GREEN LAKE SANITARY DISTRICT: Green Lake Water Quality Appraisal Phase 1


The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct a project called the Water Quality Appraisal/2004. The focus is comprehensive water quality appraisal at 2 sites within Green Lake. The protocol is USGS trophic monitoring protocol, to include: 1. 6x /year, sampling events to include profiling, nutrient concentrations 2. Archived data and annual reporting in USGS formal publication 3. Cost sharing from USGS source and GLSD. Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal

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The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct a project called the Water Quality Appraisal/2004. The focus is comprehensive water quality appraisal at 2 sites within Green Lake. The protocol is USGS trophic monitoring protocol, to include: 1. 6x /year, sampling events to include profiling, nutrient concentrations 2. Archived data and annual reporting in USGS formal publication 3. Cost sharing from USGS source and GLSD.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Conducted comprehensive water quality appraisal at 2 sites within Green Lake. The protocol is USGS trophic monitoring protocol, to include: 1. 6x /year, sampling events to include profiling, nutrient concentrations 2. Archived data and annual reporting in USGS formal publication 3. Cost sharing from USGS source and GLSD. Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal