Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Planning Grant Report. Phase 1 and 2 Report. Ladysmith, WI. SEH No. LADYS9706.01/02
Grant Awarded
The City of Ladysmith proposes to develop a preliminary annual water budget, create a bathymetric lake map and study the sediments in Corbett Lake. Other specific activities for this project will include an initial assessment of possible water diversion quantities and a sounding of the soft sidiments thickness in the eastern half of the lake. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by public meeting(s) and local newspaper articles with copies of the project report available in City Hall and the County Library.
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
Hydrologic Budget Development
Informational Meetings
Issue News/Media Release