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for hunter safety. Required if you were born on or after January 1, 1973.
your hunting license.
for a permit and check permit status online.
the regulations.
Contact information

For information on pheasant hunting, contact:
Alissa Kakatsch
Assistant Turkey and Pheasant Ecologist
Wildlife Management
For more information, contact:
Wildlife Management

2025 Pheasant stocking

See the Combined Hunting Regulations for more information on pheasant hunting.

The Wisconsin DNR plans to stock approximately 75,000 pheasants from the state game farm on over 80 properties statewide. Depending on production levels, pheasants are released once prior to the pheasant hunting season and then twice a week for the first two to three weeks of the season. After that, birds are released about once a week until the 9-day gun deer season.

2025 Pheasant Season is Oct. 19 (9 a.m.), 2025-Jan. 5, 2025. The bag limit is one rooster daily Oct. 19-20 and two roosters daily for the remainder of the season. Pheasant hunters need a valid small game license and a 2023 Pheasant Stamp.

FFLIGHT is the Fields & Forest Lands Interactive Gamebird Hunting Tool, an online map showing properties stocked with pheasants, managed dove fields and suitable cover for ruffed grouse and woodcock. Visit and search keyword “FFLIGHT” for more information.

12:00 p.m. Closure Areas are properties where pheasant hunting hours close at 12pm on weekdays beginning the third day of the season and continuing through Nov. 3. The remainder of the season and all other properties follow regular small game hunting hours listed in the combined hunting regulations.

Hen/Rooster Areas are properties where the harvest of both roosters and hens is allowed. The bag limit is one pheasant daily Oct. 19-20 and two pheasants daily for the remainder of the season. All other properties only allow the harvest of roosters.

The Day-old Chick (DOC) Program The State Game Farm also provides day-old chicks to conservation clubs enrolled in the Day-old Chick (DOC) program. Cooperating clubs sign an agreement [PDF] [Word] which states they agree to provide all labor and costs for raising the birds. Under this agreement, the clubs have two options to choose from:

  • Public Hunting Option - which states the club will release pheasants on private land open to public pheasant hunting or on approved state-owned lands. Interested pheasant hunters must contact the landowner before pheasant hunting on private property. At this time, only one DOC club participates in the Public Hunting Option. This club is located on Washington Island in Door County. These private lands, open to public hunting, are available upon request from the State Game Farm or your local wildlife manager.
  • Cost Share Option: This option states that the clubs may release pheasants on private lands closed to public hunting, but they must return a percentage of the pheasants they raised to the DNR according to the schedule provided as part of the agreement. The percentage returned is dependent on the pheasant's age at the time of release.

The DOC program currently involves conservation clubs that typically receive about 16,000 rooster chicks annually. If your club is interested in becoming a DOC cooperator, fill out the application and agreement referenced above and email/mail to your local wildlife manager.

DOC clubs are required to submit a release location form [PDF] [Word] by October 1 and a rearing report form [PDF] [Word] by December 15 to their local wildlife manager. Failure to comply could result in denial of program participation in the future.

Private lands open to public hunting are available upon request from the State Game Farm or your local wildlife manager.

2025 Pheasant Late Season Opportunities
The DNR will stock approximately 2,800 pheasants on 25 state properties across central and southern Wisconsin. Stocking efforts will take place over 2 days during the week of Dec. 16. While this last stocking event concludes the 2024 pheasant stocking season, the pheasant hunting season continues through Jan. 5, 2025.

Properties to be stocked the 3rd week of December will be:
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Year County Property Name Stocked by DNR Stocked by DOC 12PM Closure Area Hen / Rooster Area Acres for Hunting Stocking Levels
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