RICE LAKE P & R DISTRICT: Rice Lake Management Planning


Evaluate past and present weed harvesting programs for their cost effectiveness and impact on fisheries, water quality, and recreational use of the lake.Review current chemical lake weed treatment program. Develop a plan that includes annual costs and an assessment of the impact on the lake's ecology. Conduct an inventory of past and present rural and urban land use practices in the watershed.Prepare a lake management plan. Information will be disseminated to the public by fact sheet, local newpaper articles, public meetings, and the lake management plan.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
LPL-147 (6023-01)
Reports and Documents
The purpose of this Management Plan is to provide the Rice Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District the basis for future planning and action with respect to water quality improvement and recreational use. The District's goals in this plan are to improve water quality, improve depth, decrease weeds, and improve the overall recreation of the lake. The plan was prepared by Ayres Associates, Eau Claire, Wisconsin with funding from the Wisconsin Lake Management Planning Grant Program .
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Evaluate past and present weed harvesting programs for their cost effectiveness and impact on fisheries, water quality, and recreational use of the lake.Review current chemical lake weed treatment program. Develop a plan that includes annual costs and an assessment of the impact on the lake's ecology. Conduct an inventory of past and present rural and urban land use practices in the watershed.Prepare a lake management plan. Information will be disseminated to the public by fact sheet, local newpaper articles, public meetings, and the lake management plan.
Lake Management Plan Development
Data analysis, report production