Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

BIG ARBOR VITAE LAKE ASSOC: Big Arbor Vitae Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2015

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IDInspector Name(s)Start DateEnd DatePaid HoursVolunteer HoursHours SpentLandingStation IDCountyEnteringLeavingContacted YesContacted NoWilling YesWilling NoUsed Past 5 Days - YesUsed Past 5 Days - NoPeople ContactedConfident Strongly AgreeConfident AgreeConfident DisagreeConfident Strongly DisagreeData EnteredComments2012-2013: Contacted 0 Times2012-2013: Contacted 1-2 Times2012-2013: Contacted 3-4 Times2012-2013: Contacted 5 Times2012-2013: Waterbodies 1-22012-2013: Waterbodies 3-42012-2013: Waterbodies 52010-2013: Inspect and Remove Plants - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - N/A2012-2013: Drain Water from Boat - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - N/A2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - Yes2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - N/A2012-2013: Took no steps2012-2013: Didn't Ask About Prevention Steps2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Yes2012-2013: Aware of Laws - No2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Unsure
121223261Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association10/10/2015 8:00 AM10/10/2015 10:15 AM02.252.25Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas7263613518440010/10/2015 00000000000000000000
120928527Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association10/3/2015 8:00 AM10/3/2015 10:15 AM02.252.25Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas0440400410300010/05/2015 00000000000000000000
120928405Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association10/2/2015 9:00 AM10/2/2015 11:00 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas110220024020010/05/2015 00000000000000000000
121117905Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/30/2015 2:30 PM9/30/2015 5:30 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas202020113200010/08/2015 00000000000000000000
120779706Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/27/2015 9:00 AM9/27/2015 11:00 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas1432502312500009/30/2015 00000000000000000000
120928329Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/26/2015 8:00 AM9/26/2015 10:00 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas110220023020010/05/2015Volunteer observes that many boaters are aware of aquatic invasive species, however, very few are knowledgable about VHS/live bait issues and drainage of water in their boats. This includes people who have recently purchased their boats from local dealerships.00000000000000000000
120779618Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/25/2015 3:15 PM9/25/2015 5:15 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas2240400410310009/30/2015 00000000000000000000
121103628Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/25/2015 3:00 PM9/25/2015 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas401340139310010/07/2015 00000000000000000000
121117831Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/23/2015 2:30 PM9/23/2015 5:30 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas112020023110010/08/2015 00000000000000000000
120639648Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/20/2015 3:00 PM9/20/2015 5:00 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas100110103010009/24/2015 00000000000000000000
121103561Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/20/2015 7:00 AM9/20/2015 10:00 AM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas313140047220010/07/2015 00000000000000000000
120639598Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/19/2015 12:45 PM9/19/2015 2:45 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas1231401311220009/24/2015 00000000000000000000
120779804Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/4/2015 3:00 PM9/4/2015 5:00 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas122130036200009/30/2015 00000000000000000000
120779877Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/3/2015 3:30 PM9/3/2015 5:30 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas301230033300009/30/2015 00000000000000000000
120639535Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association9/2/2015 2:45 PM9/2/2015 4:45 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas200200112020009/24/2015 00000000000000000000
120779993Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/30/2015 9:00 AM8/30/2015 11:00 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas3122401311301009/30/2015 00000000000000000000
121103503Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/30/2015 8:00 AM8/30/2015 11:00 AM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas101010012100010/07/2015 00000000000000000000
120575350Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/29/2015 8:00 AM8/29/2015 9:00 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas225050138320009/19/2015Volunteer, Deb McFadden, noted that there were two boats in the launch parking lot on arrival and the trailers were clean. She spoke with people who were "scouting" the launch and did not have boats with them. She discussed issues with them and gave them bait information.00000000000000000000
120575537Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/23/2015 3:00 PM8/23/2015 5:00 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas111230025120009/19/2015Sunday afternoon with high winds and storms. Boater did not launch--scouting the landing for a future guiding appointment. Towing boat and trailer were inspected.00000000000000000000
120575473Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/22/2015 8:00 AM8/22/2015 10:00 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas111120023200009/19/2015Saturday morning with high winds. Four Trailers in the parking lot on arrival--all very clean. Boater suggested that some type of grabbing tool or hook be available at launches to assist in trailer cleaning. Boater said he complies with the laws because his father-in-law was caught and fined!00000000000000000000
120655613Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/20/2015 3:00 PM8/20/2015 3:00 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas000000000000009/25/2015No activity--zero boaters interviewed. 00000000000000000000
119951993Brian Wilson8/20/2015 12:00 PM8/20/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas123030034400008/21/2015 00000000000000000000
119982988Matt Van Sambeek8/20/2015 7:00 AM8/20/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas101010011100008/25/2015 00000000000000000000
119857829Shantel Brundidge8/19/2015 11:00 AM8/19/2015 12:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas000000000000008/21/2015 00000000000000000000
119981888Thong Moua8/19/2015 7:00 AM8/19/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas000000000000008/25/2015 00000000000000000000
