PHANTOM LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: Phantom Lake Management Plan-Phase 1


Preparation of a lake management plan for the Phantom Lakes. Project Goals: 1)update and quantify the description of existing conditions. 2)Identify existing and potential future water quality. 3)Assess the degree and intensity of recreational water use. 4)assess the response of aquatic plants in the Lakes to external nutrient loads and the impact. 5)formulate appropriate management actions. This is the first phase of project. Phantom Lakes Mgt. District will hold an informational meeting during the planning program to inform interested persons of the studies and update lake mgt. plan recommendations.

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Preparation of a lake management plan for the Phantom Lakes. Project Goals: 1)update and quantify the description of existing conditions. 2)Identify existing and potential future water quality. 3)Assess the degree and intensity of recreational water use. 4)assess the response of aquatic plants in the Lakes to external nutrient loads and the impact. 5)formulate appropriate management actions. This is the first phase of project. Phantom Lakes Mgt. District will hold an informational meeting during the planning program to inform interested persons of the studies and update lake mgt. plan recommendations.
Lake Management Plan Development