Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

BIG ARBOR VITAE LAKE ASSOC: Big Arbor Vitae Lake Association 2018 CBCW

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IDInspector Name(s)Start DateEnd DatePaid HoursVolunteer HoursHours SpentLandingStation IDCountyEnteringLeavingContacted YesContacted NoWilling YesWilling NoUsed Past 5 Days - YesUsed Past 5 Days - NoPeople ContactedConfident Strongly AgreeConfident AgreeConfident DisagreeConfident Strongly DisagreeData EnteredComments2012-2013: Contacted 0 Times2012-2013: Contacted 1-2 Times2012-2013: Contacted 3-4 Times2012-2013: Contacted 5 Times2012-2013: Waterbodies 1-22012-2013: Waterbodies 3-42012-2013: Waterbodies 52010-2013: Inspect and Remove Plants - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - N/A2012-2013: Drain Water from Boat - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - N/A2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - Yes2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - N/A2012-2013: Took no steps2012-2013: Didn't Ask About Prevention Steps2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Yes2012-2013: Aware of Laws - No2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Unsure
167874440Deb McFadden9/7/2018 10:50 AM9/7/2018 1:20 PM02.52.5Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas212130124000009/08/2018Three clean trailers in the parking lot. One angler just leaving reported catch and release of 34" musky.00000000000000000000
168359190Ken Shepski9/4/2018 7:15 AM9/4/2018 10:30 AM03.253.25Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas112020115000009/26/2018 00000000000000000000
168359156Ken Shepski8/28/2018 8:00 AM8/28/2018 12:00 PM044Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas212020024000009/26/2018Arbor Vitae Marine testing boat repairs00000000000000000000
168359143Ken Shepski8/21/2018 9:00 AM8/21/2018 12:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas101010002000009/26/2018 00000000000000000000
165377135Nancy Wallace8/19/2018 1:00 PM8/19/2018 2:30 PM01.51.5Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas211230128000008/20/2018 00000000000000000000
167907414Larry Stein8/15/2018 3:00 PM8/15/2018 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas112020024000009/12/2018 00000000000000000000
165239148Ken Shepski8/14/2018 7:45 AM8/14/2018 11:00 AM03.253.25Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas000000000000008/16/2018There was a single trailer in the lot upon arrival. Boater did not return by the end of my shift. Did not see a single person all morning!00000000000000000000
167907368Larry Stein8/8/2018 3:00 PM8/8/2018 7:00 PM044Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas1331401311000009/12/2018 00000000000000000000
165239154Ken Shepski8/7/2018 8:00 AM8/7/2018 10:00 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas202020114000008/16/2018 00000000000000000000
167907279Larry Stein8/5/2018 3:00 PM8/5/2018 6:30 PM03.53.5Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas2231402210000009/12/2018 00000000000000000000
165229005Don Wallace8/5/2018 1:00 PM8/5/2018 3:00 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas0312301213000008/14/2018Interviewed jet skiers and fishermen. Did not enter a lake as the report says: North Twins Nicolet National Forest. Did not know how to interpret that.00000000000000000000
165386374Deb McFadden7/31/2018 1:30 PM7/31/2018 3:30 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas100110101000008/22/2018 00000000000000000000
165239169Ken Shepski7/31/2018 7:30 AM7/31/2018 11:30 AM044Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas3450503210000008/16/2018Two boaters were members of lake associations. One from Big Arbor Vitae lake association and the other was a member of the Little Arbor Vitae lake district. Arbor Vitae Marine was launching to test boats, as they frequently do at this launch and also Mielke Bay.00000000000000000000
165239191Ken Shepski7/24/2018 7:30 AM7/24/2018 11:00 AM03.53.5Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas314040226000008/16/2018 00000000000000000000
164925368Deb McFadden7/22/2018 2:05 PM7/22/2018 3:20 PM01.251.25Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas301230127000008/02/2018 00000000000000000000
165229167Don Wallace7/22/2018 1:00 PM7/22/2018 3:00 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas322140008000008/14/2018The Wallace's were not asking the proper questions regarding other waterbodies visited. Instead she noted what type of watercraft. She interviewed a jet skier, powerboater and two fishermen.00000000000000000000
164925350Deb McFadden7/22/2018 12:50 PM7/22/2018 2:05 PM01.251.25Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas4113411210000008/02/2018Two trailers in lot upon arrival were clean.00000000000000000000
167907236Larry Stein7/18/2018 3:00 PM7/18/2018 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas3342602413000009/12/2018 00000000000000000000
165239209Ken Shepski7/17/2018 7:30 AM7/17/2018 12:00 PM04.54.5Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas312121206000008/16/2018 00000000000000000000
164925288Deb McFadden7/10/2018 3:00 PM7/10/2018 5:00 PM044Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas64100504011000008/02/2018 00000000000000000000
165239228Ken Shepski7/10/2018 7:00 AM7/10/2018 9:00 AM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas201120024000008/16/2018 00000000000000000000
164055153Rudy Becker7/9/2018 3:00 AM7/13/2018 5:00 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas0550401411000007/20/2018 00000000000000000000
164055114Rudy Becker7/5/2018 3:30 PM7/5/2018 5:30 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas2322312216000007/20/2018 00000000000000000000
164923288Deb McFadden7/1/2018 2:00 PM7/1/2018 4:00 PM022Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas114040229000008/01/2018Observed a nice musky in the stumps! "Thanks to whomever left the chair!" (I believe that would be our CBCW student interns.) One boat trailer in the lot and she could see another smaller trailer across the bay. Observed a nice musky in the stumps! "Thanks to whomever left the chair!" (I believe that would be our CBCW student interns.) One boat trailer in the lot and she could see another smaller trailer across the bay.00000000000000000000
164925584Larry Stein6/27/2018 4:00 PM6/27/2018 7:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas223140225000008/02/2018 00000000000000000000
163455348Ken Shepski6/26/2018 7:30 AM6/26/2018 11:00 AM03.53.5Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas221230124000007/17/2018Fisherman stated they had been fishing in various lakes in Waupaca County. Fisherman stated they had been fishing in various lakes in Waupaca County.00000000000000000000
164925546Larry Stein6/20/2018 4:00 PM6/20/2018 7:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas243360249000008/02/2018 00000000000000000000
163455329Ken Shepski6/19/2018 7:00 AM6/19/2018 11:00 AM044Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas505050149000007/17/2018 00000000000000000000
164925519Larry Stein6/16/2018 3:00 PM6/16/2018 6:00 PM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas7444803419000008/02/2018 00000000000000000000
164925476Larry Stein6/13/2018 3:00 PM6/13/2018 7:00 PM044Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas403140309000008/02/2018 00000000000000000000
163455312Ken Shepski6/12/2018 6:30 AM6/12/2018 9:30 AM033Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas322130035000007/17/2018 00000000000000000000
163455288Ken Shepski6/9/2018 2:45 PM6/9/2018 6:30 PM03.753.75Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas66841204821000007/17/2018 00000000000000000000
164925384Larry Stein6/6/2018 3:00 PM6/6/2018 7:00 PM044Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Landing At Big Arbor Vitae Dr10007671Vilas83561106419000008/02/2018 00000000000000000000
163455274Ken Shepski6/5/2018 7:30 AM6/5/2018 11:00 AM03.53.5Big Arbor Vitae Lake -- Boat Launch10018777Vilas411450148000007/17/2018A fishing guide had been in various lakes previously, and did not specify. Other boaters had not been fishing or been in other lakes five days prior.00000000000000000000