Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Lakes Planning Report
Information and Education
Grant Awarded
The City of Alma proposes to work with local schools on a long-term project designed to monitor the health of Rieck's Lake and to introduce students and local residents to lake health issues and study methodologies. Project activities would include: 1) Annual lake depth, water quality, sedimentation rate and biological surveys, 2) establishment of a data base of the biotic and abiotic components of Rieck's Lake, 3) collection, study and cataloging of plant and animal species,
4) production and distribution of educational materials in conjunction with local schools and events. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local displays, brochures, art work, photographic records and activities.
Educate and engage residents
Educate and engage residents
CITY OF ALMA: Riecks Lake Adopt-A-Lake