NORTH LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: North Lake Sedimentation Study


Date the upper layers of lake sediment to dtermine the historical sedimentation rate for the last 100 years.2) Examine the microfossil remains of sediments to determine the changes in composition of indicator algae species from 100 years ago to present.3) Estimate current silt-sediment encroachment from inlets of Oconomowoc River and Mason Creek into lake and compare results to previous studies.4) Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newpaper articles, and public meetings.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
LPL-106 (1032-01)
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Lakes Planning Grant
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Date the upper layers of lake sediment to dtermine the historical sedimentation rate for the last 100 years.2) Examine the microfossil remains of sediments to determine the changes in composition of indicator algae species from 100 years ago to present.3) Estimate current silt-sediment encroachment from inlets of Oconomowoc River and Mason Creek into lake and compare results to previous studies.4) Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newpaper articles, and public meetings.
Issue News/Media Release
Informational Meetings
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Data analysis, report production
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment