Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources


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IDInspector Name(s)Start DateEnd DatePaid HoursVolunteer HoursHours SpentLandingStation IDCountyEnteringLeavingContacted YesContacted NoWilling YesWilling NoUsed Past 5 Days - YesUsed Past 5 Days - NoPeople ContactedConfident Strongly AgreeConfident AgreeConfident DisagreeConfident Strongly DisagreeData EnteredComments2012-2013: Contacted 0 Times2012-2013: Contacted 1-2 Times2012-2013: Contacted 3-4 Times2012-2013: Contacted 5 Times2012-2013: Waterbodies 1-22012-2013: Waterbodies 3-42012-2013: Waterbodies 52010-2013: Inspect and Remove Plants - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - N/A2012-2013: Drain Water from Boat - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - N/A2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - Yes2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - N/A2012-2013: Took no steps2012-2013: Didn't Ask About Prevention Steps2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Yes2012-2013: Aware of Laws - No2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Unsure
359194908Zach Stewart10/30/2024 12:00 AM10/30/2024 11:59 PM000Lake Minnesuing -- Access - Nr Park Rd10018731Douglas000000000000011/21/2024Conducted signage check at Park Road S Access on Lake Minnesuing. \r\n Standard AIS prevention sign present, but vandalized with paint. I was able to clean off the paint in the field. -ZS Conducted signage check at Park Road S Access on Lake Minnesuing. \\r\\n Standard AIS prevention sign missing, should be replaced. Other AIS informational sign present, but vandalized with paint. I was able to clean off the paint in the field. -ZS00000000000000000000
359219183Zach Stewart10/30/2024 12:00 AM10/30/2024 11:59 PM000Lake Minnesuing -- Access - Bennett Rd10018732Douglas000000000000011/21/2024Conducted signage check at S access Bennett Road lake Minnesuing. Standard AIS prevention sign present and in good condition.00000000000000000000
359194883Zach Stewart10/30/2024 12:00 AM10/30/2024 11:59 PM000Lake Minnesuing -- Access - Nr Hallberg Rd10018730Douglas000000000000011/21/2024Conducted signage check at Oliver Boat ramp on St. Louis River. Standard AIS prevention sign present and in good condition. Conducted signage check at Oliver Boat ramp on St. Louis River. Standard AIS prevention sign present and in good condition.00000000000000000000
358647210Zach Stewart9/5/2024 12:00 AM9/5/2024 11:59 PM000Saint Louis River -- Oliver - Sajac Memorial Park Access10019313Douglas000000000000009/05/2024Conducted LMPN AIS Monitoring at Oliver Boat Landing on St Louis River. Documented Purple Loosestrife at boat landing. Conducted LMPN signage check at Oliver Landing on St Louis River 9_5_24. Sign was in place and in good order. See photo. Conducted signage check at Oliver Boat ramp on St. Louis River. Standard AIS prevention sign present and in good condition.00000000000000000000
359218792Zach Stewart9/5/2024 12:00 AM9/5/2024 11:59 PM000St. Louis River at Oliver163001Douglas000000000000011/21/2024Conducted signage check at Oliver Boat ramp on St. Louis River. Standard AIS prevention sign present and in good condition.00000000000000000000
358497634Zach Stewart8/7/2024 12:00 AM8/7/2024 11:59 PM000Dowling Lake -- Access10019053Douglas000000000000008/15/2024Conducted LMPN AIS monitoring of Dowling Lake boat ramp. Conducted signage check at Dowling Lake Access. Standard AIS sign present and in good order. 00000000000000000000
359895885Zach Stewart5/15/2024 12:00 AM5/15/2024 11:59 PM000Loons Foot Landing Area site 1010041005Douglas000000000000012/02/2024Clean Boats Clean Waters Inspector Training\r\nWednesday, May 15 2:00 – 3:00 PM Live virtual training, free for all CBCW workers or volunteers! Use Google Chrome browser to join this video call link: https:\/\/meet.google.com\/ewy-bjdj-ajk No registration required. Most CBCW workers will attend this virtual training to learn the basics and AIS ID, then receive site specific training from their employer or lake association volunteer coordinator.\r\n00000000000000000000