VILLAGE OF RANDOM LAKE: Random Lake Whole-Treatment


The Village of Random Lake wishes to treat Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) with SONAR. Project elements include 2 SONAR treatments, EffecTEST and FasTEST sampling, 5 years of aquatic plant monitoring, 3 years of lake inspections for the reappearance of EWM, spot treatments with 2,4 D and 3 years of watercraft inspection. Annual reports will be written separately by the consultant and USGS. The annual project reports written by the consultant will include results of all the testing and monitoring, plant survey, EffecTEST, FasTEST, lake reinspections, and spot treatments. Watercraft inspection logs willl be entered into the statewide database. The project deliverables will be: 1) copies of all the test results; 2) two copies of each annual report; 3) a final report to summarize the project and the results of the project and; 4) entering all watercraft inspection data into the statewide database.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Control
Reports and Documents
In 2003, the Village of Random Lake received an Aquatic Invasive Species Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to conduct a demonstration wholelake chemical treatment on Random Lake. The Grant application included the project plan upon which the WDNR treatment permit will be based. That plan, and the subsequent grant, requires extensive monitoring to be conducted: the year prior to treatment, the year of treatment, and three years post treatment. The aquatic plant community and the water quality (Self-Help Volunteer Monitoring Program) are to be monitored.
In 2003, the Village of Random Lake received an Aquatic Invasive Species Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to conduct a demonstration whole lake chemical treatment on Random Lake. The Grant application included the project plan upon which the WDNR treatment permit will be based. That plan, and the subsequent grant, requires extensive monitoring to be conducted: the year prior to treatment, the year of treatment, and three years post treatment. The aquatic plant community and the water quality (Self-Help Volunteer Monitoring Program) are to be monitored.
In 2003, the Village of Random Lake received an Aquatic Invasive Species Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to conduct a demonstration whole lake chemical treatment on Random Lake. The Grant application included the project plan upon which the WDNR treatment permit will be based. That plan, and the subsequent grant, requires extensive monitoring to be conducted: the year prior to treatment, the year of treatment, and three years post treatment. The aquatic plant community and the water quality (Self-Help Volunteer Monitoring Program) are to be monitored.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
ALPT-003-04Random Lake Whole-Treatment
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Monitor Invasive Species
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Monitor Pre and Post Treatment