Impaired Water - Pioneer Valley Creek (Pioneer Valley Creek)
Green County, Wisconsin
0.00 - 4.16
Condition has improved over time; water is not impaired.
This five-mile stream runs through a highly pastured watershed, which resulted in a fairly poor quality stream with scarce bank cover and heavy erosion. This water was listed in 1998 due to sediment as the non-point source pollutant and degraded habitat as the impairment. A TMDL for this water was approved by EPA in 2005.
Riparian stream corridor improvement had the desired result of reducing streambank erosion and improving fish habitat. The macroinvertebrate community is healthy and indicates good water quality. Habitat assessments for sites that were rehabilitated, as well as for those that were not, are consistently in the good range. Legler School Branch and Pioneer Valley Creek were removed from the state 303(d) list of impaired waters during the 2022 assessment cycle. Evaluation in the 2024 cycle confirmed good conditions.
Listing Details
Sediment/Total Suspended Solids
Listed For
Current Use
Listing Status
Water Delisted
Attainable Use
Delisted 2022
Designated Use
303(d) ID
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
This five-mile stream runs through a highly pastured watershed, which results in a fairly poor quality stream with scarce bank cover and heavy erosion. Only small numbers of forage species are present in the stream. It is on the state's list of impaired (303d) waters due to sediment as the non-point source pollutant and degraded habitat as the impairment. Currently, this is a limited forage fishery but is listed to potentially be a warm water forage fishery. There are no HBI and IBI scores available, as this stream has not been monitored in recent years.

Impaired Water Notes
Pioneer Valley Creek (883100, miles 0-4.16) is part of the Sugar-Pecatonica River Basin and the sediment TMDLs were approved by the USEPA August 24, 2005.

Impaired Water Notes
Riparian stream corridor improvement had the desired result of reducing streambank erosion and improving fish habitat. The macroinvertebrate community is healthy and indicates good water quality. Habitat assessments for sites that were rehabilitated, as well as for those that were not, are consistently in the �good� range. Therefore, the department recommends that both Legler School Branch and Pioneer Valley Creek be removed from the state�s 303(d) list of impaired waters. Delisting is recommended during the 2022 assessment cycle.