119951773Brian Wilson8/18/2015 12:00 PM8/18/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas022020025500008/21/2015 00000000000000000000
119992486Tara Dobbs8/18/2015 7:00 AM8/18/2015 8:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas000000000000008/26/2015 00000000000000000000
119992398Tara Dobbs8/17/2015 12:00 AM8/17/2015 1:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas112020022200008/26/2015 00000000000000000000
119846461Matt Van Sambeek8/16/2015 12:00 PM8/16/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas646410046181000008/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119809035Alexandra Oines8/16/2015 7:00 AM8/16/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas101010012100008/16/2015Windy, humid, overcast00000000000000000000
120655565Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/16/2015 7:00 AM8/16/2015 10:00 AM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas022020115200009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
119846353Matt Van Sambeek8/15/2015 12:00 PM8/15/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas6345901823900008/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119808982Alexandra Oines8/15/2015 12:00 PM8/15/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas3562711511440008/16/2015 00000000000000000000
119846299Matt Van Sambeek8/15/2015 7:00 AM8/15/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas323250238500008/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119846245Matt Van Sambeek8/14/2015 12:00 PM8/14/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas1423502313500008/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119846187Matt Van Sambeek8/14/2015 7:00 AM8/14/2015 11:00 AM000Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas000000000000008/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119846190Matt Van Sambeek8/14/2015 7:00 AM8/14/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas515160337600008/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119814089Amanda Panas8/13/2015 12:00 PM8/13/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas4361702511700008/17/2015 00000000000000000000
119846134Matt Van Sambeek8/13/2015 12:00 PM8/13/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas5041501411500008/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119846074Matt Van Sambeek8/13/2015 7:00 AM8/13/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas301230215300008/19/2015 00000000000000000000
119679154Matt Van Sambeek8/12/2015 7:00 AM8/12/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas403140315400008/12/2015 00000000000000000000
120655518Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/11/2015 3:00 PM8/11/2015 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas010110002010009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
119678841Matt Van Sambeek8/9/2015 12:00 PM8/9/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas3250503210500008/12/2015 00000000000000000000
119678567Matt Van Sambeek8/8/2015 7:00 AM8/8/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas9054903619900008/12/2015 00000000000000000000
119678513Matt Van Sambeek8/7/2015 12:00 PM8/7/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas404040229400008/12/2015 00000000000000000000
119537038Matt Van Sambeek8/6/2015 7:00 AM8/6/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas121230218300008/06/2015 00000000000000000000
120654822Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/5/2015 2:00 PM8/5/2015 2:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas523250237500009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
120655465Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association8/4/2015 3:00 PM8/4/2015 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas3434702512520009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
119536874Matt Van Sambeek8/2/2015 12:00 PM8/2/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas111120114200008/06/2015 00000000000000000000
119537649Matt Van Sambeek8/2/2015 7:00 AM8/2/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas2332500414500008/06/2015 00000000000000000000
119537157Matt Van Sambeek8/1/2015 12:00 PM8/1/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas13413417089351610008/06/2015 00000000000000000000
119536025Matt Van Sambeek8/1/2015 7:00 AM8/1/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas5243703311610008/06/2015 00000000000000000000
119536611Matt Van Sambeek8/1/2015 7:00 AM8/1/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas5243703311610008/06/2015 00000000000000000000
119535971Matt Van Sambeek7/31/2015 12:00 PM7/31/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas5463902713900008/06/2015 00000000000000000000
119388106Matt Van Sambeek7/30/2015 7:00 AM7/30/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas100110012100007/30/2015 00000000000000000000
120654760Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/29/2015 2:45 PM7/29/2015 5:45 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas010101001001009/25/2015Boater was leaving lake at 4:15 PM and not friendly. 00000000000000000000
120655445Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/28/2015 3:00 PM7/28/2015 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas234150107320009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
119388158Matt Van Sambeek7/26/2015 12:00 PM7/26/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas2341502312500007/30/2015 00000000000000000000
119388002Matt Van Sambeek7/25/2015 7:00 AM7/25/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas3232500511500007/30/2015 00000000000000000000
119387933Matt Van Sambeek7/24/2015 12:00 PM7/24/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas3104401310400007/30/2015 00000000000000000000
119240011Matt Van Sambeek7/23/2015 7:00 AM7/23/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas202020204200007/23/2015 00000000000000000000
120654677Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/22/2015 2:45 PM7/22/2015 5:45 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas4114503211320009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
120655395Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/21/2015 3:00 PM7/21/2015 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas010110011100009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
119239835Matt Van Sambeek7/19/2015 12:00 PM7/19/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas3407702516700007/23/2015 00000000000000000000
119958996Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/19/2015 9:45 AM7/19/2015 9:45 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas24426033121200008/23/2015 00000000000000000000
119958946Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/18/2015 12:30 PM7/18/2015 12:30 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas5244702617620008/23/2015 00000000000000000000
