Impaired Water - Fox River (Lower Fox River (Mouth To Depere Dam))
Brown County, Wisconsin
0.00 - 7.39
Water is impaired due to one or more pollutants and associated quality impacts.
This portion of the Fox River is part of the Green Bay Area of Concern. This river segment has been listed for PCBs in fish tissue and sediment, phosphorus, low dissolved oxygen, suspended sediment, and degraded habitat since 1998. The Lower Fox River TMDL restoration plan, approved in 2012, covers the phosphorus and sediment listings.

Phosphorus evaluations in 2014 showed continued impairment, but in the 2020, 2022, and 2024 cycles levels appear to be decreasing. Further monitoring is recommended before removing the phosphorus listing. Evaluation of new chlorophyll-a data in the 2024 cycle found elevated levels and an excess algal growth impairment was added.
Listing Details
Sediment/Total Suspended Solids
Listed For
Fish and Aquatic Life
Degraded Habitat
Current Use
Unsupported Aquatic Life
Listing Status
TMDL Approved
Attainable Use
WWSF - Warmwater Sport Fishery
Not Applicable
Designated Use
WWSF - Warmwater Sport Fishery
303(d) ID
149, 173
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
Suspended solids loading into the AOC and Green Bay have also been estimated through monitoring (SDATF, 2002) and modeling (Baumgart, 2005). The average monitoring SS load at the mouth of the Fox River for water years 1995-1999 was 119,400 mt/yr-1. This amounts to 327 metric tons per day in an average year. With the addition of the point sources, the estimated contribution from Lake Winnebago, and the estimated autogenic solids contribution from the river (WDNR, 2001), the simulated 1989-2000 suspended sediment load at the Fox River outlet to Green Bay is 119,000 mt/yr-1.

Excerpts from “Toward a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Phosphorus and Suspended Solids: The Lower Fox River Basin and Green Bay Area of Concern” by Scheberle, D., H.J. Harris, M. Finney, J. Potter, S. Oldenburg, P. Dessart.

Impaired Water Notes
The Lower Fox River Basin TP and TSS TMDL was approved by the U.S. EPA on May 18, 2012. The TMDL covers 27 waterbody segments impaired by total phosphorus and 18 waterbodies impaired by TSS for a total of 45 TMDLs. These TMDLs address degraded habitat, low Dissolved Oxygen (DO), eutrophication, and turbidity impairments.

Listed For
Fish Consumption
PCBs Contaminated Fish Tissue, PCB Contaminated Sediments
Current Use
Specific Restricted Fish Consumption
Listing Status
303d Listed
Attainable Use
General Fish Consumption Advice
Designated Use
General Fish Consumption Advice
303(d) ID
149, 173
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
This impairment listing may become a 4B (EAP Project) for the 2020 list if the project qualifies.

Impaired Water Notes
Note: Internal tracking lists EAP but still considered Category 5A. Change contaminated sediment from sources to impairment.

Impaired Water Notes
This reach exhibits the largest volume and areal extent of impacted sediments found in the Lower Fox River. The 96 SMUs in this reach contain 25,984 kg (57,285 pounds) of PCBs in over 5.5 million m3 (7.2 million yd3) of sediments with concentrations greater than 50 ìg/kg PCB. RI findings for this reach include the following:
o Sediments cover about 524 hectares (1,295 acres) and range in thickness up to 4 m (13 ft).
o The highest total PCB concentration was 710,000 ìg/kg.
o The mass of PCB decreases significantly with depth. Approximately 16,150 kg (35,530 pounds) of PCBs, or about 55 percent of the total PCB mass in the Lower Fox River, are located in the upper 100 cm (3.28 ft) of sediments in this reach. Approximately 10,600 kg (23,370 pounds) of PCBs (36 percent of the PCBs in the river) are buried below 100 cm (3.28 ft).
o Approximately 636 kg (1,400 pounds) of PCB and 31,000 m3 (40,550 yd3) of sediment were removed from SMUs 56-61 during the SMU 56/57 SRD project. Further, removal of additional sediment and PCB from SMU 56/57 started in August 2000 but the final mass and volume estimates are not expected to be known until early 2001.
o Excluding SMUs 56-61, six SMU groups (SMUs 20-25, 32-37, 38-43, 62-67, 68-73, and 80-85) contain almost 11,000 kg (24,250 pounds) of PCB, or about 37 percent of the total mass in the Lower Fox River. These SMU groups also exhibit the highest PCB concentrations or greatest PCB mass to sediment volume ratios in the river.

Both banks of the river in this reach are extensively developed. Therefore, significant habitat locations within this reach are largely confined to submerged wetland areas associated with the mouth of the river. Only 16 hectares (40 acres) of wetlands and SAV were identified in this reach. Additionally, two large areas of cuts/coves are located in SMUs 20-25, just downstream of the De Pere dam, and in SMUs 44-49. These are both areas with elevated PCB concentrations in surface sediments. Mink habitat in this reach is generally characterized as unsuitable.” P. 7-8 & 7-9

Total Phosphorus
Listed For
Fish and Aquatic Life
Low DO, Excess Algal Growth
Current Use
Unsupported Aquatic Life
Listing Status
TMDL Approved
Attainable Use
WWSF - Warmwater Sport Fishery
Not Applicable
Designated Use
WWSF - Warmwater Sport Fishery
303(d) ID
149, 173
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
“According to the WDNR 303 (d) list, the water quality of Lower Green Bay and the Fox River is impaired due to phosphorus and PCBs (WDNR, 2005). Phosphorus and TSS are the pollutants of concern for this framework. Even though suspended solids are not listed as a pollutant that impairs designated uses for the lower Fox River and the bay, ample research demonstrates that both TSS and phosphorous affect water quality (Harris, 1993; Millard & Sager, 1994).” p. 18

Excerpts from “Toward a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Phosphorus and Suspended Solids: The Lower Fox River Basin and Green Bay Area of Concern” by Scheberle, D., H.J. Harris, M. Finney, J. Potter, S. Oldenburg, P. Dessart.

Impaired Water Notes
The Lower Fox River Basin TP and TSS TMDL was approved by the U.S. EPA on May 18, 2012. The TMDL covers 27 waterbody segments impaired by total phosphorus and 18 waterbodies impaired by TSS for a total of 45 TMDLs. These TMDLs address degraded habitat, low Dissolved Oxygen (DO), eutrophication, and turbidity impairments.

Impaired Water Notes
This water was assessed during the 2014 listing cycle; total phosphorus sample data exceed 2014 WisCALM listing criteria for the Fish and Aquatic Life use, however, no biological data (i.e. no macroinvertebrate or fish Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) scores) were available to assess biological impairment).

Impaired Water Notes
This water was assessed during the 2016 listing cycle; total phosphorus sample data exceed 2016 WisCALM listing criteria for the Fish and Aquatic Life use, however, no biological data (i.e. no macroinvertebrate or fish Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) scores) were available to assess biological impairment. This water was also assessed for chlorides and sample data did not exceed 2016 WisCALM chronic and acute listing criteria for the Fish and Aquatic Life use.

Impaired Water Notes
Phosphorus levels were assessed using 2020 WisCALM guidance and found to be below the listing threshold. Regional biologist would like additional data before a delisting decision is made.