Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Lakes Planning Report
Grant Awarded
Based on recommendations from Pase 1 of the McDill Pond planning activities, the City of Stevens Point will address sediment loading needs by determining existing accumulation rates, projectinf future rates and identifying remedial actions. A fisheriesmanagement plan and a public participation program will also be undertaken. Project activities include: 1) sediment core sampling in the Plover River and McDill Pond 2) investigationof upstream erosion 3) model sediments entering McDill Pond byquantifying river hydraulics, sediment loading patterns and projecting future sediment loading 4) evaluate the feasibility of dredging 5) develop a fisheries management plan 6) disseminate the information regarding these activities and resultingrecommendations to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles and public meetings.
Lake Management Plan Development
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Issue News/Media Release
Informational Meetings