Lake Name:

a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

Aquatic Plant Sampling Maps
Maps and GPS coordinates for conducting point-intercept aquatic plant surveys.

County:    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
NameCountyArea (Acres)WBIC
Beechwood Lake Sheboygan21.73 8000
Crooked Lake Fond du Lac, Sheboygan93.61 37900
Crystal Lake Sheboygan128.97 45200
Elkhart Lake Sheboygan291.59 59300
Gerber Lake Sheboygan14.94 56600
Jetzers Lake Sheboygan15.74 62700
Lake Ellen Sheboygan111.94 32500
Little Elkhart Lake Sheboygan51.94 46000
Long Lake Fond du Lac, Sheboygan423.48 38700
Random Lake Sheboygan211.74 30300
Spring Lake Sheboygan, Ozaukee60.19 30500
Sheboygan River Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Calumet, Sheboygan81.13 50700

Table Key

  • Area: Acres
  • WBIC: Waterbody Identification Code