Impaired Water - Tappen Coulee Creek (Tappen Coulee Creek)
Trempealeau County, Wisconsin
0.00 - 5.06
Water is impaired due to one or more pollutants and associated quality impacts.
TMDL has been approved 2003. Also on 1980 trout streams list (class 3) and NR104 list (cold water).
Tappen Coulee Creek is a 3.6-mile tributary of the
Trempealeau River. The whole creek is listed on the 303(d) list as impacted by
sedimentation, elevated temperatures, and loss of instream habitat. The primary sources
of the impacts are stream bank pasturing and stream bank erosion. In a 1990 survey (1),
the stream had an HBI of 4.48, indicating slight organic pollution, and a "fair" Habitat
Rating. The creek is currently a Warm Water Forage Fishery, with a codified use of Cold
III. Currently, the stream has little potential to support trout due to inadequate spring
flow and excessive water temperatures, but implementation of BMPs in the watershed is
expected to restore the stream to its former coldwater Class III status.
Listing Details
Sediment/Total Suspended Solids
Listed For
Fish and Aquatic Life
Elevated Water Temperature
Current Use
Unsupported Aquatic Life
Listing Status
TMDL Approved
Attainable Use
Default - Fish and Aquatic Life
Not Applicable
Designated Use
Default - Fish and Aquatic Life
303(d) ID
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
TMDL Approved March 13, 2003. Tappen Coulee Creek is a 3.6-mile tributary of the Trempealeau River. The whole creek is listed on the 303(d) list as impacted by sedimentation, elevated temperatures, and loss of instream habitat. The primary sources of the impacts are stream bank pasturing and stream bank erosion. In a 1990 survey (1), the stream had an HBI of 4.48, indicating slight organic pollution, and a "fair" Habitat Rating. The creek is currently a Warm Water Forage Fishery, with a codified use of Cold III. Currently, the stream has little potential to support trout due to inadequate spring flow and excessive water temperatures, but implementation of BMPs in the watershed is expected to restore the stream to its former coldwater Class III status.

Impaired Water Notes
Continuous monitoring in 2009 indicate water temperatures are well within the cold range (maximum daily mean temperature <69.3) and are suitable for trout. Elevated water temperature should be removed as an impairment.