Impaired Water - Chetek River (Chetek River)
Barron County, Wisconsin
0.00 - 5.24
Water is impaired due to one or more pollutants and associated quality impacts.
The Chetek River suffers from eutrophication and low levels of dissolved oxygen due to elevated levels of phosphorus. This water is covered by a restoration plan: A Water Quality Strategy for the Land and Waters of the Red Cedar River Basin (expires 2026).
Listing Details
Total Phosphorus
Listed For
Fish and Aquatic Life
Low DO, Eutrophication
Current Use
Unsupported Aquatic Life
Listing Status
303d Listed
Attainable Use
WWSF - Warmwater Sport Fishery
Designated Use
WWSF - Warmwater Sport Fishery
303(d) ID
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
The impacts from a variety of nonpoint sources within the Chetek Chain of Lakes watershed drive unhealthy algae blooms which create an unusually high biological oxygen demand which suppresses Dissolved Oxygen levels below those which can support more sensitive aquatic life. These high Diurnal swings are expressed in both pH and dissolved oxygen levels. Hypereutrophic nutrient regimes flourish within the Chetek Chain of Lakes which also determine the water quality and health of the Chetek River. Current Diurnal Dissolved Oxygen levels levels drop below 3ppm suggesting that fish may have to migrate out of the Chetek River to avoid fish kill conditions. A Fish shocking survey during summer 2007 supports gamefish present with numerous smallmouth bass present. Northern Pike have also been seen throughout the river. Several other panfish species are also present.

Impaired Water Notes
This stream is covered by the following restoration plan and was classified as Category 5W as a result: A Water Quality Strategy for the Land and Waters of the Red Cedar River Basin (expires 2026).