00 AM6/12/2015 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas301230214300007/24/2015 00000000000000000000
118573425Aaron Tomasoski6/11/2015 6:55 AM6/11/2015 11:55 AM4.0504.05Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114020006/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119242430Bob Schell6/7/2015 12:00 PM6/7/2015 4:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas312240138400007/24/2015 00000000000000000000
118434048Aaron Tomasoski6/7/2015 6:55 AM6/7/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012010006/11/2015 00000000000000000000
118434003Aaron Tomasoski6/6/2015 11:30 AM6/6/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2130300310210006/11/2015 00000000000000000000
118433955Aaron Tomasoski6/5/2015 11:30 AM6/5/2015 3:30 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas201120025200006/11/2015 00000000000000000000
118433905Aaron Tomasoski6/4/2015 6:05 AM6/4/2015 11:05 AM4.104.1Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2442601410420006/11/2015 00000000000000000000
119242378Jeff Kapke6/2/2015 11:00 AM6/2/2015 3:30 PM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas6015512314130107/24/2015Advised 5 girls they did not have pfds on board. Had helper with inspector.00000000000000000000
118420947Ben App5/31/2015 7:00 AM5/31/2015 8:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas301230036300006/09/2015 00000000000000000000
118420895Ben App5/30/2015 12:00 PM5/30/2015 12:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas122130037300006/09/2015 00000000000000000000
118246917Aaron Tomasoski5/29/2015 12:00 PM5/29/2015 4:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020115320005/31/2015 00000000000000000000
118246821Aaron Tomasoski5/28/2015 6:00 AM5/28/2015 6:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5032502213140005/31/2015 00000000000000000000
118246697Aaron Tomasoski5/25/2015 6:57 AM5/25/2015 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020026110005/31/2015 00000000000000000000
118246619Aaron Tomasoski5/24/2015 11:10 AM5/24/2015 3:30 PM4.204.2Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas11212113058441030005/31/2015 00000000000000000000
119242036Bob Kaarup5/23/2015 1:00 PM5/23/2015 5:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas710171161313421610007/24/2015 00000000000000000000
118244955Aaron Tomasoski5/23/2015 6:50 AM5/23/2015 11:00 AM4.104.1Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas115106160412401420005/30/2015 00000000000000000000
119241927Ed Kindlarski5/22/2015 1:00 PM5/22/2015 5:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas106214160610371420007/24/2015 00000000000000000000
119241848Ed Kindlarski5/22/2015 7:00 AM5/22/2015 11:00 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas912810037171000007/24/2015 00000000000000000000