Impaired Water - Burgy Creek (Burgy Creek)
Green County, Wisconsin
0.00 - 10.99
Water is impaired due to one or more pollutants and associated quality impacts.
TMDL approved 2005; also on NR104 list; also ERW
The stream is currently managed as a warm water forage fishery, and contains a diverse forage fishery including cold water indicator species such as mottled sculpin and brook trout. These species indicate the creek’s potential to become a class II cold water trout stream. Fish surveys performed in 2002 at two segments of the stream both produced an CWIBI score of 20, which rates this creek’s coldwater biotic integrity as poor. Stream channel ditching, runoff from farm fields, and streambank grazing have degraded the habitat in the stream. Consequently, the entire stream length is listed as impaired with sediment as the primary non-point source pollutant.
Listing Details
Sediment/Total Suspended Solids
Listed For
Fish and Aquatic Life
Elevated Water Temperature
Current Use
Unsupported Aquatic Life
Listing Status
TMDL Approved
Attainable Use
Coldwater - stocked, reproduction
Not Applicable
Designated Use
Coldwater - stocked, reproduction
303(d) ID
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
Burgy Creek is a ten-mile tributary in the Little Sugar watershed that flows easterly into the West Branch Little Sugar River. The Burgy Creek sub-watershed encompasses twenty-four square miles and is predominantly agricultural.

The stream is currently managed as a warm water forage fishery, and contains a diverse forage fishery including cold water indicator species such as mottled sculpin and brook trout. These species indicate the creek’s potential to become a class II cold water trout stream. Fish surveys performed in 2002 at two segments of the stream both produced an CWIBI score of 20, which rates this creek’s coldwater biotic integrity as poor.

Stream channel ditching, runoff from farm fields, and streambank grazing have degraded the habitat in the stream. Consequently, the entire stream length is listed as impaired with sediment as the primary non-point source pollutant. As part of a structured habitat survey in 2002, WDNR aquatic biologists observed that the stream bottom had extensive (greater than 60% silt and clay) fines in riffles and runs. According to the WDNR habitat ratings, this is considered poor habitat.

A 2002 macroinvertebrate survey produced an HBI score of 4.788, which indicates “good” water quality with some organic pollution. Overall, this stream ranks high on the non-point source priority list, and is on the state’s list of Exceptional Resource Waters. During the 2002 survey, a redside dace (state species of concern) was found and is the first report of this species in the stream. The monitoring conducted in 2002 confirms that this stream could respond favorably to management actions aimed at reducing non-point source pollution and improving habitat.

Impaired Water Notes
Burgy Creek (880500, miles 0-10.99) is part of the Sugar-Pecatonica River Basin and the sediment TMDLs were approved by the USEPA August 24, 2005.