Impaired Water - Unnamed (Morgan Coulee Creek)
Pierce County, Wisconsin
2.34 - 3.62
Condition has improved over time; water is not impaired.
Recommend Delist 2010 based on new study data.
Listing Details
Sediment/Total Suspended Solids
Listed For
Degraded Habitat
Current Use
Listing Status
Water Delisted
Attainable Use
Delisted 2010
Designated Use
303(d) ID
Listing Date
Impaired Water Notes
The headwaters of Unnamed (Morgan Coulee Creek) were listed on the 303d list as not supporting an existing use of warm water forage fish. The impairments were listed as degraded habitat, and non-point source pollution causing active erosion and an accumulation of fine sediments, thereby limiting the stream potential for brook trout reproduction in the headwaters. Fish surveys completed at three stations in 2008, two downstream and one within the 303d portion of the stream, found multiple year classes of brook trout including young of the year brook trout. Fish population conditions were found to be similar throughout the three stations. Water temperatures in the stream were also well within the optimal range needed for brook trout. Stream conditions must be adequate, and not impaired, for multiple year classes of reproducing brook trout to be found. This portion of the stream has never been formally classified as a trout stream however it should codified as a Coldwater A fishery in the future, due to adequate water temperature, and habitat for brook trout reproduction, growth, and survival.