119239960Matt Van Sambeek7/18/2015 7:00 AM7/18/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas201120015110007/23/2015It was raining that morning.00000000000000000000
119239906Matt Van Sambeek7/17/2015 12:00 PM7/17/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas3663902723900007/23/2015 00000000000000000000
119112531Alexandra Oines7/16/2015 7:00 AM7/16/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas5555822617541007/17/2015 00000000000000000000
119106126Matt Van Sambeek7/16/2015 7:00 AM7/16/2015 12:00 PM505Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas213030037300007/16/2015 00000000000000000000
120654641Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/15/2015 2:45 PM7/15/2015 5:45 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas222130126300009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
120655347Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/14/2015 3:00 PM7/14/2015 5:00 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas021020025110009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
119106014Matt Van Sambeek7/12/2015 12:00 PM7/12/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas6363902724810007/16/2015 00000000000000000000
119958899Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/12/2015 8:30 AM7/12/2015 8:30 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas111120015500008/23/2015 00000000000000000000
119105623Matt Van Sambeek7/11/2015 7:00 AM7/11/2015 12:00 PM505Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas2213400411400007/16/2015 00000000000000000000
119958732Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/9/2015 3:30 PM7/9/2015 3:30 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas2424601411420008/23/2015Not familiar with the Lake in Green Bay area--Lake Merkejon00000000000000000000
120654573Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/8/2015 3:00 PM7/8/2015 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas7361612414420009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
120654523Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/7/2015 2:45 PM7/7/2015 5:45 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas6251602412420009/25/2015DNR boat taking duck survey--employee checked trailer very thoroughly! Big St. Germain boater also did a very thorough check of his trailer and emptied live well. Minnesota boater; and Big Arb resident launched boat for the first time this season. 00000000000000000000
118942196Laura Poels7/5/2015 12:00 PM7/5/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas4113411314041007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118930065Alexandra Oines7/5/2015 12:00 PM7/5/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas2754724312360007/05/2015(On south landing- not sure which boat launch option that means)00000000000000000000
119855638Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/5/2015 8:30 AM7/5/2015 8:30 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas35628017161600008/21/2015 00000000000000000000
118943484Laura Poels7/4/2015 12:00 PM7/4/2015 12:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas1710216261917525220007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118942294Laura Poels7/3/2015 12:00 PM7/3/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas55559127300100007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118942959Laura Poels7/3/2015 7:00 AM7/3/2015 8:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas3232501415230007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
120575398Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/2/2015 2:00 PM7/2/2015 4:15 PM02.252.25Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas3452704318430009/19/2015 00000000000000000000
118942780Laura Poels7/2/2015 7:00 AM7/2/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas8154903614450007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
120655271Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/1/2015 3:00 PM7/1/2015 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas8421012021017920009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
120654474Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association7/1/2015 6:45 AM7/1/2015 9:45 AM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas411340137400009/25/2015 00000000000000000000
118831075Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association6/28/2015 12:00 PM6/28/2015 4:00 PM044Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas031230038030007/02/2015 00000000000000000000
118831176Laura Poels6/27/2015 7:00 AM6/27/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas6354903625180007/02/2015 00000000000000000000
118942741Laura Poels6/26/2015 12:00 PM6/26/2015 12:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas000000000000007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118942694Laura Poels6/26/2015 7:00 AM6/26/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas6271620616080007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118942646Laura Poels6/25/2015 12:00 PM6/25/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas4251420411060007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118942563Laura Poels6/25/2015 7:00 AM6/25/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas3241410410041007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118942248Laura Poels6/19/2015 12:00 PM6/19/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas101010012010007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118551331Alexandra Oines6/14/2015 12:00 PM6/14/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas5528821712370006/16/2015 00000000000000000000
118533752Alexandra Oines6/13/2015 7:00 AM6/13/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas413232126320006/13/2015 00000000000000000000
118942502Laura Poels5/29/2015 7:00 AM5/29/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas101010014010007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118942130Laura Poels5/28/2015 12:00 PM5/28/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas2451600617060007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118942078Laura Poels5/28/2015 7:00 AM5/28/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas4324701619160007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118070623Thong Moua5/25/2015 11:30 AM5/25/2015 11:30 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas212121150300005/27/2015 00000000000000000000
118943640Laura Poels5/25/2015 7:00 AM5/25/2015 8:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas10486140113321130007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118942452Laura Poels5/24/2015 12:00 PM5/24/2015 4:00 PM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas2718902718270007/06/2015 00000000000000000000
118831228Laura Poels5/23/2015 7:00 AM5/23/2015 11:00 AM404Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas934810356261111007/02/2015 00000000000000000000