MCCASLIN LAKE DISTRICT: McCaslin Lake Management Planning


1. Review resource information, past and present management programs and prepare a land use survey. 2. Analyze water quality and sediment conditions. 3. Complete an aquatic macrophyte and hydrographic survey. 4. Perform a watershed analysis and lakemodeling. 5. Develop a comprehensive lake and watershed management plan. 6. Identify needs and the perceived problems of lake district members. 7. Prepare a final report which include tasks 1 - 6 listed above. 8. The grantee will disseminateinformation to the public by entire report mailings, public meetings, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan and a final report presentation. Project results will be reposited at the Land and Water Conservation Department and thepublic Libraries.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
McCaslin Lake is a shallow 7 4-acre lake located in northwestern Marinette County. The lake is moderately developed with 29 cottages and homes located on the shoreline. The property owners of McCaslin Lake have a long history of working to protect and improve their lake, including the formation of a Lake District in 1980. The District contracted with the Marinette County Land & Water Conservation Department (L WCD) in 1995 to produce a comprehensive Lake Management Plan. The purpose of this plan is to explore lake management options and assist the McCaslin Lake District in future management decisions.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
1. Review resource information, past and present management programs and prepare a land use survey. 2. Analyze water quality and sediment conditions. 3. Complete an aquatic macrophyte and hydrographic survey. 4. Perform a watershed analysis and lakemodeling. 5. Develop a comprehensive lake and watershed management plan. 6. Identify needs and the perceived problems of lake district members. 7. Prepare a final report which include tasks 1 - 6 listed above. 8. The grantee will disseminateinformation to the public by entire report mailings, public meetings, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan and a final report presentation. Project results will be reposited at the Land and Water Conservation Department and thepublic Libraries.
Lake Management Plan Development
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment