BEAR LAKE PROTECTION & REHABILITATION DIST: Bear Lake Panfish Community Evaluation


1. Conduct a panfish removal survey and analysis. Evaluate impact of panfish removal efforts on the fish community. Evaluate trends of largemouth bass and walleye over the last eleven years. 2. Produce a newsletter summarizing project findings. 3. Prepare a final report including the results of task 1-2. Information will be disseminated to the public by fact sheer, summary report mailing, newspaper articles, and a project summary at the annual meeting.

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1. Conduct a panfish removal survey and analysis. Evaluate impact of panfish removal efforts on the fish community. Evaluate trends of largemouth bass and walleye over the last eleven years. 2. Produce a newsletter summarizing project findings. 3. Prepare a final report including the results of task 1-2. Information will be disseminated to the public by fact sheer, summary report mailing, newspaper articles, and a project summary at the annual meeting.
Issue News/Media Release
Develop/Distribute Newsletter