CITY OF LADYSMITH: Corbett Lake Water Quality Data Collection


The City of Ladysmith proposes to collect basic water quality and watershed data for Corbett Lake. Project activities include 1) lake water quality monitoring, 2) complete a limited topographic survey for the ditch system west of the lake including the former inflow channel, 3) delineate the Corbett Lake subwatershed boundaries, including inflow points, drainage area, and land use, and 4) a final report. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project will be disseminated to the public by public meeting and newsletter mailing. Amendment 1 Scope rewritten as follows: The City of Ladysmith proposes to conduct water quality monitoring at two cites in Corbett Lake, delineate Corbett Lake subwatershed boundaries, along with inflow points, drainage areas and land use. They will also prepare data collection report including data, data interpretation and recommendations for second project phase. Project deliverables will include data collection report, including lake water quality data, watershed data, interpretation and recommendations. One report will cover both Part One and Part Two of Phase I.

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The City of Ladysmith proposes to collect basic water quality and watershed data for Corbett Lake. Project activities include 1) lake water quality monitoring, 2) complete a limited topographic survey for the ditch system west of the lake including the former inflow channel, 3) delineate the Corbett Lake subwatershed boundaries, including inflow points, drainage area, and land use, and 4) a final report. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project will be disseminated to the public by public meeting and newsletter mailing. Amendment 1 Scope rewritten as follows: The City of Ladysmith proposes to conduct water quality monitoring at two cites in Corbett Lake, delineate Corbett Lake subwatershed boundaries, along with inflow points, drainage areas and land use. They will also prepare data collection report including data, data interpretation and recommendations for second project phase. Project deliverables will include data collection report, including lake water quality data, watershed data, interpretation and recommendations. One report will cover both Part One and Part Two of Phase I.
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