Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Lakes Planning Report
Grant Awarded
The Village of Oxford includes major portions of Oxford and Neenah Lake drainage area. The Village desires to complete a storm water management plan in order to protect the Lakes from sediment and nutrient pollution. Activities included in Phase 1 include background data collection, coordination of meetings, field reconniscance, inventory existing drainage facilities, define the watershed, categorize present and future land uses, ID existing biological communities and conduct stormwater modeling. These components will be developed into a preliminary stormwater management report: 1) All existing data, maps, information and interview results, 2) Watershed map with subwatershed/subbasins/ and drainage patterns, 3) Sewer and stormwater data, 4) Secchi readings on lakes, 5) Maps of existing and future land use, 6) Watershed inventory of soils, wetlands and surface waters, 7) Inventory of biological communities of significance, and 8) Modelling of stormwater quantity under present and proposed land uses with alternative BMPs evaluated. The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by news release, preliminary report, final report presentation and report mailings.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation