BONE LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: Bone Lake Hydrologic and Phosphorus Budget Development


Determine hydrologic and nutrient budgets and the sediment-phosphorus release rates for Bone Lake: 1. Collect sediment cores from the lake and conduct sediment-phosphorus release analyses. 2. Develop annualized hydrologic budget for the lake. 3. Develop annualized phosphorus budget for the lake. 4. Prepare a final report summarizing the results of tasks 1-3. 5. Disseminate information on the project results to the public by newsletter, and local newspaper articles.

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Determine hydrologic and nutrient budgets and the sediment-phosphorus release rates for Bone Lake: 1. Collect sediment cores from the lake and conduct sediment-phosphorus release analyses. 2. Develop annualized hydrologic budget for the lake. 3. Develop annualized phosphorus budget for the lake. 4. Prepare a final report summarizing the results of tasks 1-3. 5. Disseminate information on the project results to the public by newsletter, and local newspaper articles.
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Hydrologic Budget Development
Nutrient Budget Development