WABENO SANITARY DISTRICT: Trump Lake Management Plan, Phase 2


The WSD, in cooperation with the Trump Lake Association, proposes to continue water quality related investigation in Trump Lake, as recommended in a previous planning grant project. The current project will determine a water budget for Trump Lake; identify existing regulations and planning efforts related to lake use and water quality; determine the nutrient loading from lakeside septic systems; complete a lake nutrient water quality model; conduct a shoreline survey of critical habitat and sensitive shoreline areas; and complete a management plan with recommendations. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
A lake management plan is defined as a working document that describes the activities that have been undertaken and those that should be undertaken, which will result in the optimum use and enjoyment of the lake and surrounding land area without adverse impacts on that water body. This lake management plan was prepared at the request of the Wabeno Sanitary District No. 1, the Town of Wabeno, and the Trump Lake Association. The plan was developed in sequence, following the initial water quality study completed in 1999. The previous work was documented in the report Trump Lake Study Report, June 1999. This study and plan focused on Trump Lake's water quality and an evaluation to determine the potential impact that surrounding land uses may have on the lake's water quality. This initial report evaluated private sanitary systems and their potential impact on the regions water quality. As part of the earlier study report, a water quality sampling program was performed to determine the lake's trophic status (water quality indicator), a sanitary survey was distributed to all property owners within the Trump lake area to determine the potential impact of private sanitary systems on the water quality of the lake and soil borings were completed to determine the suitability of soils for conventional septic systems, and an analysis of the lake's watershed was completed. Since that report was completed, additional soil borings were taken, a shoreline survey was completed, and the groundwater flow path was determined from piezometer readings. The following highlight the conclusions of the studies and the recommendations to the Wabeno Sanitary District No. 1
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The WSD, in cooperation with the Trump Lake Association, proposes to continue water quality related investigation in Trump Lake, as recommended in a previous planning grant project. The current project will determine a water budget for Trump Lake; identify existing regulations and planning efforts related to lake use and water quality; determine the nutrient loading from lakeside septic systems; complete a lake nutrient water quality model; conduct a shoreline survey of critical habitat and sensitive shoreline areas; and complete a management plan with recommendations. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.
Lakes Planning Grant
Hydrologic Budget Development
Water Quality Modeling
Nutrient Budget Development
Lake Management Plan Development
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Informational Meetings
Issue News/Media Release