Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

FOUND LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION: Found Lake Property Owners Association 2024 CBCW

To Excel
IDInspector Name(s)Start DateEnd DatePaid HoursVolunteer HoursHours SpentLandingStation IDCountyEnteringLeavingContacted YesContacted NoWilling YesWilling NoUsed Past 5 Days - YesUsed Past 5 Days - NoPeople ContactedConfident Strongly AgreeConfident AgreeConfident DisagreeConfident Strongly DisagreeData EnteredComments2012-2013: Contacted 0 Times2012-2013: Contacted 1-2 Times2012-2013: Contacted 3-4 Times2012-2013: Contacted 5 Times2012-2013: Waterbodies 1-22012-2013: Waterbodies 3-42012-2013: Waterbodies 52010-2013: Inspect and Remove Plants - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - Yes2012-2013: Remove Plants Animals - N/A2012-2013: Drain Water from Boat - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - Yes2012-2013: Drain Water from Livewell - N/A2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - Yes2012-2013: Dispose of Bait - N/A2012-2013: Took no steps2012-2013: Didn't Ask About Prevention Steps2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Yes2012-2013: Aware of Laws - No2012-2013: Aware of Laws - Unsure
358764773Larry Chamberlain9/23/2024 8:30 AM9/23/2024 11:00 AM2.502.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020204000009/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358764785Janelle Ewen9/13/2024 8:00 AM9/13/2024 10:00 AM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358764756Janelle Ewen9/12/2024 8:00 AM9/12/2024 10:00 AM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100100012000009/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358764697Janelle Ewen9/10/2024 8:00 AM9/10/2024 10:00 AM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020113000009/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740281Jim Godfrey9/6/2024 8:00 AM9/6/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358740298Jim Godfrey9/5/2024 8:00 AM9/5/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020025000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358740309Jeff Schroeder9/2/2024 8:00 AM9/2/2024 11:00 AM033Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2525612511000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358740267Jim Godfrey8/30/2024 7:30 AM8/30/2024 9:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020022000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358740260Jim Godfrey8/29/2024 7:20 AM8/29/2024 11:59 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358566440Rick Steinke8/26/2024 8:00 AM8/26/2024 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas235050147000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358565912Ed Kindlarski8/24/2024 10:00 AM8/24/2024 11:59 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740231Jim Godfrey8/23/2024 8:00 AM8/23/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358653993Larry Chamberlain8/23/2024 1:00 AM8/23/2024 4:59 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030126000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358566222Rick Steinke8/22/2024 1:00 PM8/22/2024 5:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas022020024000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740247Jim Godfrey8/22/2024 8:00 AM8/22/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5160601514000009/21/2024Small fishing group or club was observed at end 00000000000000000000
358654019Fred and Sue Suchy8/21/2024 7:45 AM8/21/2024 11:59 PM8.508.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030128000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358532732Ed Kindlarski8/20/2024 10:00 AM8/20/2024 12:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020023000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358532701Judy Camodeca8/19/2024 10:00 AM8/19/2024 12:59 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358510104Tom Brown8/16/2024 10:00 AM8/16/2024 12:00 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas010110013000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358740156Jim Godfrey8/16/2024 8:00 AM8/16/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212020208000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358510183Mary Doug Brown8/16/2024 6:00 AM8/16/2024 8:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5032505012000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358740145Jim Godfrey8/15/2024 8:00 AM8/15/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010104000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358652268Greg and Roxanne Platz8/14/2024 8:00 AM8/14/2024 11:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020023000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358654025Paul Bohnen8/13/2024 8:00 AM8/13/2024 4:00 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4150503214000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358473941Brad Stott8/11/2024 7:00 AM8/11/2024 11:00 AM448Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5160601515000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358653939Jim Dubore , Sue Dubore8/10/2024 7:00 AM8/10/2024 11:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7162805322000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358566121Rick Steinke8/9/2024 1:00 PM8/9/2024 5:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas5142602418000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740220Jim Godfrey8/9/2024 8:00 AM8/9/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358653979Bob Ausloose8/8/2024 11:30 AM8/8/2024 4:30 PM505Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010103000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358740210Jim Godfrey8/8/2024 8:00 AM8/8/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010013000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358510277Don Osterberg8/6/2024 7:30 AM8/6/2024 12:00 PM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas322240229000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358565467Rick Steinke8/5/2024 12:30 PM8/5/2024 4:30 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110012000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358653931Paul Bohnen8/5/2024 8:15 AM8/5/2024 12:15 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas325050147000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358654022Paul Bohnen8/4/2024 8:00 AM8/4/2024 4:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030127000009/06/2024 00000000000000000000
358565752Patty Krarup8/3/2024 11:00 AM8/3/2024 3:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2240402210000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358566849Diane Brooks8/3/2024 8:45 AM8/3/2024 11:15 AM2.502.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas043140229000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358566846Diane Brooks8/3/2024 8:30 AM8/3/2024 11:00 AM000Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740193Jim Godfrey8/2/2024 8:00 AM8/2/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358510451Paul Bohnen8/1/2024 10:00 AM8/1/2024 2:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030123000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358740174Jim Godfrey8/1/2024 8:00 AM8/1/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030128000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358567087Fred and Sue Suchy7/31/2024 7:45 AM7/31/2024 12:00 PM4.2504.25Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110011000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358566728Don Osterberg7/30/2024 7:30 AM7/30/2024 11:30 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas223140227000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358566695Greg and Roxanne Platz7/29/2024 9:00 AM7/29/2024 1:00 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101001012000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358510486Diane Dieter7/27/2024 6:00 PM7/27/2024 7:45 PM1.7501.75Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/17/2024 00000000000000000000
358740442Barbara Zitt7/27/2024 7:30 AM7/27/2024 12:30 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas7180804413000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358473591Jim Godfrey7/26/2024 8:00 AM7/26/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111010011000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358532857Peggy Ausloose7/25/2024 10:00 AM7/25/2024 2:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2341501410000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358473635Jim Godfrey7/25/2024 8:00 AM7/25/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020025000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358740435Barbara Zitt7/23/2024 8:00 AM7/23/2024 12:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358473927Patty Krarup7/21/2024 11:00 AM7/21/2024 3:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas4260601510000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473826Brad Stott7/21/2024 7:00 AM7/21/2024 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112120124000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473915Gary Schwager7/20/2024 11:00 AM7/20/2024 3:30 PM04.54.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030124000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358740422Barbara Zitt7/20/2024 7:32 AM7/20/2024 11:00 AM03.53.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas233100235000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358473769Tom Brown7/19/2024 10:00 AM7/19/2024 12:30 PM02.52.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2415603310000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473675Jim Godfrey7/19/2024 8:00 AM7/19/2024 10:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030033000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473883Mary Doug Brown7/19/2024 6:00 AM7/19/2024 8:00 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110011000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358567106Janelle Ewen7/18/2024 10:00 AM7/18/2024 12:00 PM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101001011000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358473582Jim Godfrey7/18/2024 8:00 AM7/18/2024 10:59 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010010000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358532994Bob Ausloose7/17/2024 11:00 AM7/17/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010011000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358566662Roger Klein7/17/2024 7:00 AM7/17/2024 11:00 AM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020116000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740400Barbara Zitt7/16/2024 8:00 AM7/16/2024 1:00 PM055Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas314040314000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358566555Jim Dubore , Sue Dubore7/15/2024 11:00 AM7/15/2024 3:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas123030124000008/26/2024landing clean up duty00000000000000000000
358567195Janelle Ewen7/15/2024 9:00 AM7/15/2024 11:00 AM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas111120102000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358740335Barbara Zitt7/13/2024 8:00 AM7/13/2024 12:45 PM04.754.75Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas224040136000009/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358567007Janelle Ewen7/12/2024 10:00 AM7/12/2024 12:00 PM202Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas011010102000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358473546Jim Godfrey7/12/2024 7:30 AM7/12/2024 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas213030125000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358567177Peggy Ausloose7/11/2024 10:00 AM7/11/2024 2:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3360600611000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358473555Jim Godfrey7/11/2024 7:30 AM7/11/2024 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358532913Bob Ausloose7/10/2024 11:00 AM7/10/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020023000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358534051Larry Chamberlain7/10/2024 8:00 AM7/10/2024 11:00 AM303Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358566580Roger Klein7/9/2024 12:45 PM7/9/2024 11:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas010110101000008/26/2024 00000000000000000000
358473508Jim Godfrey7/5/2024 7:30 AM7/5/2024 9:59 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473505Jim Godfrey7/4/2024 7:30 AM7/4/2024 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030124000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358473719Jay Rud7/1/2024 11:00 AM7/1/2024 3:30 PM4.54.59Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas303030129000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358330843Jim Godfrey6/28/2024 7:30 AM6/28/2024 9:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358330776Jim Godfrey6/27/2024 7:30 AM6/27/2024 9:30 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358474003Greg and Roxanne Platz6/26/2024 11:00 AM6/26/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110102000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358474026Don Osterberg6/26/2024 7:00 AM6/26/2024 11:00 AM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas112020023000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358474006Diane Dieter6/23/2024 11:00 AM6/23/2024 11:59 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2561704316000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358474000Kyle Szott6/23/2024 6:05 AM6/23/2024 9:05 AM303Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358330742Jim Godfrey6/21/2024 7:15 AM6/21/2024 9:15 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010100000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358533222Larry Chamberlain6/20/2024 10:30 AM6/20/2024 11:30 AM101Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010013000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358330739Jim Godfrey6/20/2024 7:30 AM6/20/2024 9:30 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358534038Jim Dubore , Sue Dubore6/19/2024 6:00 AM6/19/2024 10:00 AM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358474040Diane Dieter6/14/2024 11:00 AM6/14/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas2781905418000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358330726Jim Godfrey6/14/2024 7:15 AM6/14/2024 9:15 AM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas505050408000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358330692Jim Godfrey6/13/2024 7:30 AM6/13/2024 11:59 PM022Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020020000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358533937Fred and Sue Suchy6/12/2024 6:30 AM6/12/2024 11:00 AM4.504.5Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas202020114000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358533909Bob Johnson , Dawn Johnson6/11/2024 11:00 AM6/11/2024 11:59 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas212130034000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358330679Jim Godfrey6/7/2024 8:00 AM6/7/2024 10:00 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas000000000000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358330585Jim Godfrey6/6/2024 8:00 AM6/6/2024 11:59 PM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010102000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358533973Bob Johnson , Dawn Johnson6/5/2024 11:00 AM6/5/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3342602411000008/21/2024 00000000000000000000
358567257Roger Klein6/5/2024 7:00 AM6/5/2024 11:59 PM808Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas101010012000008/26/2024Roger and Carla Klein - clean and trim landing00000000000000000000
358474260Diane Dieter5/23/2024 11:00 AM5/23/2024 3:00 PM404Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas3351601517000008/13/2024 00000000000000000000
358330782Bob Schell5/22/2024 7:00 AM5/22/2024 11:01 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas100110103000007/29/2024 00000000000000000000
358330779Bob Schell5/7/2024 7:00 AM5/7/2024 11:01 AM044Found Lake -- Access at SE side of lake (off Kleppe Rd)10018747Vilas310440407000007/29/2024Opening Day of Fishing season00000000000000000000