Subject | Counties Served |
Captive Wildlife Regulations | Marathon |
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) | Marathon |
Cougars | Marathon |
Crows | Marathon |
Ducks | Marathon |
Furbearer Ecology and Management | Marathon |
Geese | Marathon |
Grouse: Ruffed Grouse, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Greater Prairie-Chicken, Grey Partirdge | Marathon |
Hunting and Trapping Regulations | Marathon |
McMillan Marsh Wildlife Area | Statewide |
Mead (George W) Wildlife Area | Marathon, Portage, Wood |
Migratory Bird Regulations | Marathon |
Mourning Doves | Marathon |
Pheasants | Marathon |
Private Lands Wildlife Management | Marathon |
Public Hunting Lands | Marathon |
Trapping and Trapper Education | Marathon |
Turkeys | Marathon |
Urban Wildlife Issues | Marathon |
Wetland Management and Restoration | Marathon |
Wildlife Areas | Marathon |
Wildlife Damage Permits and Programs | Marathon |
Wildlife Ecology and Management | Marathon |
Wildlife General Information | Marathon |
Wildlife Habitat Management and Restoration | Marathon |
Wildlife Health and Disease | Marathon |
Wildlife Land Acquisition and Management | Marathon |
Wildlife Management | Marathon |
Wildlife Nuisance Issues | Marathon |
Wildlife Population Management | Marathon |
Wildlife Rehabilitation | Marathon |
Wildlife Rules and Regulations | Marathon |
Wildlife Watching | Marathon |
Wolves and Wolf Incidental Trapping | Marathon |
Woodcock | Marathon |