Impaired Water - Unnamed (Weiland Valley Creek)
Buffalo County, Wisconsin
0.00 - 3.22
Water is impaired due to one or more pollutants and associated quality impacts.
Weiland Valley Creek is a two-mile stream that flows into Waumandee Creek. Weiland Valley
Creek receives flow from Buell Valley Creek. The current use of Weiland Valley Creek is a
warm water forage fishery, with potential to support a Class II trout fishery. According to the
Waumandee Priority Watershed Plan, high gradient, cool water, and fairly good sand and rubble
substrate provide an ideal coldwater fish habitat. Fish surveys conducted in 2002, above Hayes
Valley Road (see map, Appendix A), found 87 brook trout (of several age classes), suggesting
the stream currently supports a Cold II fishery. Below Hayes Valley Rd. the stream is impacted
by cattle pasturing, bank erosion and feedlot runoff. The fish survey in 2002 conducted at one
mile below Hayes Valley Road showed zero fish. This fish survey data suggest the entire stream
has potential to support a Cold II fishery if nonpoint sources are controlled.
Listing Details
Sediment/Total Suspended Solids
Listed For
Fish and Aquatic Life
Elevated Water Temperature
Current Use
Unsupported Aquatic Life
Listing Status
TMDL Approved
Attainable Use
Coldwater - stocked, reproduction
Not Applicable
Designated Use
Coldwater - stocked, reproduction
303(d) ID
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
Fish surveys conducted in 2002 found 87 brook trout (of several age classes) above Hayes Rd. and no trout at a site one mile below road. The fish IBI rating at Hayes Road was excellent, and one mile below the road was very poor. This survey data suggests the entire stream has potential as a Cold II fishery if nonpoint sources are controlled.

We recommend that this stream be added to the 2004 303d list.

The Bureau of Research surveyed fish and habitat on the stream at two locations below Hayes Road in 2003. These sites were close to each other and the SWIMs IDs are 10010277 and 10010288. Four brook trout were found at the two sites including two young of the year. Fish densities were very low at both sites (too few to calculate IBI) suggesting the stream is not at its potential as documented upstream in 2002.

Impaired Water Notes
Weiland Valley Creek (1813000, miles 0-3.22) is part of the Waumandee Creek Watershed and sediment TMDLs were approved by the USEPA November 22, 2005.