LAKE WAPOGASSET/BEAR TRAP LAKES ASSOCIATION: Wapogasset Lake Water Quality and Lake Use Study


1) Conduct a lake use study including 3 lake use surveys, one study, one boat access interview, one ice fishing interview, use of traffic counters at boat landings, survey of two existing camps.2) Determine nutrient loading from two inlet streams. 3) Conduct in lake water quality monitoring at two sites as specified in the application.4) Summaries of the above tasks will be delivered to all lake residents and to newspapers.5) Disseminate information through public meetings, nesletter, report mailings, and local media.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
LPL-065 (6009-1)
Reports and Documents
In 1990 the Wisconsin state legislature passed a bill that made monies available for lake planning grants to lake districts and lake associations . During the winter of 1990-91 the Wapogasset and Bear Trap Lake Association Lake Improvement Committee put together a plan and applied for a lake planning grant. A grant for $11,506.70 was approved-on April 12, 1991 . The state's share (75%) was $8,630.03 and the our Lake Association's share (25%) was $2,876 .67 . The project general description consists of six categories: 1 . Lake use study (Lake Use Survey, Boat Access Interviews, Ice Fishing Interviews, use of traffic counters at public landings and survey of YMCA and Wapogasset Bible Camp) 2. Determine nutrient loading and flow from Friday Creek and Balsam Branch 3. Monitor in-lake water quality 4. Interim summary, report in May 1992 and a final report in May 1993 to be provided to lake residents and news media 5. All aspects of the project (except for laboratory analyses) to be conducted by trained volunteers. 6. Information to be disseminated through public hearings, newsletter, entire and summary reports and local media.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
1) Conduct a lake use study including 3 lake use surveys, one study, one boat access interview, one ice fishing interview, use of traffic counters at boat landings, survey of two existing camps.2) Determine nutrient loading from two inlet streams. 3) Conduct in lake water quality monitoring at two sites as specified in the application.4) Summaries of the above tasks will be delivered to all lake residents and to newspapers.5) Disseminate information through public meetings, nesletter, report mailings, and local media.
Social Survey of Residents or Users
Nutrient Budget Development
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Issue News/Media Release
Informational Meetings
Recreational Use Survey