TWIN LAKES CONSERVANCY INC: Twin Lakes Appraisal & Leader Dev Phase 1b


The Twin Lakes Conservancy proposes to conduct a Lake History and Lake Appraisal project in phases. Phase 1b- This phase will include an aquatic plant survey (rake method) and management plan, a social survey regarding land/lake use, leadership development actions, and creation of a public I&E initiative to include an organizational brochure, shoreland management guidance packet, and one year of quarterly newsletters. Deliverables to include plant survey and management plan, social survey results report, report of leader development actions, a shoreland management guidance packet and a report summarizing public events and educational actions taken. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application. Amendment #1adds a feasibility assessment of a conservation easement acquisition on the Martinez property along Twin Lakes.

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The Twin Lakes Conservancy proposes to conduct a Lake History and Lake Appraisal project in phases. Phase 1b- This phase will include an aquatic plant survey (rake method) and management plan, a social survey regarding land/lake use, leadership development actions, and creation of a public I&E initiative to include an organizational brochure, shoreland management guidance packet, and one year of quarterly newsletters. Deliverables to include plant survey and management plan, social survey results report, report of leader development actions, a shoreland management guidance packet and a report summarizing public events and educational actions taken. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application. Amendment #1adds a feasibility assessment of a conservation easement acquisition on the Martinez property along Twin Lakes.
Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Social Survey of Residents or Users